Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Superior to All (Hebrews 1:6)

 It would be pretty startling if an angel suddenly appeared in your bedroom, don't you think?  Most Bible times characters were terrified when they met one.  Mary must have had nerves of steel and resolution when Gabriel showed up with the message of Jesus' birth through her.  It was noted by a preacher I recently listened to that the Bible doesn't record that she was afraid of the angel.

These days people generally think of angels as wonderfully, magnificient creatures that they'd love to encounter.  Granted, angels have helped many people, whether we realize it or not.  Sadly, some people worship angels instead of God.  Angels are beings created by God just like we human beings have been.  

So look at what Hebrews 1:6 says,

"...When God brings His firstborn" (meaning Jesus) " into the world, He says, "Let all Gods angels worship Him".

So if angels are supposed to worship Jesus, that means Jesus is even greater than angels.  We call that being 'superior' or 'supreme'.  Jesus is the highest in rank, He is very great, in fact.  He is the greatest of all; our Supreme Leader.  Furthermore, He is the Head of all things, and King of the unshakeable Kingdom of God!

He is head over all He created.  He's head over all visible things like trees, clouds, birds, and people.  He's head over all invisible things like angels (unless God lets us see them); wind and gravity.

With gravity, you can't see it but you know its force especially when you step on the scale to weigh yourself.  He also keeps us from flying off the surface of the Earth and holds everything together by His might!

What is your response to all that?

Let us worship Him like the angels do because Jesus is Superior over all things.

Jesus, You are our God!  We bow before you because You are Superior to all.  Our Supreme Lord who is over all, and even angels worship You!  You are Head and King in the unshakeable kingdom and worthy of all our glory, honor and praise.  We love You because You first loved us.  Blessed be Your name, Lord Jesus!  


                                                       ~ERC  December 2023~

Based on Hebrews 1:6; Colossians 1:15-20.

Sing, Colossians 1:16-17, along with Seeds Family Worship.

Some further links to check out:

Morning Musings - Superior Ministry - Part 1

Morning Musings - Superior Ministry - Part 2

Morning Musings - Jesus Our Perfect High Priest

Morning Musings - Greater Than >

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