Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Get Rid of Jesus!?


Don't get rid of Jesus. The chief priests and teachers of the law tried to do that.  They purposefully looked for a way to get rid of Him.  Judas Iscariot fulfilled that way perfectly, and in such a way as to not sitr up the general public.  They couldn't have thought of a better plan themselves.  As we all know from the aftermath of Jesus' arrest, it was a 100% successful coup d'etat.

Jesus was arrested, tried, found supposedly 'guilty', sentenced, crucified and buried.  Done. Washed their hands clean of Him.  They had gotten rid of Jesus.

Or so they thought.

Praise the Lord, Jesus resurrected, was seen on earth by many of His followers, and ascended back to glory.  His Holy Spirit arrived and the number of Christ followers exploded exponentially.  They were fruitful and multiplied.  Everything went perfectly according to God's plan.  What was meant for harm, God turned into good - manifold more until this day.

Ever after people are still trying to get rid of Jesus by getting rid of His people.  Yet, some individuals just want to get rid of Jesus out of their own lives.  They look for ways to do so.  Stop readng the Bible, stop praying, stop meeting together with other believers; making themselves busy with other things as their 'legit' reason for absenting themselves from gathering together with other believers.

This really grips my heart disconsolantly.  Those who once appeared to walk in dedicated love for Jesus, now, for any vast number of reasons, which they believe 'legit', walk away from Jesus.

Oh, and I do not mean that they were never saved in the first place.  No, hearts drifted away more likely because the pleasures of this world dazzled them, or they were disappointed and disillusioned because God just did not come through for them that time...so now, out of spite and disgruntlement, they turn away and get rid of Jesus from their lives.

Pray for them.  Pray for yourself, that you and they will forgive Jesus, that your love for Jesus will be rekindled, renewed and with great revival, upon your/their conviction and repentance.  Judas Iscariot allowed greed to rule and overtake him.  He reacted to the consequences of  his betrayal of Jesus, with remorse, not repentance, thus his sad end.

Instead, with the 'revival' may many more be multiplied and come to Christ through you and them.  Let us treasure Jesus in our hearts and lives, until Jesus gives the shout or death doth us part while we wait for the trumpet blast and beckoning shout.

                                                          ~ERC June 2022~

Based on Luke 22:44 (NIV).

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