Tuesday, August 31, 2021

spirit or Spirit?

 "What do you do with a drunken sailor?" sang the Irish Rovers.  What can you do?  Not much except get out of his way.  Sad sight, really.  The alcoholic spirit is nothing to glorify.

It brings the drunkard down, down into a slippery, miry pit; difficult, although not impossible position, out of which to climb.  A place you would not wish to be, nor to have a loved one.  Degrading, addictive spirit.  Lord, preserve all our loved ones out of, and from such a state.

Praise the Lord, there is the Holy Spirit Whom we can have through faith in Jesus Christ.  The Holy Spirit indwells each one of the followers of Jesus Christ.  A new "creation," alive in Christ.

He can make a whole different sort of man, as sung in Rise Up, Oh Men of God.  Men who will give "heart, soul, mind and strength" to God to serve the King of kings; to serve the needs of his family and others in the strength of Christ; to tread the way Jesus had done - in their right minds, and in step with the Holy Spirit; "drunk" only with the Holy Spirit.

I do not make jest.

These are the kind of men our Heavenly Father is looking for.  Yes, they will have their share of setbacks and challenges but they will be empowered by the indwelling Holy Spirit of God.  Excellence, dignity and integrity will characterize them.  Useful men, willing to serve their King, Master, Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  


                                                      ~ERC  August 2021~

Sing, Rise Up Oh Men of God, along with Kenneth Jennings, Northern Light Chorale.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Good Book - Surprised by the Power of the Spirit - Dr. Jack Deere


This is a book I was reluctant to read, yet curiosity persisted and drove me to peruse its pages.  I'm glad I did.

Dr. Jack Deere, in his book Surprised by the Power of the Spirit, gives a somewhat autobiographical account of his "pendulum swing" from staunch conservative views in regards to the Holy Spirit and what He can and cannot do in post Bible time days, to a more "liberal" acceptance, that He is the same yesterday, today, and will still be tomorrow.  My experience very much mirrors Dr. Deere's.  Of course, I could not explain it nearly as effectively as he does, so you'll just have to read his book. 😊 BTW, he also does not swing too radically left.

Before getting too deeply into this book review, I'd like to insert a 'rule of thumb' I recently learned a wee bit more indepth about, for whenever we read God's word.  It is an important aspect of Bible reading that Dr. Deere also alludes to and notes that, when a person reads a single Bible verse, he or she should then read the context fore and aft of it.  Read also in context of the whole chapter, the specific book of the Bible it's from (its basic theme or purpose), and keeping in mind the whole word of God itself.  Do the thoughts the one verse generates in the mind, harmonize with the context nearby and as a whole of the rest of Scripture?  If it does, that's rightly dividing the word of God.  Theologians refer to this practice as 'hermeneutics'.  These guidelines are important so that there is less likelihood the reader does not misinterpret and/or misapply what the Lord is saying to the reader.  We must always keep this in mind when reading any portion of the Word of God.

Let's get back on track...

"Conservative" thought is all those signs and wonders purported and attributed to the Holy Spirit, mostly do not happen nowadays.  Deere gives detailed, supposed back up for these views that the staunch theological right have.  It is rather constrictive and does not allow the Holy Spirit's dynamic, everlasting power of God out of the rigid box they attempt to stuff Him into.

It is sad and it is confusing to one who really does "hear" from the Holy Spirit but then the mind says, "No that can't be, because we already have the complete word of God in the Bible and the Holy Spirit doesn't say much anymore."  This is putting it very simply.

On the other hand, those "Pentacostals" and  "that type" of thinking are way out of whack!  No way, cannot accept such "liberalism" and the staunch restricters look down their noses at these "fanatics," often with contempt.  In fact, folks are warned against being associated too closely with them.

Deere debunks much of this prejudice and has excellent blow-by-blow arguments to substantiate the excessive conservatism in what I'd say, in a Christ-like manner.  However, he also does give words of caution re:  some of the legitimate quibbles the right have in regards to the far left pendulum reach, or to it's misuses, and misapplied interpretations.  Some of this is rather deep so you'd need to read for yourself to follow his thesis.

It will be wonderful liberating knowledge and understanding to be able to freely "meet and greet" the Holy Spirit, daily, for ones own self.  I say this reverently as He is God the Holy Spirit.

If you've met God through faith in Jesus Christ, and have gotten to know Jesus as your Savior and Friend, You will get to know God, the Father and God, the Holy Spirit.  As you read more and learn more of God and Jesus, their character and attributes, you will surely come to understand, meet and value the Holy Spirit who indwells you.  You will learn to be more sensitive to His voice, leading, comfort, and counsel.  You will surely "be surprised" by His active power that is still mightily at work in you and that can and will, flow out to others.  Yes, even in signs, wonders, healings, knowledge about another's condition and needs, as well as ones own, if you are listening.  

