Thursday, February 1, 2024

Cry Out Your Lament

Do you wish you could really cry out and complain to the Lord?  Well, you can, you know.  Create your own lament and cry it out to Him.  The Old Testament writers did.

Look at Psalm 13 and have a read.  There's David making a complaint to the Lord.  He's calling out to Him.  Then He tells the LORD his pain and frustrations.  He proceeds to ask God for help as he trusts in the LORD's unfailing love.  He then affirms his trust in the LORD and sings His praises, ending his lament not in a disgruntled whine but on a positive note.

He is confident that the LORD has heard him and leaves it with Him.  

Jeremiah has a whole book of laments in the Bible, called Lamentations.  How long will the Lord let the evil go on unchecked?  Lord, are you going to do anything about it?

We could say the same with the war between the Ukraine and Russia, or with Hamas and Israel, or with the rebel gangs in Goma, Congo terrorizing the people and elsewhere; how long will You let it go on, Lord?!  So much misery, death and injury!  When will it all stop?  

Back to our own individual lives?  What are your pains, sorrows, irritations?  Write them out in your journal, keep them private or share with a trusted friend.  The Lord carried all our sorrows and was familiar with human suffering.  He knows.  He cares.  He empathizes.

It's ok, talk to Him. 

 Cry out your lament.

                                                        ~ERC  February 2024~

Based on Psalm 13.
Sing, How Long, O Lord, How Long, along with  Sovereign Grace.

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