Friday, December 29, 2023

Always the Same (Hebrews 1:12)

 "I the LORD do not change..." (Malachi 3:6).

Our Lord Jesus is always the same.

This is good for us.  Jesus doesn't need to change because He is already perfect.  In fact we're told He "remains the same" (see Hebrews 1:2) and is the "same yesterday and today and forever" (see Hebrews 13:8).  Isn't this good news!

This, especially since people change all the time, sometimes for better and sometimes for worse.  The good kind of change is when we remember to become humble like a child and come to Jesus our unshakeable, unchangeable King of Kings and become part of His unshakeable Kingdom of God.

At times it may seem that He does change, that He forgets us but that isn't true.  When Jesus is silent it's like an invitation for us to seek Him first and more diligently (I read this from an online commentary).  Jesus is still there - never changing and always faithful.  He wants you to look for Him - like playing hide-and-seek.  Seek until you find our Jesus who never changes and is alwys the same.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus who is always the same.  We can trust and rely on Him even when good and bad changes happen in our lives.  Help me to change to be more like Him.  

In Jesus' name I ask, Amen.

                                                     ~ERC December 2023~

Based on Hebrews 1:12; 13:8; and Malachi 3:6.

Sing, You Changeth Not, along with Charly C. MusiQ, Nigeria.


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