I encourage believers from both sides of the pendulum swing to read this book.  It's eye-opening, revealing both sides' strengths and weaknesses.  We can learn more of God's grace, love and power and energize our spiritual life more in the way our heavenly Father intended us to have abundant life in Christ.

You won't be disappointed and I hope and pray you will learn not to be so afraid of the Holy Spirit and His workings within and through your life as you live to please the Lord Jesus; for His glory and honor.  May you continually be surprised by the active, working power of the Holy Spirit Who indwells you even in this day and age; Who is still performing many supernatural acts.

In Jesus' name, I ask our Heavenly Father.  


                                                   ~ERC  August 2021~

Note:  It would be helpful to read the book of Acts a few times in a row before reading this book.

P.S.   At the end of the main discussion, there are Appendices and Notes for further study on the subject.

Prayer - Psalm of Rhetorical Questions

 Heavenly Father, we bow our heads in reverent fear and trembling in Your awesome presence.  We dare to ask You rhetorical questions, though, as we then stand and look on in amazement....

When a missionary went out from his home -- to a people of strange, tongue-contorting (to him) language for forty years to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and gained much "treasure in Heaven", Who sustained Him and met his needs?

When the lady linguist spent twenty years or more of her life learning the foreign language and its nuances; customs, culture, and legends of a particular people group in the middle of a remote jungle, Who was her Personal Company to uphold her in her loneliness and through the frustarations, challenges and obstacles of relating to the people, learning, gathering, assimilating and documenting it all so that in turn, she could translate Your Word into said people group's language?  Oh, and have it all make sense to them?  Who was He, Who sustained her to see Your "project" through to the end so these dear people could read Your precious word in their own mother tongue?!

Father, here's another question.

Who was it who kept the circuit riding preacher-teacher and his wife, safely on the road for forty years?  Oh, and the one "major" accident where he got out of his car and although addlepated, climbed back up the ravine he had accidently driven into, despite his sustained broken back?  Who healed that back over the ensuing weeks so he could get behind the wheel again and continue bringing Your word to Your people, helping to build them up in their "most holy faith"?

Who was He, Father, who comforted that couple who had just lost their precious little, firstborn child to leukemia, or brain tumor or drowning or miscarriage or stillbirth?  Who's love surrounded and comforted them; Who kept them strong in faith - ever cleaving to You?

These rhetorical questions could go on and on.  However, like the psalmist, we'd like to say, Father, we 

"tremble...at the presence of the LORD" (verse 7).

WE tremble, Oh God of Jacob, of that missionary, of that linguist, preacher-teacher and of the bereaved couples; we tremble in Your presence, giving thanksgiving for being with us, walking with us, and bringing us through the valley of the shadow of death.  We know He was You and that You are with us still.

Thank-You in Jesus' most precious name and by His enduring grace we praise.

                                                   ~ERC  April 2021~

Based on Psalm 114:1-8 (ESV).

Sing, To You, O God, I Lift Up My Soul, with Bob Hurd.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Prayer - The Barren Woman's Joy


Heavenly Father, as we peek or pry open our eyes at the rising of the sun, may we actually praise You, because Your Name is to be praised!  Blessed is Your name above all others!  Your name and Your glory are forevermore.

You look far down from Heaven, with love and care and compassion that is not only international but "inter-galactal;" -- all the way from Heaven to Earth!  You lift the poor and needy up from degrading circumstance and sit them among the royalty of Your sons and daughters, in Christ.  For this we give You praise, especially when You get us to do some of that "lifting".

Another thing You see is the barren woman.  Oh how she desparately wants to have the joy of motherhood, of holding a wee one in her arms.  Praise You Father, You do, do this!

We think of Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Mrs. Manoah, Hannah, and Elizabeth; women of the Bible to whom You brought joy and laughter.  This after years of barreness, despondancy and what they felt as disgrace of not being able to bear a child.  They had come to the years that brought many of them beyond usual child-bearing years; for example, Sarah was 90 years old!  Old apparently, even for those ancient times.

You are still doing this for many women; opening their wombs, giving them a home and making them the "joyous mothers of children".  I salute them all.  I even salute those who have adopted babies or more grown children into a "barren" nest.  

I salute those women who may not even be married but who have chosen to foster and/or adopt children and raise them up in the nuture of the Lord.  These women can be termed as "barren" too, but they opened their home for this noble and challenging role.  An excellent example is of Amy Carmichael, who chose to 'adopt' hundreds of children in India.  I also know of  others who have done similarly, just not quite so many children.  

No wonder we can praise You and join those mothers in joyful rejoicing for those miracles only You can create.  May they each be able to "burst into song".

We praise You Father God in Jesus' most precious name.

Praise the Lord!

                                                       ~ERC  Apil 2021~

Based on Psalm 113:1-9 ESV; Isaiah 54:1.

