Sunday, December 24, 2023

First Things First

 What are you actively seeking for in life?  Do you have a point, purpose or goal?  What is the first, most important one on your bucket list?  Is it this...

"But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness..." (Matthew 6:33 NIV)?

There are two things to seek.  First is God's kingdom and secondly, His righteousness.

We may tend to be glad to focus on the second part of this verse while glossing over the first imperative...

"...and all these things will be given unto you as well..." (Matthew 6:33).

Yes, its' nice to get rewards, privileges, our rights and encouragements but what about tending to first things first - responsibilities.  In this case, the responsibilities of a follower of Jesus Christ.  Of course to become a follower, one needs to begin the 'seeking'.  Then one must continue the seeking.  

I don't think it's as difficult as looking for a needle in a haystack even though this is a spiritual kingdom that cannot be seen with our physical eyes, ironic as that may sound.

When we seek to live a righteous life - the life that pleases the Lord by being obedient to His will as found in the Scriptures - that is, seeking Him and His kingdom.  Good kingdom living is in part, being kind to one another, loving them, forgiving them and so on, and is all part of this righteousness.

Repenting of our wrongs, growing our faith and trust in the Lord; being fearless so we can have courage to tell others the good news of salvation and of Jesus and His unshakeable kingdom is the purpose and goal of this two-pronged, intertwined seeking.  We can also talk to the Lord in prayer.  This is how we can live righteously in His kingdom.  Seek it until you find it.

Heavenly Father, we your children want to seek you with our whole heart, soul, spirit and mind in order to live righteously in Your unshakeable, enduring kingdom.  You never fail but we often do.  Thank You therefore, for Your Holy Spirit who helps us with all this to please You.  May we each put first things first for Your kingdom.  Help all my  family, friends and neighbors to find You too.

In Jesus' name I ask, Amen.

                                                 ~ERC  December 2023~

Based on Matthew 6;33 NIV.

Sing, Seek Ye First, along with the Maranatha Singers.

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