Sunday, December 17, 2023

Enduring Spiritual Kingdom

 What is a Kingdom?  It's a domain over which a king reigns.  Kings and kingdoms come and go.  A stronger king overthrows a weaker one and on and on it goes.

Nowadays there are not too many kingdoms left in the world.  The kingdom of Brunei Darussalem on the island of Borneo is such a one.  The Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah (for short) has been reigning for about 57 years.  Yet, he is growing older and his son will likely eventually take over.

By contrast, the Kingdom of God is an enduring kingdom as is its king, Jesus.  His kingdom will last for ever.

"The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He will reign for ever and ever." (Revelation 11:15).

This word of God states the kingdom belongs to God and Christ.  What's more, it'll last "for ever and ever".

This kingdom of God cannot be seen with our physical eyes because it is a spiritual kingdom.  It may be difficult to understand this but know that Jesus is the kingdom and all followers of Jesus Christ are part of God's unshakeable kingdom.

God reigns supreme and sovereign and His kingdom is secure, safe and strong.  Nothing and no one can beat it down nor destroy it.  Satan and His minions may fiercely try by persecuting and harassing the people of God and even if a follower of Jesus succumbs to this pressure, the kingdom and its king will still stand firm and unshakeable.

A believer in Jesus is under the authority of King Jesus in this Kingdom of God.  Let us each bow to Him in reverence and awe while here on earth, doing His will in His kingdom and helping to extend His territory.  It will be action that endures for ever and ever and be of great enduring value.  Our God reigns!

Father God, in love you extended your kingdom to include those who have accepted Jesus as Savior.  You made Jesus to be Your King.  Thank You for the everlasting life You've given us who believe so that we could become His subjects in His enduring Kingdom ruled by the enduring King Jesus.

No matter who or what tries to destroy Your Kingdom, we are very grateful to know nothing can break it down.  May Your kingdom come and Your will be done.

In our enduring Jesus' name we give You our thanks.  Amen.

                                              ~ERC  December 2023~

Based on Revelation 11:15 NIV.

Sing, Holy City, along with Celtic Tenors, National Concert Hall, Dublin.

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