Monday, February 28, 2022

Book Review - The Heart of the Storm - By Sharon Mentyko - Publication Date: 1 March 2022


This motivational biography of Sue Bird, a most accomplished women's professional basketball player, is a great read for children. The splashes of colorful pages of pictures of Sue and her teammates in action will keep the readers turning those pages with eager interest.  Added lure is to discover which is Sue's T-shirt number.  I believe that young readers will be inspired by this story especially if they themselves are lovers of anything sports' orientated.

From young, Sue Bird tried many sports but found her passion and  niche in basketball. Despite challenges and setbacks, Sue persevered, setting her sights on the WNBA and the Olympics.  As this book is termed, "Growing Greatness,"  I imagine Sue's story would instill the idea that it takes time to grow great at what one wishes to achieve in life.  Time, effort, mindset, patience and persistance combine to create a more positive potential cornucopia of dreams come true, as  they did for Sue.

The Addenda at book's end reveal Sue Bird's accomplishments and awards and a timeline of women's professional basketball opportunities intertwined with Sue's highlights over the years.  They are followed by a useful glossary of basketball terminology.  Besides basketball, it's been notated that Sue has zeal for other things such as for the Black and LGBTQ1A+ communities' causes.

                                            ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                            January 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary copy given by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review in Goodreads.

Book Review - Loujain Dreams of Sunflowers - By Lina AlHathloul & Uma Mishra-Newberry - Publication Date: 1 March 2022

 Taking this ingeniously beautiful Loujain and sunflowers story at face value is a sweet, endearing girl child fulfilling her dreams, and who even sparks and inspires others into fulfilling theirs.  However, to know and understand the background to this story, lends potential for teaching ones own child about justice and how to work towards greater human rights for women, and spill over into any other legitimate cause.  Also that such activists can and do suffer for doing what's right but still have fortitude to persevere towards their purpose and goal.

This story is accompanied by great, colorful illustrations which wonderfully compliment the storyline.  Additionally, there is a section in the book itself which gives the backstory.  Loujain Dreams of Sunflowers gets my full five stars, although I wish I could give it a million more.

                                         ~Eunice C.  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                      December 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Lord's Day Devotion - Whose Ballpark?

 Whose park is the ball in now?  It wasn't God's fault that Jesus was stricken, smitten and afflicted.  No way!  It was my fault.  It was your fault.  It was mankind's fault.

"We all, like sheep, have all gone astray each of us has turned to his own way" (Isaiah 53:6).

This is the great 'why'?

"...the LORD laid on Him [Jesus] the iniquity of us all" (Isaiah 53:6).

Jesus was crushed, oppressed, cut off from the land of the living for our sakes.  We pray,

"Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven" (Matthew 6:10).

Thanks be to God, Jesus is alive again and sits at the right hand of God interceding for us. 

The only time in the history of time that this 100% submission to the Father's will fully happened was when  Jesus was on earth.  Jesus said, "Not my will but Yours, Father..." (Luke 22:42).

And it was,

"the  LORD's  will to crush and  cause Him mto suffer..." (Isaiah 53:10).

Oh what a Savior that He died for me, you and all mankind.  It allowed 

"the will of the LORD to prosper in His offspring's hand" (Isaiah 53:10).

God was satisfied.  He did not take this crushing and suffering of His Son lightly.  He was bearing the sin of many and making intercession for us earthlings. We were/are the transgressors (Isaiah 53:11-12)!  It was God's gift flowing from costly grace.

O, fellow brother and sister-in-Christ, get a good glimpse of this.  May it spark in our hearts what needs to be sparked as on this LORD's Day we bow in reverence and before Him and in solemn rememberance pass the bread and cup o wine one to another, eating and drinking, in great gratefulness and thanksgiving to Him who did His Father's will so completely.  Praise God through whom all blessings flow.

May each reader chose this gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.  He went through so much for our sakes.  Those of us who have accepted Jesus as Savior live, worship and serve Him like you never have before.  The ball is now in our park!

I wrote this earlier this morning but just want to leave one  more verse with you all which came up later in our service this morning.

"For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people" (Titus 2:11).

                                                  ~ ERC  February 2022 ~

Based on Isaiah 53 NIV; plus all other references taken from NIV.

Sing, O What a Savior that He Died for Me, along with the MagherafeltPresbyterianFreeChurch.

Sing also, Only By Grace, Graham Kendrick.

Friday, February 25, 2022

A Window on the Devil's Telephone

 Suzi hung up the phone.  She shook herself vigorously like a dog trying to rid itself of dreaded  bathwater.  It felt like she'd just gotten off the phone from the devil.  She needed to rid herself of the toxic words.  How could this gossip-monger speak of these things?!  No doubt she had a whole list of people to tell the "news" to, too.

What was she going to do?!  She leaned against the kitchen sink and gazed disconsolately out the window, her brow furrowed in dismay.  The fresh green foliage of the firs she saw refreshed her a bit, helped her to step back and think; to pray.

