Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Integrate Our Sorrows

 Gut-wrenching sobs coursed through her body in wave after wave, threatening to cut off her very breath.  The tsuami of tears lashed her face, and she was rendered unable to stem the flow.  Why, why, why!?  Why did it have to be like this!?  

The anguish just kept coming and days later, weary and exhausted from emotion, her pillow drenched, eyes dim and heavy with sorrow, she remembered, "I can cry out to my Heavenly Father!"

She gulped several breaths, stilled herself and began her earnestly repentant prayer - her first in many years.

"Father, I'm sorry.  I put you on a shelf, relegating You to the back, behind all the knick knacks.  Do not rebuke me now in Your anger nor discipline me in Your wrath.  I hear You now.  Have mercy on me Lord, for I am so very faint. faint with sorrow and sadness, and of pushing You aside, I realize now, for all these many years.  You have been waiting ever so patiently for me.

Heal me now, Father, my bones and soul are in agony and deep anguish.  How long Lord, how long, must this go on and on?  The betrayal - the slaps on the face, the backstabs - so devastating.  Now this, Lord.

Deliver me Lord, save me not just because I am actually Your child, but because You are that waiting Father on the lookout for repentant, wayward daughters - me - and because of Your unfailing love and holy name.

Your love, which will set me free over and above this present trial and predicament that's been loaded layer upon layer on my life, some of my own making.  Let me praise You again.  I'm no good at that  if kept in this situation.

Lord, I know You have heard my prayer and accept it.  Your mercy overflows.  Hide me now under Your wings until all my enemies are overwhelmed with shame and anguish equal to my current ones and so be compelled to turn back and suddenly be put to shame themselves.

Father, You heard David's cry.  Hear mine now.  I integrate my sorrow with Jesus'.  I realize He too, as in the Garden of Gethesame, sorrowed and sweat great drops like blood, that He knows what we feel even if His sorrow was not of His own making.  This was of mine, in large part.  Oh, Jesus, Friend unfailing, how dear You are now to me.  You are my Source and Relief from my deep sadness.

Thank-You for Your peace now, knowing You have heard and accepted my prayer.  May Your compassion, mercy and love envelop us all.  Turn my anguish into praises of gratitude and thanksgiving.  I rest in You."

In Jesus Name.

                                                 ~ERC  June 2022~

Based on Psalm 6 NIV and Psalms - Prayers on the Heart Lesson 9 Bible Study Guide, by Eugene H. Peterson, Scripture Union.

Sing, Hide Me Now.

NOTE:  I know that we are in the Day of Grace period and we need to pray for the salvation of all sinners and even of our enemies.  However, in our times of anguish it is good to pray our tears.  Psalm 6 is a cry from the heart and God's Word.  Use God's word to help you express your troubles, cares and feelings as did David.  

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