Friday, June 3, 2022

Strong Tower Prayer

Time and again, Father, those backbiters, whisperers and gossipers are out there in full force snatching at, chewing on and spewing out their choice morsels of hurtful prattle.  The media is no better.  They purport to have the facts of a matter but do they?!

Oh Father, I thank-You so much, that the righteous an run to you.  You are our Strong Tower into Whom we can run with all due haste, and be safe.  In You we can put our trust.  Thank-You for being our guide and stay every day.

In Jesus most precious name we praise and pray.

                                                 ~ERC  May 2022~

Based on Proverbs 18:10 NIV.
Sing,  Praise the Name of Jesus, with ron cobb1.

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