She'd had an awful time keeping restraint on her own tongue, but to lambast Mrs. Tittle-Tattle, that would only have served to add fuel to gossiper's fire.  She thanked the Lord for helping her  keep calm, yet to confront the woman.

Poor Tilly.  Her husband off at war for the past two years and now missing in action.  Her daughter Mindy in hospital having chemo for leukemia and now the brunt of a jealous minion of the devil's verbal graffiti wrecking havoc...

As she looked out the window she saw the rain had sprinkled diamond-like water droplets upon the tree branches.  The sun must have just poked through the clouds, as the 'diamonds' sparkled and winked at her.  Seemed like God had just given her a hug.  OK.  She could pass a hug on.  That's what she would do.  Bake some muffins.  She knew Tilly loved blueberry ones.  Ah-h, yes, she had some fresh frozen.  Then, she'd see when and where she could visit Tilly.  No doubt Tilly would have gotten wind of the rumors - soon, at least - if not already.  She'll be devastated.

Suzy recalled an adage about gossipers she'd come across at a youth camp long ago.  It really said it in a nutshell.

"A gossiper is a person with a sense of rumor."

Mrs. Tittle-Tattle's tale is just that.

Suzie already knew Tilly had to take in boarders to make  ends meet.  She also knew that Tilly's boarders were much older gentlemen.  Another thing was that  Tilly was firmly in love and committed to  her Tom and to Biblical principles.  She would not foster herself out by any stretch of the imagination.  Why would Mrs. Tittle-Tattle insinuate such evil things?

Like her Mom used  to say, 

"Don't judge another by what you do yourself."  

Was Mrs. Tittle-Tattle actually speaking from her own malicious and spurious behavior?  Well, she'd best hang up on that train of thought, herself, and get on with her plan, Suzie schooled herself.

She was so glad for this window-helping scene and even though there was still that awful taste of unchoice morsels in her mouth and mind, Suzie hummed the hymn, "Wonderful Words of  Life," as she concocted  the muffins.

If she hurried, she could make  it to the hospital while it was still visiting hours' time where she'd likely catch Tilly.  While she hummed and baked, she prayed for Tilly.  Prayed for wisdom  to speak with Tilly.  Also prayed for Mrs. Tittle-Tattle to be "arrested" of her rumor-mongering.  Even as she prayed, that the woman would be halted and stopped from spreading her poisons.

Maybe Mrs. Tittle-Tattle needed to be added to her prayer list, Suzie thought, even though  it turned her stomache to think of it.  "OK, Lord, I'll add her.  I know she's a miserable person but You love her.  She's miserable and wants everyone else to be so too.  What's a body to do with this sort?"

Suzie shook herself again, trying to purge the phone call.  Ugh - the flattery she'd used to get Suzie to listen.  Of course Suzie knew not to accept such deceptive manipulative words.  How they rankled!

"Oh Mrs. Tittle-Tattle, I'm going to pray for you, like you won't know what hit you!  Ha!  I'm going to  gossip to God about you and see what He'll do for you!  Watch out, ma'am!"

There.  Suzie popped, the muffins into the oven and began to wash up her baking bowls and utensils.  She grinned and began to pray, looked intently out her window, up above the treetops towards  the sky, and began her story to the Lord above.

Finally, Suzie mused, now she felt purified of the devil's telephone call.  She'd fully hung up.

The muffins would soon be done so she set the cooling rack on the kitchen counter and took one last slurp of morning coffee, washed her mug, took one last look out her window, and said, 

"Til next time, Father".

Off she went to get ready to go out.

                                                   ~ERC  November 2021~

Sing, Wonder Words of Life, along with Islington Baptist Church.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Handle With Care

It is often by route that we sign off on our prayers, "In Jesus Name, Amen".  What does it mean?  Is it a formula?  What if we didn't tag the phrase on, would our Heavenly Father still hear our prayer?

It's true, I believe, that we often don't think much about it and so end our prayers, almost as if ticking off on a checklist of prayer routine.  We don't think much about it.

Yet, Jesus' Name  is a most hallowed and powerful name and even though we  hear our precious Savior's name misused and as a curse word, we followers of Jesus should treasure the blessed name of Jesus and "handle with care".  We are well reminded of  this in Acts 19:11-18,

God did extraordinary miracles through Paul (vs 11) and some Jews, namely the seven sons of Sceva (vs 14) wanted  to invoke  the name of  Jesus to heal but also to enrich themselves with power, riches and prestige.  They attempted to  commercialize the name of Jesus and His power.

Sceva's sons were taught a hard lesson  that day - beat up by evil spirits who claimed they knew Jesus and Paul but they did not know these sons.  This was because they had said, 

"In the name of Jesus whom Paul preaches..." (vs 13),

to the evil spirits.

Obviously, by how these sons even framed the command "the Jesus" as if there was more than one Jesus, and "whom Paul" knew but not they themselves, it can be surmised that they did not know Jesus, personally, themselves.  Serious matter.