The at first, childless couples, & the eventual child(ren):

1.  Abraham & Sarah = Isaac

2.  Isaac & Rebekah = Esau and Jacob

3.  Jacob & Rachel = Joseph, and Benjamin

4.  Manoah & Zlelponi = Samson

5.  Elkanah & Hannah = Samuel

6.  Zechariah & Elizabeth = John the Baptizer

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Prayer - Generation of the Upright


Father God, all praise, honor and glory be unto You.  Blessed is the man or woman who fears You, who greatly delights in You and  Your Word.  When the righteous person does so, it will be well with that brother or sister-in-Christ.  Their offspring, who follow in these upright footsteps will also be "mighty in the land".

Father, I've recently read a biography of a dear brother-in-Christ who spent about 35-40 years faithfully serving You, bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to the multitudes in China, Hong Kong and in Southeast Asian (SEA) countries.  He stored up so much treasure in Heaven for You.  He was faithful and righteous right up until the end, despite slanderous accusations precipitated upon him, by those who should have stood by him and cared lovingly and graciously for him in his end-of-life years on earth.

Down the line, some of his direct offspring had offsping of their own who also served and some who are still serving You.  These grandchildren must have brought joy to his heart as well as to Yours, Father.  Talk about the third and fourth generation.  Yes Father, it is indeed a gladsome procession, cuz even down to yet another generation (a great-grandchild) who also greatly delights in serving You, wheter at home or abroad.

May these righteous ones, made righteous in Your sight through faith in Jesus Christ, continue to serve You and those they minister among on Your behalf.  Let them be gracious, merciful, righteous, and conduct their affairs with justice and integrity as did the generations "upline".  May they never be moved and always remembered for these, even despite 'bad news" of false accusation and the like, may their hearrts be ever firm in You; trusting in You, the Ever Righteous One!

These are such good examples for the rest of us Father.  May we too follow whole-heartedly after You, with righteous, firm and steady hearts, "distributing freely to the poor" as the missionary man above had done, even to the point of "spending all", for You.

May any accusers or wicked men see this steadfastness, this righteousness and be smitten in their consciences, and turn and seek You and Your righteousness.  May all of us have generations of upright offspring who follow in our faith wake.

In Jesus name I ask.

                                                       ~ERC  April 2021~

Based on Psalm 112:1-10 ESV

Monday, August 23, 2021

Book Review - Christmas Comes to Morning Star - By Charlotte Hubbard - Publication Date; 24 August 2021.

The Amish lifestyle is always of great interest to those of other faiths.  It is rather idyllic.  Glimpses of this way of life can be seen in the everyday life of the twins, Molly and Marietta.  They run a prosperous noodle-making business and are content in their singleness which has come to 35 years worth, come their birthday, around Christmas time.  A couple of gentlmen come along and throw a wrench into this peaceful scene.  Will they be thwarted once again, or...?  See what happens....

                                               ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~
                                                          August 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given by the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Prayer - Smiles of Delight


"Great are Your works O Lord!"  We delight in them.  There is no end of them and therefore we do not run out of delight.

When we gaze up into the morning sky and see clouds unfurled in billows of "fluff" or scuttling in tumbling formations, twirled in currents of strongly moving air, we "ooh" and "aaah" at the glorious tableaux, smiles of delight illuminating our countenances.

As sprigs of mint scent the ground and gardeners touch, or as bravely sprouting crocuses peep up and out, through lingering snow, bring joyful  splashes of color, we study them with delight and hope and kick out winter kinks in our legs and body joints.  We may even cavort a Spring dance.  Delight again.

Great are Your works, oh Lord!  When we study them may we be reminded of You.  May we turn our delight to You, not just Your creation, which is indeed "full of splendor and majesty" (vs 3).  May we woship and praise You.

May we remember Your righteousness, graciousness and how merciful You are.  "You provide food for those who fear You".  Not only that, You provide even for those who don't; even those who glory in Your creation and who "ooh" and "aah" but don't lift their lives and eyes up to You, nor acknowledge You, the Creator of all those wondrous works of Your hand.  You feed them too, like You did for the vast multitude of the children of Israel in their 40 year trek through the wilderness.  Manna rained down.  Quails came.  They often forgot Your strong hand Who fed them.

You rememberred the covenant You had with them even though they "forgot" it time and again.  May we, Your children through Jesus not forget You.  May we not be distracted by the beauty You display in twice daily panorama kaleidoscopes of sunrises and sunsets.  May we remember You are the Masterr "painter" and it is to You, Your faithfulness and uprightness in Whom and in which we need to delight.

Why?  Because, You sent Jesus our Redeemer and offered us salvation and to be sealed with Your Holy Spirit guaranteeing the inheritance we have in You.

May one and all of Your children, through Jesus, have the fear of the Lord coursing through their hearts and minds, souls and spirits.  It is in this we have the beginning of wisdom and will have good understanding when we "practice" it.

May we praise You and praise You for ever and ever.  May the beauty and wonder of creation, the works of Your hands, ever turn us to You as often as needed - like, daily...

May our thoughts of You and all You do for those of us who fear You, put continual smiles of delight upon our faces, until Jesus comes for us.  Perhaps Today.

