Sunday, January 28, 2024

Lord's Day Devotion - Just a Touch


That poor woman had had an issue of blood, meaning she was 'subject to bleeding' for twelve years.  Any woman who has experienced her monthly flow, can well imagine in small part what a constant, non-stop flow of twelve years' worth that would be like.

This lady was desparate, sick, poor, likely depressed, feeling shame since such an ailment would have deemed her unclean and therefore, a social reject.  She'd have to stay away from people and they would avoid her at all costs.

How utterly in despair she must have been!  Yet, there was a faint glimmer of hope on her horizon.  Even the rumors and outright stories of Jesus miraculously healing people must have trickled down to her ears.  She'd have to see for herself, so she would.  Oh how she hoped to be healed!

She made her way through the packed crowds, reached out and - just a touch - yes, she thought, - just a touch - of the hem of His garment.  

Instant healing!

She knew it.  She could feel it and so she began to melt away into the throngs of humanity.

Her physical conditon had healed but was that all there was to it?

Jesus didn't let her disappear to only physical healing.  He called her back.  He was busy but He made time to go after the wounds and pain in her heart that needed healing.  All that shame and rejection had beaten and battered her heart, soul, spirit and mind for that dozen of years; He carried those sorrows too.

It was a social taboo for her to have squished herself through those crowds.  What's more to even touch someone - even the hem of a garment - was far worse.  Her uncleaness would 'infect' those with whom she came into contact.  Those people would not be very happy about it either.  Multiplying that to even purposely touching a man not one's husband, was equally anathema.  How could she have done this to Jesus!?

So she, 

"...came and fell at His feet, and trembling with fear, told Him the whole truth" (Mark 5:33) [emphasis mine].

All the pain and misery of the past twelve years poured out.  Her social isolation, the shame, the wounds of rejection, desparation, the loneliness, the illness itself, her destitution, the "whole truth".  Jesus took the time to stop and listen to it all.

Oh, the words of assurance Jesus then speaks to her, speaks volumes,

"Daughter, your faith has healed you.  Go in peace and be freed from your suffering" (Mark 5:34) [emphasis mine].

What impact Jesus' words must have had, like anointing oil that ran down over Aaron the high priest's head, even onto his collar and beard (see Psalm 133:2 & Exodus 33:22-29).  The oil of consecration, unity, and blessing; soothing and healing.  That precious soothing oil of joy.

First, Jesus called her, "Daughter".  He healed her socially and culturally - He brought her back into family; He accepted her into relationship.

Faith was the next word mentioned - what a marvelous thing faith sparks off.  "It only takes a spark to get a fire going" states one line of a song.  Jesus rewarded her faith.  That glimmer of hope she'd had - that modicum the size of a mustard seed, enough despite the faintness, yet the persistance to follow through procured her healing.

She hadn't openly asked for healing because of shame and cultural inhabitions but faith nevertheless, fueled her action to reach out to Jesus for healing.  Jesus graciously tells her,

 "Go in peace, your suffering is over".

You and I can reach for just such a breakthrough to heal our hearts too.  Isaiah wanted us to know this about Jesus,

"Surely He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows ... by His wounds we are healed" (Isaiah 53:4 & 5).

Read those words again. 

 Besides our transgressions and iniquities, Jesus took up our infirmities.  Those infirmities that create so much sorrow in our lives, emotionally, mentally and even spiritually, - holistically healed.  Jesus doesn't leave us hanging.

He carried our sorrows.  Weep, dear reader, weep.  He weeps with us.  Pour out your whole story, truthfully to Him.  Does your story carry shame and stigma?  Tell Him.  Go ahead, pour it all out.  Weep.  Jesus weeps with us (see John 11:35).  He is truly touched with the feeling our our infirmities.  He sympathizes and empathizes with us (see Hebrews 4;15).

How do you think Jesus would respond to your whole truth?

Be healed.  Let your suffering be over.  Find rest, hope, peace, reassurance, and healed heart wounds.  Let your suffering be over.

Even if you only feel a minute glimmer of hope with that shard of faith, push yourself, symbolically, through the crowds for - just a touch - and tell Jesus your whole story.

Father God, thank You for loving me so much You sent Jesus to die, not just for my transgressions and iniquities but for my sorrows and heart wounds as well.  

Jesus, You carried my sorrows from my brokeness of sin and others' sins against me and even just because of The Fall.  You brought me healing and joy.  As I partake of the broken bread this Lord's Day morning and drink from the cup of wine with other such believers, I thank You for listening to my whole story and any other stories to come and the for the faith to believe in You and Your healing, even when it is only to reach out to You with - just a touch.

In Your name Lord Jesus, I give You my grateful praise.  Amen.

                                             ~ERC  January 2024~

Based on Mark 5:25-34.

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