Sunday, June 19, 2022

Thanks for Fathers - Happy Father's Day 2022


Father in Heaven, I praise You for all that You are.  May Your Kingdom come and may Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

ll Your mighty acts of power and surpassing greatness are to be praised with all the breath we, Your children, have.  Let everything that has breath, praise You.

Praise You loudly and clearly even with trumpet, harp, lyre, tambourine, flute, clashing cymbals, guitar, piano and sweet, melodious voices for inYou we live, move and have our being.  Praise be to You, O Lord God and Heavenly Father

I salute You, Father God.  I salute earthly fathers too who don't always make the perfect mark but do strive to do right by their families.  I suspect it is not always an easy responsibility.

May they be ever more like You, as they look up to You as their perfect example of an ever-loving, faithful, merciful and just Father who always cares, loves, supports, trains & disciplines, and supports His children, as You did and do for us.

We see this bond and relationship You had with Your own Son Jesus Christ.  Thank-You and all praise be to You Father for such a wonderfully steadfast example.

In Jesus name I give You thanks and praise for being  such a Father and also for the earthly ones who do what's right in Your eyes.

                                                           ~ERC  June 2022~

Based on Psalm 150 NIV.

Sing, Praise God From Whom All blessings Flow, along with A Cappella Hymn.

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