Lastly, may the whole congregation of those who fear You, give You thanks and praise with our whole hearts for it is in Jesus' most precious name we ask.

                                                       ~ERC  April 2021~

Based on Psalm 111:1-10 ESV

Sing, Great Indeed Are Your Works, Oh Lord, along with, God's Apostle.  

Please focus on the lyrics not on the picture which I'm sorry about.  Some people do not like to see the picture of Jesus.  

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Wholehearted Encouragers


Their 'resume's' read,

"...they followed the LORD wholeheartedly..." (Numbers 32:12 NIV)

This was the keynote address, by God Himself, in regards to Caleb, son of Jephunneh and Joshua, son of Nun.

They were the two out of twelve who had encouraged, rather than discouraged, the children of Israel to "go ahead" and gratefully take hold of the inheritance God had promised them.

The rest, the 10/12 spies who had also gone to spy out the Promised Land, discouraged by spreading fear, telling of the strong, fearsome giants in that place that they felt they could not overcome.  Yes, they reported, it was indeed a good land, except for, blah, blah, blah.  So they incited the people to rebel.

Caleb and Joshua, said, "Yes, we can!  We can because the LORD is with us."

They'd all seen many mighty works and wonders of God already in their travels from Egypt.  Did the discouragers not believe and 'get it' that God was still their God and would continue His wonders on their behalf?

The difference between the 2/12 and the 10/12 explorers was that the 2/12 "followed the LORD wholeheartedly" [emphasis, mine].  That was their secret to being able to encourage.

We see this trait in Barnabas in the New Testament who came along side former, fierce persecut-or Saul who'd become the new believer in Jesus, Paul, the eventually persecut-ed.  The believers were afraid of him. Fear again.  Barnabas, the son of encouragement, did his thing - he encouraged.  He encouraged Paul by coming alongside of him and bringing him to the apostles in Jerusalem and vouching for him.

Paul must have learned how to encourage too, as many of his epistles have words of encouragement.  Although we don't see many references to Barnabas, he'd 'passed it on' to Paul and we know from inference, that Paul clung wholeheartedly to the Lord and followed Him to the ends of the earth preaching, teaching, and encouraging those who'd come to Christ.

I really like the commendation he gave for sister Phoebe.  She was "a servant of the church..." he penned.  Look what else he wrote about her,

"...receive her in the Lord in a way worthy of the saints and give her any help she may need from you, for she has been a great help to many people, including me" (Romans 16:1-2 NIV).

Imagine, Phoebe going to all the Roman assemblies and delivering this letter to all of them, from Paul.  She'd be sitting quietly listening as someone read the whole epistle aloud and then in the last page hear her name read out and that the Roman believers were asked to help her in her ministry.  That would be very encouraging.  She too, seems to have been one who "wholeheartedly followed the LORD."

No doubt we can each name one or two people of this caliber who may even have been used to encourage us.  May each of us be characterized with this 'label':  "wholehearted encourager," because we totally, wholeheartedly follow the Lord.  Pass on words of encouragement so that, in turn, those encouraged, can pass some on to others, and so on...

Maybe "wholehearted encourager" would even be your epitaph.

                                                         ~ERC  August 2021~

Based on Numbers 24-33, especially 32:7-12 NIV.

Meme Credit to friend Michael.

Book Review - NEEDING NORMAL - By Emma Grange - Publication Date: 21 August 2021

 Jett Harper wants desperately to be "normal," to fit in among her peers at high school.  What is the definition of 'normal' though, and for that matter, of love and how one experiences it?  Will she be accepted and have true friendships in and outside class?  How does it all sync?  Jett wants to know.  Go through the ropes of doubt, stress and turmoil with Jett as she ponders and puzzles these weighty matters out for herself and how she squares in with her "Core5" group.  Afterall, doesn't everyone "need normal"?   Teens will certainly like this book.

                                                    ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                                August 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given by the publisher.

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Friday, August 20, 2021

Safely Sealed Inheritance


We have heard, believed and have been sealed, given guarantee of a coming inheritance.  This will be acquired, or consummated, in God's good time.  Praise Him and His glory.

You might ask what was heard, believed and has been sealed?  Well the beauty and assurance of it all is this, that the Ephesians, wrote Paul the apostle, had

 "heard the word of truth, the gospel of salvation".

That was and still is very good news to one and all ever after.  What's more, they had believed in this gospel of salvation through Jesus Chist,

"...and believed in Him,"

as the verse continues.  This in turn precipitated being,

"...sealed with the promised Holy Spirit."

When a tomb, or a letter, or some top secret document is "sealed," it is meant to be secure; to be kept safely until the rightful person breaks or opens that seal.  Safely sealed...

In this case, a safely sealed inheritance.  What's more, again, the Holy Spirit is our

"...guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it..." (Ephesians 1:13-14 ESV).

When God gives a gift, He does so thoroughly.  

