Thursday, June 16, 2022

Meekness Muscles

 It has been said that,

"Meekness is one of the brightest graces which can adorn the Christian character."                                                               - J.C. Ryle -

Another has said, and it has startled me,

"Only the meek will develop all the other attributes" (author unknown).

When we stop and cogitate about meekness, it is somewhat abstract, at least to me, somewhat like grace, or the wind that blows this way and that.  It can't be seen but we see the evidence.  Yet from some quotes of others alongside the Bible, we get a picture of how meekness behaves.  

We find meekness tucked into Galatians 5:22-23 (KJV).

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness faith, meekness and self-control..."

For comparison look at the NIV,

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."

One translation translates as 'meekness' and the other, as 'gentleness'.  These are synonyms and we can gain some insight from  their respective connotations.

'Meekness,' says one online secular dictionary, is docile, overly compliant, spiritless, tame, yielding, submissiveness" while 'gentleness' is said to be kind, tender, and mild-mannered.  The bible dictionary concurs to a point but does not show the whimpiness of being 'spiritless or overly compliant".  Instead there is quality to being meek.

"...a quality of the heart whereby a person is willing to accept and submit without resistance to the will and desire of someone else, in the case of Christians, this is God".

'Gentleness', says the Bible Dictionary, is, 

"Sensitivity of disposition and kindness of behavior founded in strength and prompted by love."

I love these two definitions.  You can see how they are the same, only different but can be merged.

"Founded in strength" by the choice -  the will and desire" - to please someone else, that is, God.  When we please God, it is "prompted by our love" of God which originated from Him first.

I want to use the word 'meekness' though.  

To give an example of meekness in action, think of a strong, powerful horse that has been well trained.  A bit and bridle and a gentle touch is about all that is needed to make the horse obedient to its rider's will.  Meek as a horse - it has great power and strength but turns and moves according to another's wishes - keeping in step with and attuned to, the rider.

The man Moses was said to be the meekest of all.  Numbers 12:3 NIV says,

"Now the man Moses was very meek, more than all people who were in the face of the earth."

Think about it.  He was well trained and educated in Egyptian culture, society and knowledge. He lived a priviledged life and he never forgot his early training under his mother's tutelage.  Nor did he forget his people nor who he was - almost.

Maybe that's not exactly corrct.  He did forget he was still a Hebrew and he'd be subject to the punishment of Egyptian law for murder, even at the defense of another.  He was still 'in training' and so was sent to God's Wilderness University of Adversity to mind sheep.


That must have galled him and brought him down a peg or two on the pride spectrum.  God was teaching him meekness which includes the words, 'humble' and 'humility', not to mention a kind of life sentence; after all, he did murder someone.

Continue to recall how Moses led a possible two million or more children of Israel for 40 years through the wilderness.  He was so obedient to God - yes, he made slip ups but mostly he acquiesced to God's will and desire.  All this despite the very trying, often disobedient and complaining Israelites.

In no way could this be seen as spiritless or overly compliant on Moses' part.  This was strength!  Strength under control!  This was a disposition of kindness, gentleness and meekness!

Could you or I sustain so long if put into Moses' sandals even for a day?  He endured much "injury with patience and endurance." I don't think I could do that.  

Our prime and perfect example is our very own Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  He was led like a lamb to the slaughter".  He was silent.  Meek as a lamb (Isaiah 53:7).

He was humble and meek even when deprived of justice (Acts 8:22).  In this, it might seem that overly compliant nature; I see, however, that strength in meekness as Jesus conforms to His Father's will and desires.  Not Jesus' will but the Father's.

Jesus had no slip ups despite His manhood.  Think of all that divine power of God in Jesus yet how under control He was.

Truly, Jesus is the One who is blessed,

"Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth" (Matthew 5:5).

Jesus got the victory over sin, death, and hell for us, for the whosoever who believes in Him (John 3:16).  All the people of the earth are His inheritance - all those who put their trust in Him and His finished work upon Calvary's cross.  Praise the Father.  Praise the Son.

Thank-You, Jesus for Your meekness.  I'm a sinner, saved by Your grace, love and meekness.

By the meekness & gentleness of Christ we are saved, have forgiveness of sin and gain everlasting life.  That is powerful!  That is strength!

Paul exhorted the Corinthians to 

"put on...meekness..." (2 Corinthians 3:12 KJV).

How do we, as Christians and supposed followers of Jesus Christ do this?  Refer back to Galatians 5:22-23.  One of the characteristics of the fruit of the Spirit is meekness.  The Holy Spirit indwells each and every believer in Jesus Christ, therefore we have no excuse to dismiss ourselves from putting on meekness.  Meekness is now in our spiritual DNA - so to speak.

As for the physical muscles, so too for the spiritual realm, we need to "lift weights" to strengthen and encourage our meekness muscles to be useful.  It's a process which takes time, effort, training, endurance and practice.  Just like a patient horse trainer trains and disciplines his horse, so too the Holy Spirit can teach, convict, lead and guide us in developing meekness.  

For this, I'm grateful.

Meekness is vital for us to become truly Christlike.  As mentioned in the outset here, "only the meek will develop the other attributes" of the Holy Spirit's fruit.  I don't know if that is l00% accurate to say but believe it is a greatly needed aspect of our walk with Christ and showing and being Jesus to and for others.

This is why I explore this.  We often see the love, joy, peace and perhaps even patience but we forget about the rest of the fruit of the Spirit.  At least, I do.

Let us all,

"Seek the Lord, all ye meek of the earth ... seek meekness:  it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the Lord's anger" (Zephaniah 2:3 KJV).

The NIV inserts 'humble' and 'humility' where we find 'meek' and 'meekness' in the KJV in the above verse.  Whichever, we need to seek it.  If we are humble we will find meekness.  If we are meek we will find humility.  This will be our strength under control - in Christ and through our obedience to the Holy Spirit, living and walking in step with and be in tune with Him.  May our bits and bridles be all we need to do the will and desires of our LORD and Master as we hand the reins over to Him.

May our true beauty be seen from our inner character through the lens of our meekness as we continue to grow this grace.  We can accomplish great things for the Kingdom of God when we are meek.  May we too "inherit the earth" and so be blessed.  

Engage in a lifestyle of meekness.  

Grow those muscles!

                                                    ~ERC  June 2022~

Based on Galatians 5:22-23; Zephaniah 2:3 KJV/NIV.   See also Numbers 11 & 12.

Sing, Meekness and Majesty, along with Graham Kendrick.


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