Monday, June 27, 2016

Morning Musings-Superior Ministry Part 1

  Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

Jesus's ministry in the "true tabernacle set up by the Lord" (verse 2 of Hebrews 8:1-13) is a "superior" one to the old covenant that God had with His people of Israel.  This makes the old way of relating to God "obsolete and aging" (vs 13).  The old had served its purpose in being "a copy and shadow of what was in heaven." You see, a visual aid had been needed for a 'hands on' experience since we frail human beings can't always comprehend the divine. God is gracious and merciful.

An important point to interject here in regards to the "superiority of Jesus's ministry is that  which cannot be emphasized enough.  Jesus completed His work, once for all, for all people, for all their sins, for all time since then til now and into eternity.  That is why verse 1 mentions that Jesus Our High Priest "sat down."  His work is completely finished.  He gets to sit. What a great place He gets to sit too; "the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven."

Now is the time when God's laws are written on men's hearts and minds; not on the tablets of stone (i.e. as were the 10 Commandments for the Israelites of Old Testament times).  The Holy Spirit Who is given to all who accept Jesus Christ as Savior and High Priest of God, aids and abets us to recall to mind, in a more instinctive manner (engraving in a spiritual DNA-concept) and so follow God's will and ways in a more natural outpouring of our lives rather than of a check list of obligations to fear and follow.  We are God's people together with the "chosen of Israel" to live, love and serve the one true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent and Who is our faithful High Priest, "made perfect forever." Follow Him.

                                                               ~ERC  2016~

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