Another question you might ask is, "What is this inheritance?"  "What makes it so special that the inheritor would want it?"

Most may think...money, land, housing, business, estates, and so on.  What has God our Heavenly Father bestowed upon us, His children through Christ?

We get Heaven!  We get HIM!

This inheritance is "imperishable, undefiled, and unfading".  It is also being "kept" in heaven (1 Peter 1:4 ESV).

Heaven, kept in Heaven?  This is intriguing.  Heaven and all that entails, but most and best of all is, Jesus Christ and our everlasting life He obtained for us on the cross.  Christ is our "unending possession".  This is all secure.  No one can touch or spoil or steal it.  It's being reserved for each one of us who have heard, and believed the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ and have been sealed with His Holy Spirit (Matthew 6:20, John 10:28-29; 2 Corinthians 4:18; Revelation 21:14).

Are you looking forward to acquiring, to the cosummation of having acquired, rather, such an inheritance?  I am.

Paul really knew how to encourage his fellow believer-inheritors.  May we each take heart too.  This inheritance has already been "obtained" (Ephesians 1:11).  We have been predestined to recieve it due to our adoption into His family.  This is God's will - literally and figuratively - for us.

Be at peace, you have a safely sealed inheritance.  Some day soon, very soon, we are going to meet the King face to face and we will "acquire this heavenly kept possession" from Him, in full measure.  Praise His holy name.  This is all to the "praise of His glory". He will not change His will; never let us down.

  "He faileth not" (Zephaniah 3:5 KJV).

Think on all these blessings we have in Christ.  May your hearts be warmed with the knowledge and joy of it.  Thank Him. Praise the Lord.

                                                          ~ERC  April 2021~

Based on Ephesians 1:11-14 ESV.

Sing, Soon & Very Soon, along with Andae Crouch.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Predestined for Adoption


A long time ago I found an explanation for 'adoption'.  It went something like this...there are two ways to have a baby of ones' "own":  One is through the womb of the biological mother, and the other, is through the heart of an adoptive parent.  The biological mother can love her own baby ever as much as the baby who is adopted.  Nevertheless, it is out of love from the heart and by choice (usually), that a potential parent (or couple), adopts.

A biological mother, who, for whatever reason, chooses to give up her baby to an adoptive couple (or person) - had "predestined" her baby for adoption.  

From some stories I've read and heard of, many of these mothers love their babies, and therefore by very great struggle and heartbreak have made that decision to do what they believed has been  "the best" she could do for her wee newborn.

Yes, I'm aware there are infinite reasons why a baby or child is available for adoption.  Some may have come out of very volatile situations and given into foster care.  From there, it may be because the situation did not improve and in the end the biological parents, not so much out of doing "the best" for their child, but for more selfish reasons, have acquiesced to relinguishing their offspring to the care and potential adoption by others.

The thought behind, the "predestined for adoption," by God, has been out of His great love, and it comes to our knowledge, understanding and insight to be adopted by Him through salvation.  God wanted His human creatures to be united with Him; to be in His family.  If one reads Genesis, one will see that He had rapport with Adam, at first.  God came "in the cool of the day" to commune with Adam (& Eve).

Satan, God's enemy, "stole" mankind away from God, not so he could delight in mankind but be a terrible, fiercesome, demanding, hateful taskmaster.  Not the kind of parent anyone would want.  Satan didn't want a loving relationship but in jealousy he just didn't want God to enjoy such.  He thought he'd foul everything up by subtle deception and gile.  The human beings fell for it.

They still fall for it today.

God had His plan though, which in his love, and by His will, He predestined long e'er the world and time began.  He predestined the hearts he knew would engage with His, for adoption into His family, as His sons and daughters.  This, according to His pleasure and will.  There would be no snatching away either (John 10:28-30).

Our Father planned this all out and Jesus paid the price with His life to rescue and redeem the souls of the "whosoever will" to this adoption through Christ.  This was adoption through His heart of love.  He chose us.  He chose me!

Forgiveness of sins is lavished upon us with all His wisdom and understanding and purpose; to gather us all together under one head, even Christ.

I'm so glad to have been adopted into God's family.  Thank-You, Father.

In Jesus' name, I humbly give You thanks and praise.

                                                      ~ERC  April 2021~

Based on Ephesians 1:-10 ESV

Book Review - The Angel Creek Girls (Book 3) - By Leslie Wolfe - Publication Date: 19 August 2021

Sinister, heart-pumping suspense, in the aftermath of the murder of Cheryl Coleman, mother of three daughters, ensues as Detective Kay Sharp sleuths her way, along with Dectectve Elliot Young, to discover 'whodunnit'.  Who was the perp who also kidnapped Julie, the eldest daughter?  Could little Heather and Erin, the younger sisters help unravel this mystery despite the trauma and shock?  Readers' hearts will be in their throats from start to finish.  Just hope that you are not an eldest daughter and pray its not raining hurricane-force downpours. 