We do well and are wise to take heed even if we have made Jesus our personal Savior and Lord.  The Lord won't strike us down but do  think about what we say and how we  say the Name of Jesus.  When we tack  on, "in Jesus' Name" at the end of our prayers, let us realize what we are saying and use Jesus' name in a cherished manner.

It is in and through the Name of Jesus we can come boldly and with confidence into God's presence and speak freely, without fear.  We are His children, made so by our faith in His son Jesus our Savior and His work of salvation on our behalf.

So saying, I believe our Heavenly Father will still hear and listen when  we come to Him and do not say, "in Jesus' Name" at the end.  We could be having a running conversation with Him all day or night long and especially when we send  up SOS's in great need and desparation - He hears, He understands and loves us, responding to our faith.

To acknowledge in whose Name and by whose power and authority we pray, in general, is still good though, when the Name of Jesus is handled with care.  Let us think upon it and not let "in Jesus' Name" become a ritual mouth-spouted formula.

Father God, we are sorry for all the times we have taken Your Son and His name for granted.  Help us to cherish Jesus and His name and to use His name with loving care, reverence and fear, realizing the power - Your omnipotent power - we invoke as we bring our prayers, praises, petitions, pleas, and supplications before You in His Name.

We humbly give You thanks and praise that we can use His and Your power.  In Jesus' precious Name we give You our thanks now.  Hallowed be Your and Jesus' Name.

                                                    ~ERC  November 2021~

Based  on Acts:19:11-20 NIV/GNs

Sing, Our Father, along with Andrea Bocelli.

Book Review - All Of the Colourful Seasons - By Wendy Fraser - Publication Date: 25 February 2022

 It's always a pleasant thing to follow the four seasons of a year.  The seasons of this story are a bit different, covering the seasons starting from the Summer of 1939 just as WWII was heating up, through the Winter of 1943, although there is an aftermath, at book's end.  

I think one could say this tale is colorful on more than one level.  The various people of the small town setting where gossips spread everyone else's business; the sinister store manager, Victor's vindictive, jealous, greediness; those who were promiscuous, and those who really were citizens  of good standing, all culminate in a collage of inevitable desultory community. 

Then there's the appalling disgrace of what happened to innocent people of German and Japanese descent living in the country at that unfortunate time.  A thread of romance also runs through this historical work of fiction, lending more color to these changing seasons but will anything come of the tingle zapping between Dr. Ben and Maggie?

I'm not sure if this narrative could be considered a Christian one or not.  However, there are some vague indicators with some church-going mentioned and a very brief reference to Jesus Christ.  Additonally, this book is toted as a stand alone but is also a sequel to author Wendy Fraser's book, The River. 

                                                ~ Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                                January 2022

Disclaimer:   This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

View From the Nursery Window - Twice Baptized


Lucy looked out over the heads of the congregation towards the baptismal font at the front of the church.  She could get a pretty good view from the nursery window despite the other mothers interested in the proceedings jockeying amiably for postition with her.  She was glad her wee "Beanie" slept, she could then concentrate better on her younger brother's baptism.

Being the eldest of ten children, Lucy knew full well her parents' beliefs had been what they termed "household baptism".  That's why, with each succeeding infant they had added to their family fold, her parents had had their babies baptised before they were much more than a month old.  Of course she couldn't and didn't remember a thing about her own baptism, only what her parents had told her about it later when one of her younger siblings was being immersed.  This had been the rule of thumb in her family growing up.  Why then was twelve year old Josh different?

To start at the beginning, Dad had explained that having one's baby baptised like that, "...puts the child under the umbrella of the kingdom of God."  Lucy remembered thinking that that sounded a bit spooky but of course didn't question it any further cuz what was, is what is.  At least she didn't question at that time but she certainly did when her Beanie was born.  It just didn't feel right to NOT do it for him.

Her dear hubby Aquila said, "No."

She was shocked.  She asked, "Why ever not!?  What if something happens to Beanie?"

She'd explained to Aquila, "It's a protection for babies in Christian households.  The faith and prayers of the parents are that their offspring will come to salvation through faith in Jesus when they're older.  

Aquila could sort of see that but he replied, "I'd rather we focus on teaching and leading Beanie, and any subsequent children the Lord may give us, to have faith in the Lord stemming from their own will and dilgently guide them to it.  When they themselves come to faith in Jesus, there will be less confusion as to whether this was because of our faith or because it was from their very own hearts.  I think it will be a deeper, more lasting commitment." 

He asked, "Lucy, I know you were baptised as a child and I know you are commited to your faith in Christ and daily live it out, but don't you ever feel like you were 'cheated' out of grasping it for yourself and then making that decision to be baptised for yourself?"

Lucy couldn't deny that line of thinking and she believed that since coming to this other church, her parents had had a change of heart too.  Thus her younger brother only being baptised at the age of 12 years.  It was amazing.

