Saturday, June 4, 2022

Lord's Day Devotion - His Sorrow

 Lord Jesus, You are our 'Man of Sorrows' and acquainted with grief" (Isaiah 53:3 NIV).

Grief like no other.  You were stricken, smitten and afflicted for mankind.  Our sin laid upon You. Yet Your deepest sorrow was the separation from Your Father in Heaven because of our sins.

Now, because of this sorrow we have salvation through the shedding of Your blood, Your death and Your resurrection.  Now this punishment that brought us peace with God was/is upon You and You brought us healing.  Thank-You even for the faith to believe and accept this gift.

Because of Your sorrow, You also understand ours.  We can integrate our sorrows with Yours and so be delivered from and find relief even from our deepest of sorrows.

What a wonderful Savior You are, Jesus!  We remember Your travail and Your anguished sorrow expressed in the Garden of Gethsemane.  Your sorrow so intense, You sweat great drops of blood falling to the ground (Luke 22:44 NIV).  As we pass the emblems of remembrance, the broken bread and the cup of wine, partaking and drinking of them, we give You our heartfelt praise and thanksgiving. 

In Your Name we remember.  Thank-You, Jesus!

                                                      ~ERC  June 2022~

Based on Isaiah 53:3 NIV.

Sing, We Remember, along with Marty Haugen, Gospel Songs and Stricken, Smitten and Afflicted, along with Capitol Hill Baptist Church - Washington, D.C.

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