Monday, December 18, 2023

Change and Childlike


Do you want to get into God's enduring, unshakeable Kingdom?  Here's what Jesus said you'll need to do...

"I tell you the truth unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven" (see Matthew 18:2 NIV).

According to this verse, in order to get into the Kingdom of God, change is needed.  The needed change is to beome childlike.

Being humble, innocent and sincere and trusting are seen as being "childlike".  As adults we often have difficulty attaining these virtues.  Overcoming our pride, excuses and reasonings to bow to the King of kings and accept His salvation takes childlike behavior.  Therefore, putting all inhibitions aside, let us change our stance so we can remove the obstacles that would prevent us from coming humbly to Christ and becoming part of the Kingdom of God.

Humbly admit to being a sinner.  All that lying cheating, conniving and the host of unwholesome behavior needs to be repented of.  Repent and say sorry to God for it all; name them one-by-one.  Jesus will wash them all away with His blood, which was shed on the cross.  He gave His life for you.  Yet, up from the grave He arose, triumphant over sin, death and hell.  He will forgive you and bring you instantly into His Kingdom.  He invites you to come.

All of this because you chose to change and become like a child.

Praise the one who died for you and set you free!

Father God, we cannot thank-You enough for the salvation we can have through Your Son Jesus Christ who is the King in Your Kingdom.  Help those struggling with pride and other sins to change, become humbly childlike to the point of accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  I ask in Jesus' name, Amen.

                                                 ~ERC  December 2023~

Based on Matthew 18:2-5 NIV.

Sing, With Simple Faith, along with Matt Boswell and Matt Papa.

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