Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Morning Musings-Jesus, Our Perfect High Priest

 Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

High priests of Old Testament caliber were not self-designated; they were selected.  They were "called by God," we learn from Hebrews 5:1-14 (especially vs 4).  They had several duties.  Among those duties was the all important one, that of representing the people "in matters related to God" (vs 1).  He was to also "offer gifts and sacrifices for sins" (vs1).

These high priests were to "deal gently" with the populace of Israel and be aware that they themselves have weaknesses every bit as much as the people.  From this we ascertain the reason for
offering up the sacrifices for sin.  The high priest must offer for his own sinful deeds first and only then for those of the people's.  He must do both.

When Jesus came along, He too did not chose Himself.  God chose Him (vs 4-6, 10).  He was, and still is, our perfect High Priest.  He was without sin yet He fulfilled all righteousness (Matthew 3:15):  in baptism; in obedience to God, His Father; learned obedience from suffering; and was reverently submissive (vs 7-10) to God.

Jesus acquitted Himself with perfection.  Therefore God could choose His Son Jesus to be our High Priest; to be our "source of eternal salvation for all who obey Him" (vs9, 10).

Jesus differed from the earthly high priests in that He had NO sin and as a result He did not have to offer up even one sacrifice for His own sins.  This is why Jesus offering of Himself as our sacrifice is so fulfilling and satisfying to God (Isaiah 53:11) and it "sticks", so to speak.  Jesus is our "source of eternal salvation" (vs 9).

Jesus is GREATER than and better than the high priests of yore.

The Hebrews to whom this letter was written knew all this.  Sad to say they hadn't matured in their faith and spiritual life despite Jesus's perfect sacrifice for them.  They were rebuked for still needing "spoon feeding".

They should have been mature "meat eaters" by this time.  They should have "trained themselves with God's Word" by "constant use" thereof.  They should have been able to distinguish good from evil" but they could not.  They should have been able to internalize God's Word, with God's help, by this time and in turn be of help to others.  They could not. 

Are we any better?  We need to examine ourselves in this.  If not, why not?  Parents like to see their children grow and mature.  God does too.

In 1 Peter 2:9 we read that we who are in Christ (those who have that eternal salvation) are "a chosen people, a royal priesthood...belonging to God."  I conclude from this that each individual who belongs to God is a priest; not only that, but "a royal" one (we are children of the King Most High).  The emphasis here in this writing  is to focus on the priesthood.  We are to be interceding for those who are still in their sins. We can never make atonement for anyone but we can pray for those not yet "in Christ" and be Christ-like in our attitudes, character and conduct so that through us, others will be attracted to Christ and become God's children along with us.  Point others to Jesus.

We have the responsibility to mature from the moment of salvation to the time Jesus calls us to heaven; be it through our own death or by 'rapture' (read more about rapture from an earlier blog). 

It is our obligation to mature in our Christian life and faith as we need to teach others of God's will and ways (vs12).  Grow up!  We ought to be teachers..."in matters relating to God" (vs 1).  So let's get on with the job:  mature and teach.  Point others to Jesus Christ.  This is our priestly duty in honor of Jesus our perfect High Priest.  He sacrificed so much for us, will we for Him?

                                                              ~ERC  2016~

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