Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Book Review - Unforgiven (Deep Ops #5) - By Rebecca Zanetti - Publication Date: 7 June 2022

Yup!  This book kept me up at night reading past my bedtime.  There's a lot of grit, excitement and nail-biting fear and stress.  Strong characters emerge especially 'dangerous' ones.  There are three sets of brothers you had best watch out for.  There are Monty and Jack, both doctors of dubious character; Fletcher and Jethro, both  killers; and twins Oliver and Ian, among other individuals of like ilk.  One will also need to reckon with Gemma and Trudy, or are those their real names?  Oh, and then there is the 'dangerous' dog recovering from an addiction.

Evil vs good.  If there are so many killers, are any of them good ones?  This is what I had to find out; which would overcome which, or would that happen at all?

There is much action:  graphic suspense and murders; intentional spook, harm and abuse but there is also love, tender moments, amusing episodes and strong bonds of friendship that wade through evil together creating some relief, at least for a while.  

Some readers may take exception and not wish to read through a significant number of pages of intimate goings on in the bedroom.  So I give these words of caution. 

The author of this book Unforgiven, Rebecca Zanetti, has authored numerous books of several different series.  This book is from the series Deep Ops; if I'm not mistaken this is the fifth book in the series each with 4.5 or more stars of brilliance.  I'd have similarly slated this one a 4 stars.

                                          ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                          March 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and the Publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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