Saturday, January 13, 2024

Book Review - Trans-Mongolian Express - By David L. Robbins - Publication Date: 15 January 2024


Who would have thought a train ride could have so much drama!  Never a dull moment of intense happening.  Dr Lara, Anton, Timur, Bjorn, Gang and Bat, among other characters, board that Trans-Monogolian Express to their peril.

David L. Robbins crafts such a delicious spine-chilling, thrilling tale centered around the catalyst of Chernobyl reactors and therefore things nuclear.  Some of the technical-related jargon may cause some to become bogged down like it did for me.  I confess I skimmed over that but since the rest of the narrative spews, sparks and spawns mystery and secret puzzles to solve, it was easy enough to overlook and reconnect with the drama.  I suspect physicists and those in related to nuclear terminology will likely find extra interest in this thriller.

I loved Robbins' many bursts of unusual turnout of words.  For instance, instead of saying a character shook so-an-so's hand, the tweak was, "he took his hand for a shake," almost as if "he took his dog for a walk".   Of course, it's better seen in context.   I'd love to list more but I'll refrain.  Ha, ha, you'll just have to board that train for yourself.

The only reticence I have about this book is that some readers may not like to read about intimate bedroom scenes.

                                                 ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                             September 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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