Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Morning Musings-GREATER Than >

  Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

In times past God spoke to us through His prophets whom we can 'meet' in the Old Testament and even in the likes of John the Baptist.  Then Jesus came.  Jesus, God's one and only Son.  Now we hear Jesus speak to us.  The Son, Jesus, "is the exact representation of God's being," He is the "radiance of God's glory" so we learn in Hebrews 1.  He is God.  So it is very safe to say that Jesus is GREATER than the prophets and even John the Baptist.

Human beings are great.  We've been made in the image of God (see Genesis 1:27).  But, as human beings, we fail miserably.  Jesus had to provide "purification for sins";  our sins!  He did this through His death and resurrection. The prophecy of Isaiah 53:10-11 has been fulfilled:  Jesus's suffering; poured out His life; numbered with the transgressors; bore our sin, the sin of transgressors.  Now His work is done and He sits at the "right hand of the Majesty in heaven"; God, His Father.   Again, it is very safe to say that Jesus is GREATER than human beings.

Everybody loves angels.  We are often mesmerized by the idea of them.  Some people have even seen them and/or been helped by them in some miraculous ways. They are good and mighty creatures.  Yes, you read that correctly..."creatures".  They are created beings as are human beings.  They are bigger and stronger than human beings  (just read some of the things they can do in the book of Revelation).

Angels worship God.  They are His servants (winds and flames of fires).  They work on God's behalf to bring people to Christ; "ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation" (Hebrews 1:14).  Messages spoken by these good angels are binding (Hebrews 2:2).  Yet, Jesus was given preeminence over all (Matthew 28:18 and John 13:3).  

God and His Son Jesus are one.  Jesus is God.  (John 10:30 and John 17:21).  We see also here in Hebrews 1:8, that the son, Jesus, is addressed as God.  It is more than safe to say Jesus is GREATER than angels!! 

 Praise God for He is great and so is His Son, Jesus Christ!  He is GREATER than any other.  Let us join the angels and worship Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord for He is God.

                                                                   ~ERC  2016~

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