It rather comforted her too in regards to Beanie.  She had said a prayer of dedication to the Lord though on Beanie's behalf, adding her "Amen" to Aquila's as he prayed the same.

In the wee hours of the morning, just this day, she'd also read Acts 19:1-7.  She'd never realized it before  - the 12 men who were twice baptized.  She giggled a bit because she'd read, "gotquestions" on the internet that called them the "Ephesus Dozen".   Somehow, it amused her; was that like a "baker's dozen" or something?

Those twelve, like Apollos, had only heard of the baptism of John and so, she assumed had only been baptised into  that baptism of repentance that John the Bapizer had preached even before Jesus began His ministry.

Paul found these guys and explained that this baptism looked forward to Jesus but Jesus had already come, died, had been buried and risen again.  Now they could accept salvation through Jesus and baptism in the name of Jesus, showing their faith in the finished work of Christ.

Ah-h-h!  Light had dawned and so they were baptized this second time.  Seems to be the only instance of being twice baptised but perhaps most of those early Christians would have been, Lucy mused.

It comforted her some more to think about it, for herself and for Beanie.  Even though she couldn't recall a single drip or drop of her own water baptism, she knew, from her subsequent siblings' baptisms, that it had been in the "name of the Father and of the Son, Jesus and of the Holy Spirit".  In Jesus name was the crux, she felt.  Also, Aquila's reasoning, and because of Josh-at-12, she felt at peace now.  She felt satisfied that she was properly baptised and didn't need a second dunk.

Oh, Josh was just heading down the steps into the font.  Elder Bob already patiently waiting in the water.  She could hear the proceedings over the PA, piped softly into the nursery. Lucy felt shivers and the hair on her arms rise up, as brother Bob heard Josh's confession of faith which carried obvious conviction that he knew Jesus as Savior and understood what he was now about to allow brother Bob to do.

"I now baptise you, Joshua Luke Smith, in the name of the Father, the Son Jesus and of the Holy Spirit," he intoned.

Splash. Dunk.  Up came the baptised Josh.

Everyone clapped and started to sing "Praise the Lord, Hallelujah,"  then "Oh happy day, that fixed my choice..."

Startling, joyous moments.

Lucy prayed Josh would truly value his salvation and baptism and continue to be commited to Christ for life.  She had the same hopes and prayers for Beanie.

She turned from the window and looked at her son.  Oh he was awake.  He cooed and smiled up at her.  Her heart melted with her love for him and she reached for him, cuddling him in her loving arms.  She whispered a prayer for his salvation into his ears, putting her faith in the Lord that He'd guide and direct Beanie as He had directed her and Aquila, their parents before them, and now Josh.

                                                   ~ERC  November 2021~

Based on Acts 19:1-7 NIV/GoodNews.

Sing, O Happy Day, along with Edwin Hawkins, Anthony Brown and FBCG combined choir.

Book Review - God, Grace and Horses - By Laurie M. Brock - Publication Date: 15 February 2022


This book has a lot of good spiritual and everyday horse sense within its pages and the author, Laurie M Brock, writes at an easy, gentle gait. Like one of her cowgirl riding instructors once advised her, "around horses, go slowly".  In other words, one shouldn't gallop through this book; walk and maybe transition into a trot but take time to "see purple" and smell the roses, or the horses, as the case may be, to more fully appreciate the embedded gems.

Before reading this book God, Grace and Horses, I just thought, a horse is a horse.  However, it was fun to meet the various horses Brock rides, such as:  Moe, Spencer, Izzy and her own Nina, to name some, and discover their respective personalities and the experiences from which these horse sense lessons have evolved.

I deduce from reading this book, that variety in horses creates a variety of nuances in how to ride despite the various standard operating procedures of how to post; hold the reins to communicate with individually respective horses and to build a better relationship and ride for both horse and rider.  Such is life and our own human diversity of living experiences with God.  

Obviously, experenced horse people will love this book; however, it is instructional for those of us  with minimal horse connections as well.  Those of us who love Jesus will definately be blessed in learning better ways to communicate and relate with God and others with greater grace and to live in His grace, ourselves.  

Additionally, pastors and counselors or others who often deal with high stress issues on a regular basis may well find this a very beneficial "sermon solace" to still their hearts and minds.  There could be pricks of challenge, akin to a horse feeling the taps of the crop upon its rump, for our own good and improvement.  

Although it has been great "riding horses" with Brock there is one word of caution to readers who believe in a young earth.  Brock appears not to.  However, overall, this book certainly has good value of thought and I'll certainly look at a horse with greater affinity and perception in a next encounter and try to remember the lessons Brock shares.  

If a reader enjoys this book and wants to "ride more horses" with Brock, know that she has a string of several other 'lessons from horses' books already "in the barn," groomed, bridled and saddled, just waiting for you to come 'ride'.

                                         ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                   December 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review from Goodreads.

