Saturday, January 6, 2024

Lord's Day Devotion - Fully Man (Hebrews 2:14-18)

"Since the children have flesh and blood, He too shared in their  humanity ... For this reason He had to be made like His brothers in every way ... yet was without sin" (Hebrews 2:14, 17 and 4:15).

Jesus became a human being just like us with one BIG difference - He was without sin.

To God be the glory that though Jesus is fully God, He is also fully man.  Praise the Lord!

A potential employee generally goes for an interview.  He wants to find out more about the job he may be doing and how much he'll be paid.  The potential employer wants to know if this is the best candidate for the job description.  The employer chooses the 'best one' for the job.

God sent Jesus to Earth because He was the 'best one' for a job.  The job was to be punished for the sins of humankind.  But Jesus had to come as a human being to accomplish this job.  God is a Spirit and invisible.  Jesus was fully human and visible.

How do we know He was fully man?  He got tired and slept in a boat; He got hungry when He fasted 40 days; He had a human mother.  He got tempted - yet without sin.  He got thirsty when on the cross.  He even felt pain and suffering.  Jesus felt all these things that showed He was fully human, except, I repeat, for the BIG difference - He never sinned.  This was because He was also fully God.

Only this perfect One could break the power of sin, death and Satan.  Praise Jesus who died for you.  Ponder on this, this Lord's Day ...

Jesus was fully human but never sinned so He could die for your and my sins.

Reach for the bread and wine of remembrance, partake and drink with gratitude and thanksgiving for all Jesus has done for you through His coming to Earth and His death and resurrection.  

Sing praise...

Father God, thank You for sending Jesus - the perfect One - as fully human, to die for my sins and the sins of the "whosoever will".  I thank You that Jesus has become my Savior and I'm able to build a relationship with Him that's unshakeable.  

In Jesus' name I give you my thanks and praise.


                                                     ~ERC January 2024~

Based on Hebrews 2:14-18; Hebrews 4:15; Matthew 1:25; 16:21.

Sing, Surely This Must Be the Son of God, along with First Baptist Moultrie.

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