Friday, January 26, 2024

The Empathizing Jesus (Hebrews 4)


When someone listens to us we feel they have empathized with our feelings, that they have shared in our feelings, understood and cared about us.  It really touches the inner sanctums of our souls.  It helps lighten our world of turmoil, chaos and pain.

They may even have shared some joyful times too like at a marriage or baptism.  When we were sad, they were sad along with us.  When we cried perhaps they too shed tears having asked themselves, "How would I feel in similar circumstances?"  When we were happy, they rejoiced with us.

Not all human beings are good at this though.  They may wish they were better empathizers but for some reason, they just couldn't even though they tried.  Let me introduce Jesus.  He is the perfect empathizer.  Although He is fully God, He is also fully humankind.  He knows, understands and feels what we feel.  He truly does and He truly cares!

We can confidently go to Him telling Him our whole sad, bad and glad stories.  He is the best friend we could ever have.  He listens.  He cares.  He understands.  He empathizes 100%.

So talk to Him.

Oh Jesus, Friend unfailing, how dear You are to me.  You care and You know all about our sorrows and joys.  Thank You for being ever ready to listen.  You are so good and kind.  It is enough to lighten my burden.  Thank You for Your constant empathy.  Amen.

                                                       ~ ERC  January 2024 ~

Based on Hebrews 4:14-16 and Romans 12:15.

Sing, Does Jesus Care, along with Gaither Music.

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