                                            ~Eunice C. - Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                             August 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given by the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Book Review - Whole By His Grace - Compilation of Authors - Publication Date: 6 April 2021

 This devotional is a compilation of several authors' writings.  Partly, I cannot believe the depth at which some of them would actually expose the torment and turmoil of their childhood years of abuse, or even of their adult struggles, but I'm thankful they chose to share their inner secrets.  

Life has so many challenges; these women sharing their testimonies, no fewer.  Yet, these sisters-in-Christ show their reliance upon the Lord Jesus and by His grace have found a way through even the darkest of times.  May each reader be encouraged by the faith and courage of these ladies to find contentment in Jesus, while waiting for answers to come.

Truly, as one of the authors expressed, and from a gift she once received, she quotes, "...to the one who has Him, Jesus is everything."

God bless your growth in Him.

At the end of the book are short blurbs to introduce the authors and their respective niches in life.  Another added touch is the offer of free replacement of lost or damaged book; free audiobook-CREATION Life Discovery as benefits of registering for this book (as I understand it).

Additionally, there is explanation of some of what AdventHealthPress is about and its affliations, and some of their book choices among other addenda.

                                            ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                         August 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given by the publisher.

Read review in Goodreads.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Book Review - Helmi's Shadow - By David Horgan - Publication Date: 17 August 2021

 This biography will leave you with your mouth agape at all the misery, terror, and hardship  a refugee often endures.  Fleeing from one nightmare after another, such as, Russian Pograms, Japanese takeovers, World War II; how does one survive?!  Would the steady die-hard survival tactics of two amazingly courageous, Jewish, or part Jewish, women be enough?  Will there be any miracle-like escapes?  Find out as you travel with Rachel and Helmi through one ordeal after another.

                                                    ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                                  August 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given by the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Book Review - Galloping Gertie - By Amanda Abler - Publication Date: 17 August 2021

"Galloping" in the great gusts of wind, Gertie had a great fall and all the "kings'" engineers couldn't put that Gertie together again.  Young lads and lassies like Dale in the story, will be trussed up with curiosity and the thrill of the story that the author has worked into the telling,  Added spark are the carefully thought out and colorfully illustrated pages.  Those with 'techie' minds will be captivated, yet even those who like a good short and simple true story will find it educational and will love Galloping Gertie.  

                                              ~Eunice C. - Reviewer/Blogger~
                                                            August 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review cope sent by the publisher.

Read Review on Goodreads.

Book Review - Holier Than Thou - Jackie Hill Perry - Publication Date: 17 August 2021


Jackie Hill Perry is a teacher who does not "tickle our ears" with what we'd prefer to hear.  God commanded, "Be holy, as I am holy".  Perry sets out in this volume an explanation of  the embodiment of 'God is holy'.  How does God's holiness equate with God is Light, God is Love, God is Just, and so on?  When we have some understanding of this, then we can aim for holiness, but there is a prerequisite.  Perry unravels this with fundamental biblical teaching.  One will even sense the holy presence of the Lord as one reads and gains insight.  The sound instruction will surely help one grasp some of what "God is holy" means, so that the sincere believer will develop greater holiness and become more like their Heavenly Father.

                                                 ~Eunice C. Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                                August 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given by the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Good Book - Mothers Living A Life of Fulfillment GOD's WAY


There are tears and cheers and chuckles in this very heartwarming, down-to-earth compilation.  The short testimonies of so many mothers, compiled by John M. Thurber, will certainly touch your heart as you grieve with and embrace these mothers through their trials and triumphs.  Or, your own heart, if you happen to be that Mom.

Those readers with growing families will relate best with these well-told anecdotes of motherhood and parenting; stories of stresses of being suddenly 'single' after a husband's death or the trauma and bitterness of a divorce; praying through a child's medical emergency or a teenager's entanglement with the law.

Overall, these Mom's came to know and experience God's tender-loving care, through it all.  They learned to lean on their Heavenly Father and to live God's way.

The stories in this little volume, Mothers Living A Life of Fulfillment GODs WAY, are short and sweet, and would make an excellent birthday or Christmas gift for a busy Mom.  A way for her to take a "mini-vacation" from hectic daily living, to rest her body and nurture her soul and spirit.  Your gesture would truly be a wonderful "lift gift".

                                                      ~ERC  July 2021~

Saturdays With Billy - By Donald J. Wilton - Publication Date: 12 April 2021


Saturday afternoon visits and conversations with Billy Graham in his home were the highlight of Don Wilton's week.  Sometimes it would be just the two of them and sometimes others were present.  Whatever, they were precious times of fellowship.  Wilton captures the essence of those many hours over countless Saturdays and years in this "snapshot" of Billy Graham.

Wilton underscores the character and home persona of this mighty man of God and evangelist.  This very humble servant of God with his Christ-centered life, who endeared himself to one and all, fought the good fight and finished his race, ever pointing each one to the Savior.

