Sunday, January 21, 2024

Lord's Day Devotion - Unshakeable Relationship (Hebrews 2)

 Jesus came to bring,

"many sons to glory..." (Hebrews 2:10),


"made them holy because they are of the same family" (Hebrews 2:11).

Jesus did this through His death and resurrection and the faith a believer has to accept this gift of salvation, creating an unshakeable relationship with Him.

Take a look at the word relationship.  This is being connected with two or more people.  It could be with a church group, your own family, or school or work mates.

Think of a family tree.  Sketch in your ancestors as far back as you know off hand:  parents, grand and great-grandparents, and so on.  Then your own siblings, their spouses and descendants.  Generally you draw lines from person to person before, after and between you.  These lines represent relationship.

Some relationships can be very conflicted and even such get passed on from generation to generation if we are not aware of it and do something to change the pattern.  For instance, a father and son may not thrive well together.  This will affect the relationship of the son with his son and so on.  If you look back, you may see that the father hadn't done well with his father.

In a more healthy relationship there will be trust, honesty, respect, communication, acts of kindness, grace, mercy, forgiveness and words like, "I love you" and "I'm sorry" and "I forgive you," among a great list of other good behaviors and words.

Among friends, this connection can be broken.  However, with family you are always the son or daughter of your parents even if they disown you, go away themselves or send you away.  It absolutely does not change the fact of the relationship connection.  You are still their child and they are still your parents - for better or for worse.

As noted, these relationships can be shaky and sadly you may not be able to trust each other or have all those other good relational actions.  All is not lost though.

A relationship with Jesus will hold strong, firm and unshakeable.  This is His offer and it never changes even if we drift away or are  not happy with Him.  He'll always be there for you.

There will always be truth because Jesus is Truth.  You can always trust Him because He never changes.  He loves you 100% - He proved it to you by dying on the cross to reconcile you back to God.  

Will you love Him back?  Will you build that relationship with Him?  Jesus is not ashamed to have you as His child and will never let you go once you belong to Him.

As followers of Jesus Christ who come before the Lord's Table on any given Lord's Day, let's remember what Jesus has done for us in bringing us into His Father's house, making us His forever sons and daughters in everlasting and loving relationship with Him.  Take the broken bread and drink of the cup of wine in remembrance of His act of loving-kindness to us.  It is comforting to know this relationship is unshakeable and that He will never leave us nor forsake us (see Hebrews 13:5).

Jesus, Friend Unfailing, I love you and I trust you because You first loved me.  Thank You for being my Savior and a friend I can trust.  I want to build an unshakeable relationship with You.  Help me.  I ask in Your name, Amen.

                                                     ~ERC  January 2024~

Based on Hebrews 2:9-13.

Sing, Jesus Friend Unfailing How Dear Thou Art to Me, along with St. Matthews Church.

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