Thursday, December 14, 2023

Permanent and Unshakeable (Hebrews 12:28)


"Therefore ... we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken" (Hebrews 12:28).

We really do have an unshakeable kingdom as God is the author and Jesus is our King.  They are for ever and ever.

Nothing is permanent in this world but the Heavenly kingdom, is eternal.  When you glean through the book of Hebrews you'll see such words as "remains the same" (referring to God's Throne); "for ever and ever" (Hebrews 1:8); "Jesus our High Priest for ever and ever" (Hebrews 6:20; 7:17);  a "permanent priesthood...always lives" (Hebrews 7:24); "eternal redemption"  (Hebrews 9:12); "promised an eternal inheritance" (Hebrews 9:13); "offered for all time ... made perfect forever" (Hebrews 10:12-14); "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8); "enduring city" (Hebrews 13:14); and "eternal covenant" (Hebrews 13:20).  It's all very reassuring, and secure sounding, don't you think?

We can trust these promises of God who is ever faithful.  Give Him Your praise and adoration and trust.

Father God, we humbly bow at Your feet in adoration and worship.  You are ever the same and have given us an enduring kingdom to be with You - a Kingdom that can never be shaken.  Grow our trust in You, Your word and Your kingdom.  May Your Kingdom come.  Help us as individuals and as Your children, to not be shaken as we cling on to You throughout life's earthly journey, which is temporary.  We look for Your city and the time when we can be with you in incorruptibility - forever.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

                                               ~ERC  December 2023~

Based on Hebrews 12:28 NIV.

Sing, He Will Hold Me Fast, along with Keith and Kristyn Getty.

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