Lucy looked out over the heads of the congregation towards the baptismal font at the front of the church. She could get a pretty good view from the nursery window despite the other mothers interested in the proceedings jockeying amiably for postition with her. She was glad her wee "Beanie" slept, she could then concentrate better on her younger brother's baptism.Being the eldest of ten children, Lucy knew full well her parents' beliefs had been what they termed "household baptism". That's why, with each succeeding infant they had added to their family fold, her parents had had their babies baptised before they were much more than a month old. Of course she couldn't and didn't remember a thing about her own baptism, only what her parents had told her about it later when one of her younger siblings was being immersed. This had been the rule of thumb in her family growing up. Why then was twelve year old Josh different?
To start at the beginning, Dad had explained that having one's baby baptised like that, "...puts the child under the umbrella of the kingdom of God." Lucy remembered thinking that that sounded a bit spooky but of course didn't question it any further cuz what was, is what is. At least she didn't question at that time but she certainly did when her Beanie was born. It just didn't feel right to NOT do it for him.
Her dear hubby Aquila said, "No."
She was shocked. She asked, "Why ever not!? What if something happens to Beanie?"
She'd explained to Aquila, "It's a protection for babies in Christian households. The faith and prayers of the parents are that their offspring will come to salvation through faith in Jesus when they're older.
Aquila could sort of see that but he replied, "I'd rather we focus on teaching and leading Beanie, and any subsequent children the Lord may give us, to have faith in the Lord stemming from their own will and dilgently guide them to it. When they themselves come to faith in Jesus, there will be less confusion as to whether this was because of our faith or because it was from their very own hearts. I think it will be a deeper, more lasting commitment."
He asked, "Lucy, I know you were baptised as a child and I know you are commited to your faith in Christ and daily live it out, but don't you ever feel like you were 'cheated' out of grasping it for yourself and then making that decision to be baptised for yourself?"
Lucy couldn't deny that line of thinking and she believed that since coming to this other church, her parents had had a change of heart too. Thus her younger brother only being baptised at the age of 12 years. It was amazing.
It rather comforted her too in regards to Beanie. She had said a prayer of dedication to the Lord though on Beanie's behalf, adding her "Amen" to Aquila's as he prayed the same.
In the wee hours of the morning, just this day, she'd also read Acts 19:1-7. She'd never realized it before - the 12 men who were twice baptized. She giggled a bit because she'd read, "gotquestions" on the internet that called them the "Ephesus Dozen". Somehow, it amused her; was that like a "baker's dozen" or something?
Those twelve, like Apollos, had only heard of the baptism of John and so, she assumed had only been baptised into that baptism of repentance that John the Bapizer had preached even before Jesus began His ministry.
Paul found these guys and explained that this baptism looked forward to Jesus but Jesus had already come, died, had been buried and risen again. Now they could accept salvation through Jesus and baptism in the name of Jesus, showing their faith in the finished work of Christ.
Ah-h-h! Light had dawned and so they were baptized this second time. Seems to be the only instance of being twice baptised but perhaps most of those early Christians would have been, Lucy mused.
It comforted her some more to think about it, for herself and for Beanie. Even though she couldn't recall a single drip or drop of her own water baptism, she knew, from her subsequent siblings' baptisms, that it had been in the "name of the Father and of the Son, Jesus and of the Holy Spirit". In Jesus name was the crux, she felt. Also, Aquila's reasoning, and because of Josh-at-12, she felt at peace now. She felt satisfied that she was properly baptised and didn't need a second dunk.
Oh, Josh was just heading down the steps into the font. Elder Bob already patiently waiting in the water. She could hear the proceedings over the PA, piped softly into the nursery. Lucy felt shivers and the hair on her arms rise up, as brother Bob heard Josh's confession of faith which carried obvious conviction that he knew Jesus as Savior and understood what he was now about to allow brother Bob to do.
"I now baptise you, Joshua Luke Smith, in the name of the Father, the Son Jesus and of the Holy Spirit," he intoned.
Splash. Dunk. Up came the baptised Josh.
Everyone clapped and started to sing "Praise the Lord, Hallelujah," then "Oh happy day, that fixed my choice..."
Startling, joyous moments.
Lucy prayed Josh would truly value his salvation and baptism and continue to be commited to Christ for life. She had the same hopes and prayers for Beanie.
She turned from the window and looked at her son. Oh he was awake. He cooed and smiled up at her. Her heart melted with her love for him and she reached for him, cuddling him in her loving arms. She whispered a prayer for his salvation into his ears, putting her faith in the Lord that He'd guide and direct Beanie as He had directed her and Aquila, their parents before them, and now Josh.
~ERC November 2021~
Based on Acts 19:1-7 NIV/GoodNews.
Sing, O Happy Day, along with Edwin Hawkins, Anthony Brown and FBCG combined choir.