Tuesday, December 12, 2023

The Sheep Dogs


"Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever" (Psalm 23:6 NIV).

No fear, God's goodness and love is with us during our lifespan and then for all eternity with Him in His house.

The comfort and assurance David had springs out to us too as we read and ponder upon his penned words.  Sometimes our lives may seem to be 'the pits' instead of the cherries.  But no, God gives us His word as otherwise.

We can sing to Him with a song of praise with a grateful heart.  As my Dad liked to describe it:   'Goodness' and 'Mercy' (or 'Love') are two sheep dogs the shepherd (see vs 1) employs throughout our lifetime even in the midst of dark valleys and in the presence of enemies.

HIS presence is with us and so Goodness and Mercy dog our heels too, all through our days and will never let us out of 'their' sight.  Upon our passing from this earth and the release our spirits and souls have from our earthy bodies, we will dwell in His house - forever.  There is no gap or time lapse - it'll be instantaneous, so we need fear no evil.

Lord Jesus, You are our Good Shepherd and we give You thanks for Your presence which is with us all our days and into our eternity with You at the end of our earthly toils and troubles and joys.  What confidence and comfort You give us with these words!

What's more!  Your 'sheep dogs', Goodness and Mercy, follow us and keep us in the right pasture and following after You as Your goodness, love and mercy are poured out in showers of blessing and hope upon us.  

Thank-You, Good Shepherd.

In Your name Lord Jesus, we give Your our praise and thanksgiving.

                                             ~ERC  November 2023~

Based on Psalm 23:1-6, especially v. 6.

Sing, Psalm 23 (The Lord's My Shepherd), along with New Scottish Hymns.

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