Situated through the pages are beautiful pictures of the Graham home area and of other significant times in Billy's life.  No doubt you all will be as touched and challenged as I was, to lead a similar Christ-centered life and speak well of Jesus with others.

                                               ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                              August 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by the publisher.

Read review from Goodreads.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Prayer - Fasting 'Til Gaunt

 The doctor pointedly said, "Runners have very little fat on their bodies.  Look at me.  I run.  My body is very lithe."

"But, my knee!" complained the patient.

"Oh," was the docter's rebuttal, "most runners don't have knee problems either."

No excuses allowed.  Exercise is a must.

There is, another way to become 'fat-less' and it's not through dieting nor exercising per se.  Lest one thinks there's an "easy way out" - I know, right...sigh...-it's called, "fasting".

Fasting with purpose but not for the purpose of losing fat; that is only a by product.  The real purpose, as in the psalmist's case, was to beseech his heavenly Father, God.  To  build, maintain, nourish, and be in tune with Him, through relationship, through forsaking all else, even food; to concentrate on, develop and ascertain God's will in his life.

David wrote in Psalm 109:24 ESV,

"My knees are weak through fasting; my body has become gaunt with no fat."

Why was all this turbulent trouble happening to him?!  Why does it happen to us?

Do we seek the Lord our God's help and will with such purpose and singleness of mind over sustained periods of time?  There is no joking here; very serious with God.

David's life was one continual plight, so it seemed.  Maybe even some of his gauntness was due to not having food available while on the run.  Whatever, he knew where his Help came from.  Turn, turn, turn, to Him oh people of God.  He is the same Help for us, as He was David's.

Seek the Lord with fasting until you are gaunt if need be.

O, Lord God, our Heavenly Father, may we each learn to beseech You and seek You with such deep sincerity to the point of "fasting til gaunt'.  It is in and through Your Son Jesus Christ we come before You, redeemed with the precious blood of Christ.  Thank-You for Your mercy and grace and steadfast love which propeled all this action on our behalf.  You have washed and saved us through Him.  Therefore, we also seek Your help in our great times of need and anguish.  Hopefully, we seek You with all our hearts as Your ears are always open to our SOS cries.  May the only "fat" we have, be "fatness & prosperity of soul and spirit," in our relationship and reliance upon You, our Abba Father, in both our good and bad times.

                                                    ~ERC  April 2021~

Based on Psalm 109:1-31 ESV, esp vs 24.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Prayer - The Redeemed, Say So

Heavenly Father, when we consider Your steadfast love, which endures forever; that you never fail and that You never leave us nor forsake us; we, the redeemed of the Lord, through Jesus, want to, "say so".  We want to praise You for You are good and Your goodness leads us to repentance.  

We want to "say so" again and again.

You've "healed us," "delivered us from destruction" and when we cry out to You in our trouble, there You are again - "delivering from our distress".  We want to consider wisely Your ways and influence and help You give.  To consider during our good times so when things heat up we will recall Your steadfast love is still with us.  Each one of Your children, through salvation through Jesus Christ will be able to enumerate how You have helped them and kept them.

Many times when our struggles are so great we may fail to remember until we are at our most abject state; at the bottom of our "own-strength barrel" like the depiction in Psalm 107 where those on a ship being mercilously tossed about in turbulent, stormy walls of waves, where "courage melted" and the seamen ( & passengers) "reeled and staggered like drunken men" (v27), it was only then, "at their wits' end" that they cried out to You in their trouble, O LORD.

That is exactly what you want us to do, "cry out to you"!  You are there  -- at our wits' end.  Oh Your grace and mercy catches us time and again even if we've forgotten You for so long.  Praise the Lord, at least the "wits' end" person did cry out.

We have such a Savior; He allows us to still come to Him in our brokeness and despair.

Oh, thank-You, Father for Your ever-loving care and mercy in delivering us in our distress.  May we be trained by Your discipline and never forget to consider Your steadfast love, declaring it to others in testimony of Your goodness.

"May the redeemed of the Lord say so..." (Psalm 107:2 ESV).

                                                        ~ERC  April 2021~

Based on Psalm 107:1-43 ESV

Sing, Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So, along with NewFelowship

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Prayer - The Great Awakening


How many of your hate alarm clocks?  I do, in a most radical way.  Yes, they are necessary evils but that which jolts one so rudely out of blessed sleep is a huge annoyance.

Not sure what David the Psalmist used to pry himself out of bed with each morning but whatever it was, he woke up in a rather pleasant and praising form.  He was one of those early riser morning people!

He had a secret to his attitude that could be the key.  In Psalm 108 he wrote his prayer song dedication,

"My heart is steadfast...I will...I will...I will...I will." (Psalm 105:1-3 NIV).

He had decided and determined in his heart to, 

"sing and make music with all his soul"; "awaken the dawn" (not the dawn's early light waking him); "praise You, O LORD among the nations" and "sing of You among the people" (vs 2, 3 NIV).

David's music was the "alarm clock" not just for himself and his household but for the "nations" and "peoples" in general.  How do you like that?!

