Sunday, June 5, 2022

God's Glasses


A friend shared the other day about looking  at other people through the 'lens of God'.  It's as if you are wearing His glasses (not that He needs them - He has perfect vision) but when we put His glasses on we see others from His perspective, more perfectly.

For  instance, if a husband comes home from work grumpy and scowling, wife don't take offence.  Whatever is troubling him, it is more than likely NOT your fault despite maybe being made to feel as if it is.  My friend went on  to say, try to say something kind, welcoming and encouraging as you "peer" at him through God's lens.

Yes, I know, it can be a major task.  However, he did come home to you.  He didn't stop for more than a few drinks along the way, or go gambling, or more.  He brought the paycheck and you have food, shelter and clothing.  He has provided as he should in that area.

Of course, there's the story of the breadwinning husband who figuratively hung his work troubles on a tree outside his front door before entering his home.  This wise husband was looking at himself with God's glasses before  stepping inside and being happily engulfed by his family who then felt validated and treasured by him.  It was, and is, a two-way street.

So, I think we are getting the idea.

Let's make it a habit to look at each other through the  lens of God, and so show and speak  kindness, mercy, goodness and other noble words and gestures to one another in the name of Jesus...

...wearing God's glasses.

                                                  ~ERC  June 2022~

Based on Luke 11:34-36 and Ephesians 4:32.

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