Tuesday, December 5, 2023

The Bought Bride Behavior

 In many cultures brides are bought.  Sometimes the payment is with the buffalo 'currency,' or with jewelry, and/or cash, among other things.  God bought a bride for His Son Jesus.  Look at the following verses...

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?  You are not your own; you were bought at a price.  Therefore honor God with your bodies" (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV).

All believers in Jesus Christ have been bought with the price of His life and blood.  He then made us each a temple of His Holy Spirit.  This 'seal' or sign that we belong to Him would be like our engagement ring.  Because of this we must honor Him with our bodies.

Reading these two verses in context of the previous verses shows us that there had been sexual sins, which is sin against ones own body.  These things should not be allowed by us for the BIG reason that our bodies are now NOT our own but belong to the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, we do not have a right to be mastered by sexual sins or any other type of sin or influence.  Jesus is our Lord and Master and we need to honor God by what we do and allow ourselves to be involved in.

If you want to see this from ancient times and "old fashioned" cultural practices, the buying of a bride then means she belongs not just to the groom but also his family who have dibs on her.  She will become part of this new family and they can treat her however they wish, whether for good or bad.  She may even have to have severed ties with her own family.

When we relate this to the Christian life, we indeed need to sever ties with all that old life without Christ.  We, the bride of Christ, now belong to God's family and need to behave in Christlike manner with good Christian living as seen in the Bible; especially in the New Testament.

He is not harsh.  He is caring, loving and a good, good Father.  Jesus our groom, is just like that too.  When we keep this in mind along with His having bought us at such a costly cost, then out of love and gratitude, let us allow the Holy Spirit to help us to live a life that honors God with our bodies.

Father in Heaven, You are our good, good Father.  You love us and care about us and when You brought us into Your family through the costly price of Jesus' death and resurrection, as the Bride of Christ, we give You our thanks.  We realize, in theory, we now belong to You.  Help us through Holy Spirit's power and indwelling to remember this and so honor you in all we do, especially with our bodies.

In Jesus' name we thank You.

                                           ~ERC  November 2023~

Based on 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.

Sing, Bought with a Price,  The Bible Truth Music.

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