Sunday, June 26, 2022

Book Review - The Record Keeper - By Charles Martin - 5 July 2022


Right off the bat, I'll tell you I'm giving this third-in-a-series of Murphy Shepherd novels a full 5 Star value!  Charles Martin, the author, deserves every single one!  That's not because it's a happily-ever-after story, because it isn't entirely, and because it's as close to sobering reality as one could get despite being fiction.  Martin'll blow your mind with his ingenius work that gives poignant  awareness of an insidious evil that is human trafficking for commercial sex exploitation; truly a travesty in real life.

There are several layers in this faith based narrative that are kept strong throughout, right there alongside the strong righteous characters.  The resident evil character is strong too, but - well, in an evil way.  The layers include weapons, extreme workout; technical 'eyes' controlling; full blast rescue missions (These will likely appeal greatly to male readers - pardon the stereotyping but I think it's true); some tightly held secrets; compassion and love, and so much more.  A very serious and solemn message here regarding greed, lust, evil and darkness.  The author also tweaks his pen and drops articulate spiritual lessons, somewhat akin to Hansel and Gretel's bread crumbs, only these are faith gems that wait for the reader to retrieve en route to the story's conclusion.

Bones, the mentor, and Murph, the mentee, along with Karen, Clay, Casey, Summer, Gunner, Angel and others are a force to be reckoned with against the tsunami of evil perpetuated by, 'whom could it be' (a secret, so I'm not telling) at the opposing helm.  They await that reading tryst with you.

P.S.  You'll really love the record keeper!

                                          ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

Disclaimer:  I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.  They are my honest opinion based on this review copy sent by NetGalley and Thomas Nelson (publishers).

Read review on Goodreads.

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