Monday, June 13, 2022

Book Review - Tell Me the Stories of Jesus - By R. Albert Mohler, Jr. - Publication Date: 14 June 2022


R. Albert Mohler, Jr. has written several books, amongst which, is this Tell Me the Stories of Jesus.  It has been a privilege and a delight to read this work from such a Bible scholar and practitioner of the Word of God.  As this book concentrates on the parables Jesus told while still here on the earth I was enthused to learn more and was not disappointed as the commentary is very good and in fact, I had trouble to highlight even the highlights of what I found to be so interesting because there are so many good points and down-to-earth explanations.  

Mohler, Jr drills down on the essence and meaning as to what he believed Jesus was teaching His disciples and subsequently from which today's church could learn.  It is interesting to note that one of Mohler, Jr's favorite word descriptions is "explosive", as much of what Jesus had to say, he explained, was rather revolutionary to the status quo of the times.  Jesus' stories would harrow up and confront religious leaders, causing more than just a little stir.  Mohler Jr goes on to say that his perspective of these parables stems from his doctrinal convictions and that he does not allegorize the parables.

Some of the parables commented  upon are the wedding feast; the persistant widow, the Sheep and the Goats, and my favorite - the mustard seed of Matthew 13.  These among many more will earn you greater perspective on the Kingdom of God and how God looks at judgment.  I learned a few things about shrewdness which took me by surprize but made sense; about forgiving, especially brothers and sisters-in-Christ, and much, much more.  I beleive that those of us who are "in Christ" will be well benefited to explore what Mohler, Jr has to say in this book.

                                                     ~Eunice C.,  April 2022~

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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