Book Review - Mountain Runaways - by Pam Withers - Publication Date: 22 February 2021

 The word "Runaways" in the title caught my attention on this one.  I wasn't disappointed in the least as I read, either.  I kid you not.  This is such a believable story of adventure and survival in the great Canadian oudoors (based loosely on the Willmore Wilderness Park, Alberta) I had to double check that this is fiction. Was sorry when the narrative ended, and it had me hopefully scrolling down in search of a next chapter.

Even though I'm not much of an outdoors person, especially of the "extreme" variety, following Jon, Korka,and Aron the runaway siblings, recently orphaned by their parents' fatal accident, was an adventure in and of itself.  I felt like I was tagging along right there with them, experiencing all their ranges of emotions, conflicts and situation.  I couldn't help but to cheer them on.

The developing leadership quality Jon exhibited and other lessons each of the children learned in relating to each other and of their own character strengths and weaknesses, and  basically of surviving, using skills, which had been taught by their parents, created an excellently wholesome escapade, which I highly recommend for readers of mostly the teenage category.  However, I believe adults would thoroughly enjoy this especially if they are outdoors people used to pitting their endurance against wilderness conditions.

I vote a definite 5-STARs and thank NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to voluntarily review a review copy of this book.

                                           ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Book Review - The Drowned Village - By Norma Curtis - Publication Date: 21 February 2022


There are several points of interest for me in this historical romantic work of fiction.  There was the item of especial note that was a once-upon-a-time tradition of the Welsh carving of love spoons, Welsh Quaker roots and the President Abraham Lincoln link.  Some of his ancestors supposedly came from the area of North Wales; at least in this story.  Al Locke, one of this story's protagonists, was interested in the history of Abe's family tree and was trying to trace these roots as they connected with his own.  He learned of possible gravesite stones of one of these fore-mother's through Elin whom he naturally fell head-over-heels in love with.  This narrative began during WWII time when Al was an American Navy man thus meeting Elin in her part of the world.  The relationship, due to miscommunication and other events, became frutstrated.  As an elderly man of 85 years, Al came back to pursue his search for ancestors to greater obsessive lengths, where he meets Sophie and her links to the past and to possibly to finding Elin. He was in for some shocks, disappointments and closure.

I found some objectional (to me) sexual content but overall I enjoyed the story for light reading.  There was also some humor which always attracts me.  Although this tale may not have had a totally "happily ever after" ending, the story did come to a satisfying conclusion, at least in my opinion.

                                             ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                        February 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Lord's Day Devotion - Healing Power Lifted Up

 "This manna is disgusting; such miserable food!" the Israelites murmured and complained impatiently.  The Lord sent snakes, slithering, hissing and biting them.  That shut them up in the  complaint department, chasing them right to Moses with terrified, compelled compulsion saying they'd sinned against the Lord and Moses.  "Ask the Lord to take the snakes away from us, " they despairingly begged and pleaded (Numbers 21:3-7 NIV).  Moses prayed and the Lord instructed him to erect a bronze serpent up on a pole.  Those who were bitten could look at the snake and be healed from the venomous attack.

Eve didn't run from the serpent in the Garden of Eden.  No, she sat and had a chat.  The deviously clever serpent lured her to The Fall (Genesis 3:1-6 NIV).  She and Adam ate the forbidden fruit and we all can attest to the long term earth-shattering results and consequences.  There was no happily ever after until Jesus came.

Jesus met the serpent in the wilderness after His 40 days of fasting.  Jesus resisted the Devil who  was in serpent form as in the Garden of Eden in Eve's case.  Jesus resisted and the devil fled from Him (James 4:7 NIV).  Jesus had indeed submitted Himself to God, resisted  the devil and the devil  fled - his voice was shut up (Luke 4:1-13).

In Isaiah 52:13 NIV where we read the prophetic message of Jesus' suffering and glory - God's perfect servant who "acted wisely".  He,

"will be lifted up and highly exalted."

Praise to the Lord, He did so.  We read in John 3:14-15 He did so even as Moses lifted up the serpent in the  wilderness.  Then it had been a symbol of healing power.  In Jesus we have actual healing power - the remedy for sin.

Jesus lifted upon the cross in suffering and shame and sacrifice.  We look on Him who was pierced for our transgressions,

"marred beyond human likeness" (Isaiah 52:14 NIV).

Oh Jesus, Friend unfailing, how dear, you are to us.  We remember your travail, Your suffering, for us, this Lord's  Day.  In You we have found that healing power for our sin, degradation and  condemnation.  You have "sprinkled us" and made us shut up our mouths from sin, complaints, murmurings, that are wont to spew from us.  Instead we open our hearts, minds, souls and spirits to  give You that sacrifice of praise in remembrance.

You have forgiven us who believe in You and who believe You - in faith as is Your wont.  As we partake of the bread and drink of the wine - other symbols for Your healing grace - we remember Your pain, suffering, and Your submission to Your Heavenly Father.  We run to You and thank You for the salvation we have in You.

