Friday, June 24, 2022

Book Review - Heirlooms - By Sandra Boyd - Publication Date: 5 July 2022

 Such a wonderful story!  I had to sit and savor it for a day or two before writing about how much I loved it!  The laughter, the tears and sorrow, the fun, the humble pride of a constructive project in the form of a glorious garden and a personalized cookbook, and the exceptionally wholesome and close-knit friendship developed and drawn together in the cauldron of tragically similar circumstances and the need of each other's helpful support, care and love.

Helen and Eunchoi, the two friends and Navy wives, find themselves suddenly widowed and reach out to each other.  Helen, a nurse, and Eunchoi, a Korean lady married to an American man, is a creative,  accomplished seamtress cum gardener cum cook, weather their storms of life, together.  Over the many ensuing years they kept one very painful secret, which the granddaughters Cassidy and Grace are directed to discover upon the death of Helen.  It was a shock to their system but led them to their heirloom of great priceless worth and work.

Heirlooms and legacies from quality lives lived by two faithful Christian women who started it all.  Flowers with respective meaning, a cookbook passed  from grandmother to daughter to granddaughter, each giving their recipes their own 'son-mat' - another  heirloom.  This leads me to mention  the author's great love of things Korean.  This love flows through the pages like a refreshing stream along with the love of people, especially those of neurodiversity (Down Syndrome and Autistic).  You'll discover what 'son-mat' is, 'hanbok', 'halmori' and 'mugunghwa' are and you'll likely know straight away what 'kimchi' is.  These all have special relevance to this historical fiction tale.   Sweeeeeet!

This is a dual story line from the 1958 past of Helen and Eunchoi to the 'present' of granddaughters Cassidy and  Grace.  There are layers of symbolism in the flowers grown, in the Korean terms used and in the faith in God the women come to possess.   I found this narrative to be a good, clean, fulfilling and satisfying read.  I hope all readers will enjoy this book as much as I did.  A definite 5-Star story!

                                          ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                         May 2022

Disclaimer:  This my honest opinion  based on the review  copy sent by NetGalley and the Tyndale House Publishers.  

Read review on Goodreads.