Saturday, June 4, 2022

Book Review - Seen, Heard and Paid - By Alan Henry - Publication Date: 7 June 2022


Alan Henry gives a comprehensive guideline of tips for marginalized people in the workplace.  People marginalized for such reasons as having a disability, being a man or woman of color, having an LGBTQ lifestyle, or even a scenario where a colleague is the only woman among an all male workforce.

If one is marginalized and feeling micro-aggressions and even more outright prejudices, how is one to work at their best productivity level when hampered and hindered by others.   How will their work shine glamourously so, to be seen and heard?

Henry says everyone's voice has to matter and he delineates ways to overcome the patterns of biases such as, working twice as smart; figuring out the best way you yourself work; prioritizing the workload starting with the most significant to yourself but especially to the boss on any one particular day; protecting yourself by documenting your work and the instances where you have been sidelined among and/or by colleagues and managers, so if you decide the bring such matters to the boss you have more concrete 'evidence' and data to present and finding like-minded people as yourself to share with and encourage you.  

An example of being marginalized and that is alluded to in the book title, surrounds the salary; that is, getting paid.  Is the salary  commensurate with other's of your job title and portfolio or are you getting less than the majority?  Tips are given for ways to check this out and to level the field at least, to a greater extent.

If the situation is too toxic and the tips of survival aren't helping, it may be time to move on.  Here, Henry has some cautions and precautions and advice to be good and aware of before proceeding carefully, quietly and with intention.   

Being a man of color, Alan Henry knows what he is talking about and I could feel his angst coming through the pages to me.  Where I am, I too can feel some of what he writes about and can relate well even if it is not at a workplace, per se.  I believe his message has integrity and that other marginalized people who feel the pinches, squeezes and outright snubs of prejudice, would be greatly benefited by checking out what Henry has to divulge.  It's ready and waiting here on the platter of his book plate.

                                                ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger ~

                                                                April 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent to me by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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