Sunday, June 5, 2022

Book Review - Unmask Alice - By Rick Emerson - Publication Date: 7 June 2022

Lies, blatant dishonesty, withholding of information are hateful practices to encounter.  Rick Emerson must feel such vibes too as he discloses the fabrication and hurtful twists of truth in Beatrice Sparks books, especially her books Go Ask Alice and Jay's Journal (others are mentioned too).  The gall that woman had is almost beyond belief.  

As I read Unmask Alice, I could see how Emerson exposed Sparks' mingling and mashing of fact and fiction in her books.   The most weird thing is that many people, mostly in the teenage age bracket, were positively helped to go right or get right and to say "NO" to drugs and the life that often leads too, including Satanism, as mapped  out in Sparks' books.  So ironic, to say the least.

Emerson correlated his research with credibility into the basis of how Sparks' so called, facts, had  been, so called, substantiated, and with convincing proof I believe.  It's astounding that Sparks purposefully and willfully presented her books as 'gospel truth' in that Morman saturated region and beyond.  Millions lapped it all up, resulting in some key people being harmed and harassed for years.  The fact of the matter is that there is more fiction than fact  and the distorted truth surrounding Alden Barrett and his struggles in Sparks' novel entitled Jay's Journal were lathered on.  I'm glad that Emerson is  such a whistle blower.  Unfortunately, Sparks got off scott free and full justice was not had for the family most affected by her lies and deceit, at least not this side of the grave.

At times I found the thread of the book difficult to follow, seeming to be more of a hodgepodge of details making it a bit confusing in portions but otherwise quite readable.  Overall, I believe Emerson has  done his research well.  The question that stickes out in my mind though is, will people really care about this head's up since Sparks' books have been around for donkey years and even selling well to this day?  I think so because it is good to have this counter balance for astute and questioning people to read with intellect and judge for themselves what's what  especially with the book Go Ask Alice that got it all stirred and started up in the first place.

                                               ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                          March 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the  review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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