All hissings and accusations of the slithering devil serpent cannot take away this healing and this bringing us back to You, into Your presence.  Thank-You, Jesus.  It's in and through Your Name we can have life, healing of our souls, and are even able to be in Your presence to commune with You.  Thank-You from the bottom of our grateful hearts and we burst into songs of joy.

                                                ~ERC  February 2022~

Based on Isaiah 52:9-10; 13-15 and Numbers 21:3-7; John 3:14-15 NIV.

Sing, Jesus, Friend Unfailing, with Moya Brennan, Kingsway Music.

Friday, February 18, 2022

Fools & Wise


Is the fool truly a fool when he does not listen, doesn't accept the advice and guidance of some supposed wise person doling out said advice?  This is the big question which I ask in annoyance and irritation of spirit.

Perhaps the fool is only labelled 'a fool' because the wise one is also acting the fool in the way and manner of upleasantly blasting his so-called wisdom, which, truth be told, is more often than not sound advice (pun intended).

So what's the problem here?  The "wise" fool has forgotten some basic stuff.  One, that there are TWO sides to a coin and one must find the connection between the giver and the recipient of advice. That's called "relationship".

Remember that old adage that spins something like,

"Rules and regulations without relationship equals rebellion"?

You got it.  So which man is the fool?

A second basic consideration that is actually a 'biggie' and liaises in with developing relationship, is the manner in which the advice is delivered.  If it is blasted, would you be inclined to accept or reject it outright?

A wise advisor would become wiser if he would develop the fruit of the Holy Spirit.   Oh, but that would take too long - a life time!  If the wise one would be effective, he'd start now, and allow the Lord Himself to give him wisdom and advice from above.

A  list of wisdom garnering components could include, and by no means excludes others:  love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, FAITH, gentleness, self-control, mercy, grace, compassion, prayer, justice, truth, fear of the Lord, strength from the  Lord, confidence in God, and Christ-likeness.  You get the picture and can no doublt add to the list.  Developing in each of these areas would smoothen the relationship, creating greater connection between 'fool' and 'wise'.

If we are fool and

think we are wise in our own

eyes, think again!  Dupe!

We need to examine ourselves thoroughly without deceiving ourselves.  God knows very well where we stand.  If we humbly bow before Him and ask Him to reveal our fool-like behavior, He will.  We will need to be willing to accept and make the necessary changes.  Ask wisdom from Him as  He gives it liberally and that without harsh accusations (James 1:5).

Fool-man will become more wise-man and then have greater credibility to dispense measured portions of wisdom when the supply is short.  Don't you think so?

For instance, I really like the chap Apollos in Acts 18:24-28.  He'd only known the baptism of John the Baptizer and preached it faithfully and with conviction.  He worked within the limits of his knowledge but he was diligent and effectively proclaimed the Way of the Lord with enthusiasm.

However, he as yet, did not have the full truth. He had not heard of having faith in the finished work of Christ.  When Priscilla and Aquila heard  him speaking boldly but not with the complete picture of salvation, they brought him home to upgrade his spiritual education.  They did not scream at him in public telling him he was deficient in his knowlege.

Guess, what?!  Apollos  listened!  His heart was opened and willing to admit he needed the extra  tutoring.  He  was no fool!  The hospitality of Priscilla and Aquila offered, helped the receptivity and created room for relationship and therefore earned them the right to deliver and explain the way of God to him more accurately.  They too, were no fools.

When Apollos grasped this more correctly, there was then no keeping him in the comforts of home.  He wanted to go to Achia with this good news.  I love it that

"...the brothers encouraged him and wrote to the disciples there to welcome him" (Acts 18:27 NIV).

These brothers were wise in so doing.  If they'd kept him back to 'control' him, we do not know what would have become of him.  Instead, given his freedom and helped along the way, results were positively portentous.

"He was a great help...[an he] vigorously refuted the Jews in public debate, proving from the Scriptures that Jesus was God" (Acts 18:22-28 NIV).

This learned Apollos was  willing to listen and change, or add on to, his message in the needed way.  It made him more wise and able to continue his work constructively and beneficially with the power and authority of God through the Holy Spirit.  He truly had a good message to  tell.

By constrast was the "simple" man from Proverbs 7:6-27.  He allowed himself to be lured by the sweet talk of Miss Woman Folly.  His heart turned to her and he followed her home to his death, adding one more to her list of victims.

Wisdom to take home is that when we fear the Lord and shun evil we will be wise men and women of God with Christ-like character (Proverbs3:7).  We will develop our own character and build relationships first before sharing our wisdom.  In all likelihood, the fool can then be made more willingly wise.  Pray for wisdom.

                                                         ~ERC  February 2022~

Based on Acts 18:24-28 NIV/GoodNews and Proverbs 7:6-27 NIV.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

THE God of Mercy


The Lord our God is the God of mercy and justice and grace (Isaiah 30:18).  We can call upon Him at all times.  He is our Healer, Provider and more.  In Him, we can have peace.  Did you also know He is the God of all comfort and encouragement?

