Friday, January 19, 2024

He Provides

 Have you ever looked at what all God our Jehovah Jireh Provider provides?  Here's a short random list in no particular order that I've come across lately.  No doubt you could add more.

The Lord provides the strength and the way out. 

He provides His faithfulness.  He provides the reminding of how He has been faithful in the difficult past so we can go through the difficult present.  

He provides possibilites.

He provides His goodness.  

He provides His protection.

He provides His salvation.

He provides His authority.

He provides our freedom in Christ.

He provides answers to our prayers.

He provides shelter and a home in God's house He is in charge of.  

He provides love because God is love.

He provides family.

He provides company when I am lonely because His presence is always with me.  

He provides our individual unique paths in order for us to bring the message of Jesus to others.

He provides unshakeable hope.

He provides deep compassion for us to share out to others and to keep some for ourselves.

He provides spiritual children.

He provides an Everlasting Father.

He provides a Wonderful Counselor.

He provides the shaping of character even when, and especially when we must wait (usually unbearably long) for something to happen.  He provides the faith and patience to wait and continue in prayer without neglecting the present, faithfully continuing until the light is green.  

He provides good things for you.

He provides opportunities to learn patience.

He provides wise timing.

He provides freedom from fear.

He provides courage for tasks that could be daunting and/or dangerous (but legal).

He provides harvest to harvest.

He provides relief from pain of loss.

Maybe some day I will add more to this list.

I wonder what you have have come up with...

Let us be glad and rejoice in our God who gives perfect gifts.  Our heavenly Father's hospitality is the best.

                                                  ~ERC  January 2024~

Sing, Jehovah Jireh, along with Christian Worship.

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