Paul, Silas and Timothy had been keeping a hectic schedule of travels, city to city to city, preaching, teaching and avoiding being murdered.  They, especially Paul, would be "strengthening and encouraging" the believers en route.  All this despite the pain and discomfort from the Philippi whippings, and wear and tear of travel.

Tiredness dogged their steps, perhaps overtaking them at times.  Perhaps, even fear crept in.  We do not know as the Bible does not say.  Nonetheless, I really love how the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision one night.

"Do not be afraid; keep  on speaking, do not be silent.  For I am wth you and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city" (Acts 18:9 & 10 NIV).

This happened in the city of Corinth, a city of great wealth, luxury and immorality (SPM*).  such a message would bring great relief of mind and maybe he could have even unpacked his suitcase.  He ended up staying 1 1/2 years,

"...teaching them the word of God" (v 11).

True riches; and therein lay holiness.

Words of comfort and encouragement can go a long way.  When we've been on the  path of rigorous service for the Lord, praise the Lord we can turn to His word for comfort and encouragement for ourselves, so we can then be strengthened to comfort and encourage others along our earthly trek and scope of ministry.  Our God is indeed the God of mercy as He ministers to  our souls and spirits through His word and the workings of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

                                                 ~ERC  November  2021~

Based on Acts 18:9-11 (NIV/GoodNews)

*SPM Study Guide Bible Knowledge, The Acts of the Apostles; Goh Kim Kuat; copyright 20005; Issachar Sdn. Bhd.

Sing, Songs of Hope & Healing, along with Don Moen and others.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Book Review - Nellie vs Elizabeth - By Kate Hannigan - Publication Date: 15 February 2022

From the 'get go' (the enthusiastically illustrated front cover and beyond), of this book is a rivetingly exciting read.  What's more, its a biography of an almost forgotten time and of the 'actresses' who enacted a most adventurous drama on the world stage.   These two courageous women, Nellie Bly and Elizabeth Bisland, female journalists who came to the fore as pioneers of their time where female anything was NOT the norm except in the domestic sphere, electrified their newpaper readership, and of course, the bottom line, boosted sales.  Inadvertantly, Nellie began a race with Elizabeth in a whirlwind around-the-world in fewer than 80 days, audacious trip, which involved several boats and trains there and back during the 1889-1890 years.  It was a remarkable eye-opening trip of a lifetime for both women.   I won't tell you who won, you'll have to find that out for yourself but they did open the world to women, showing that they could be just as innovative and daring as their male counterparts.  This true biographical tale for young readers is a fabulous read even for adults and earns my 5-star-of-approval opinion.

Included in the book is a very interesting Timeline of Women  from 1889 which lists several other female Investigative Journalists and their exploits.  Truly educational as well as entertaining.

                                                 ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                              January 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Book Review - You Can Count On God - By Max Lucado (adapted by Tama Fortner) - Publication Date: 15 February 2022


This one hundred day devotional for young children has entries that are short, sweet, sound and simple.  Each day is based on a different Bible verse with verses chosen mainly from the New Testament, which I like.  Along with the verse and the devotional blurb, comes a short section that's either a prayer, something to remember or something to do.  There are some fun things and some that would get a child to consider issues on a more serious level such as doing something good for someone who may not have been very kind to them, or that shows Jesus loves them.

All in all, the layout is clear, has down-to-earth young person speak; there is comfort, and pro-activeness that encourages Christ-likeness.  In a nutshell, "light and easy" could be used to describe the book.  The possible drawback may be that there are no colorful illustrations, although there is a pleasing repeated motif on each page, throughout the volume.  I pray that each child who reads and acts upon the verses and what he or she reads from this devotional will indeed grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and know that they can indeed count on Him.

                                            ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                            January 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary copy sent by NetGalley and the Publisher.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

The Unknown God Made Known

 Lord, Your Word and ways are so totally amazing!  How Your Holy Spirit worked through Paul's mouth to faithfully proclaim Christ is a wonder.  He matched what the Epicureans needed to know with what their beliefs were.  He was furrowing that field and planting your Good News seeds as adeptly as an Amish* farmer sowing his seed crops.  I don't know about others, but I'm really overwhelmed by what happened when I stop to consider it.

Paul must have had knowledge of the  Epicurean and Stoic's beliefs, legends, background of their culture and thought and so was able to match, point by point, the perfections of Christ to satisfy these needs and thought.  Additionally, Paul was sensitive to Your Holy Spirit's leading and as Paul proclaimed the Unknown [to them] God, Your Holy Spirit guided Paul's words and  convicted the hearts of some in his audiences:  some convicted to mirth and mockery but others to genuine belief.  

We praise You, Father for Your merciful and grace-filled message.  Help us nowadays to be as well prepared as Paul had been.  May we allow your Holy Spirit to guide the actual flow of words we testify to of Your love, grace, mercy, forgiveness and above all, salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

Help us to tell the "old, old story" in ever new  ways to meet the needs of the current society in which we find ourselves.  May mankind come to look to You, to seek You until they find You while You may be found.  May we all turn from our evil ways to become holy as You are.  We know that in time to come You will judge the whole earth through Jesus.  None of us will escape.  NOW is the day of salvation.

Thank-You for the life, breath and everything else You have given us human beings.  You are the Lord of everything; the One True God.  Thank-You most of all for Jesus our Savior.

In Jesus name we pray, praise and give You thanks.

                                                           ~ERC  November 2021~

Based on Acts 17:16-34 GoodNews/NIV.

*Absolutely NO disparity is meant upon the Amish.  In fact, I  admire their ways.  See The Amish:  Back Roads to Heaven video (46 minutes).

Listen to, Jesus Christ the Apple Tree by Elizabeth Postan.  Beautiful accapella.

Lord's Day Devotion - Holy Vessels


Holy and honorable vessels for the Lord bear the Name of the Lord with grace, truth and humility.  This wonderful Name of Jesus is what has made the vessels holy.  God's  righteousness imputed, at the point of salvation, upon each and every believer in Jesus Christ.

And we become royal priests in the service of our Lord, King and Savoir, Jesus Christ.  We are indwelt by the Holy Spirit and we can begin the progressive sanctifying process towards becoming holy as our Heavenly Father is holy - vessels fit for the Master's use (2 Timothy 2:20-26, especialy v21).

The Israelite priests tended to the sacred articles of the Tabenacle and carried them from place to place throughout their wilderness journey.  They used them as needed in the Temple worship of God.  They had to be holy and so did the vessels.

We are now both priests and vessels.  We are to comport ourselves with holiness and honor to give glory and honor to the name of our precious Savior and Redeemer who has done all things well.  We have His omnipresence before and behind us as we bring our vessels out to carry Jesus to one and all.  May we each act wisely as we carry and deliver His message.  He is worthy motive to propel us to honorable and holy living.  

May we each be vessels characterized by these for our Lord's glory and honor.  Jesus, our High Priest has done so  much for us, let us do what we should and conduct ourselves as we should,  according to His word and so carry His Name in holy and honorable vessels until He comes.

Yes, Father, as we pass the bread and wine to our brothers and sisters-in-Christ this Lord's Day, and partake and drink therefrom, let us keep Your Name and the Name of Your son Jesus, holy.  May others not be appalled at You because of us but instead delight as we carry Jesus' Name and banner high and with honor, dignity, integrity and holiness.

In Jesus' Name we give You thanks and praise.

                                                       ~ERC  February 2022~

Based on Isaiah 51:9-15 NIV.

Sing, Be Unto Your Name, with CRC Worship.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Fond of the Bereans

 Do you ever have a critical attitude or feel a resistance to listening to the Word of God being preached by certain individuals in your church services?  I do and have done so often.  The human spirit wells up and wants to rebel, perhaps for good reasons.

By contrast, I love the Bereans' noble character.  They were willing - note the word, 'willing' - to consider new ideas with an open mind.  They didn't just blindly accept all Paul was saying as gospel truth.  NO.  They "considered" it.  They 

"examined the Scriptures" (Acts 17:11 NIV).

and that,

"every day" (Acts 17:11 NIV).

They found that what Paul was preaching was true; and many Jews believed as did prominent Greek women and men.  

It wasn't just a quick glance through but an examination thereof.  This is a much better attitude to absorb into our beings.  

Yes, we need to 

"test the spirits to see if they are from God" (1 John 4:1 NIV)

or not.

Nevertheless, we're speaking of the general attitude of our hearts and minds, no matter whose teaching and preaching, to be noble and willing to listen and learn.  I'm rather fond of these Bereans and wish and pray to be more like them in their wise, nobly discerning stance.  How about you?

Let's let God's Word guide and be a light for our feet (Psalm 119:105).

                                                         ~ERC  October 2021~

Based on Acts 17:10-15 (NIV/GoodNews).

Sing Word of God Speak, Mercy Me.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Book Review - The Runaway Children - By Lindsey Hutchinson - Publication Date: 10 February 2022


For me, this book was totally engaging from start to finish.  There's humor, there's that which will get your dander up, good deeds and a whole lot of fun.  I'd say it is a truly wholesome and delightful read for any school aged child, and ahem, the adults in their lives.  There are twists and turns and surprizes that will keep any reader racing ahead to the next pages.

The reader will come to discover why poor Dora catches so much of the brunt of her Grandmother Edith's vindictiveness.  Why the children ran away and how do Dora and her mom Mary fit into all of this?  Who are the secret benefactors and more?

I have thoroughly enjoyed this heart warming tale and hope to some day read more from this author, Lindsey Hutchinson in the future.  I give this book my 5-Star seal of approval.

                                                   ~Eunice C.  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                               January 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.