A couple of years ago, there was a harpist who came to the house once per week and played for an hour for someone in the household.  Those within hearing range surreptitously listened and were also blessed by the melodious strains of a variety of harpy music.  It was very calming and soothing; it would sometimes lull one to sleep.

Interesting.  That's my kind of alarm clock.  Ha, ha.  Must be the reason David would then play the lyre - perhaps with a livier tune to reawake everyone.

This reminds me about a longer ago occasion, in the misty past of our family visiting another family during winter school break.  In the stillness of not-so-early new day, came the sounds of hymns trippling along piano keys.  One hymn.  Two hymns, Three hymns...

Oh so delightful!  Even as a child I thought so.  It sure did gladden the heartstrings and when the clarion call of the hostess-pianist came on the heels of hymns, it was not with begruding hearts that mountains of blankets were thrown back, children hastily dressing and skipping down to the dining table.  Ten children of varying ages, sleepy-eyed, on the verge of smiling, sitting silently waiting for the blessing.

What a wise hostess mother that 'aunt' was (& still is)!  Beaming, satisfied, contented, she looked down the laden table to her husband to say the verbal blessing for what we were about to partake.

She sure knew how to "awake the dawn".  She'd been up and at 'em for a spell already, able to provide that table spread for the troops. (No doubt my Mom helped her but it was her domain and she was at the homeside helm.)

What a blessing to her husband, family and friends!

After the "great awakening" David gave in his time; praising the LORD his God, he asked for help, for rescue, for aid, against the enemy (v 12).  David realized that he (and all mankind) needed God's intervention.  He acknowledged that the "help of man" is "worthless" (v. 12).

Men try to save themselves in a variety of ways and in their own strength.  David knew and was assured that this was "worthless".  He said, 

"...with God we will gain the victory, He will trample down our enemies" (v.13 NIV).

In God's strength we are strong and gain victories.  This too, is a great thing to remember  and make a habit of acknowledging in pre-dawn and dawn awakenings.  In Christ we have the victory.  Go to Him and seek His aid, daily.  Likely our hostess had done similar and therein lay her strength.

Abba Father, we look forward to Your "great awakening"; trumpet blasts!  The dead in Christ arise and join together with those of us in Christ, who are still alive at the time, and to meet the Lord in the air; to be with Him forever.  Now that is something to "wake up" to!  Then what feasts and songs of joy we'll have!  Can't wait!

Until then, Lord, keep us awake and alert and leaning on You because only with You will we do valiantly!  Keep us awake to "enemies" that would come in to divert and destroy our faith, hope and love of You and Your Son Jesus Christ.  Use  whatever "alarm clock" You need to do it but have mercy.  May we wake up to live holy lives for You and sing of Your great steadfast love, giving You thanks for our salvation; Your faithfulness; Your wonders of creation and for all You do for us on a daily basis.  So happy we can be in Your family.  We await Your "Great Awakening".

Come, Lord Jesus.

                                                           ~ERC  April 2021~

Based on Psalm 108:1-13 (ESV/NIV)

Monday, August 9, 2021

Rediscover Church - By Collin Hansen & Jonathan Leeman - Publication Date: 10 August 2021

Answers to very valid questions for today's affected Covid Era-Christian populace are surely found within the pages of this book.  Most of us have been "displaced" from church for extended periods of time, right across the world. 

 The question is though, Why go back when sitting comfortably in ones living room "watching" the live or recorded service is so efficient and one does not have to be bothered with inter-personal relationships?  Other questions are:  what's Church and what's the big deal about it anyway?

The two authors give wonderful straightforward, easy to understand, yet comprehensive answers.  They splash in many examples from their own experiences giving testimony and witness to discovering aspects of church and church-going one may not have even considered before.  This was the case, for me.

Rediscover these why's and wherefore's for yourself and bring new refreshing life and revival to your life with Christ and His people.

                                               ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~
                                                           August 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the Advanced Reader Copy given by the publisher.

Read Book Review from Goodreads.

Book Review - Whatever Happened to the Human Race? - Francis A Schaeffer & C. Everett Koop MD - Pulication Date 10 August 2021


"The wide-open door of abortion-on-demand leads naturally to infanticide which leads naturally to euthanasia," said Francis A. Schaeffer with C. Everett Koop MD.

A person's worldview will dictate the answer to vital questions on these moral/ethical issues posed in this volatile book.  What of abortion?  What of infanticide?  What of euthanasia?  Such questions reach back even before Hitler's extermination drive of the "unwanteds".  

Humanism vs Christianity...Holocaust & Death Pills vs Hippocratic Oaths.  Western and Eastern philosophies vs God's view and Word.  What are the consequences when subscribing to one or the other?  Philosophers and Scientists do not have all the answers, that's why the "God-view" is necessary.  Learn more by reading this book.

BE INFORMED.  Know your answer BEFORE you need to know it; before the unthinkable becomes the thinkable, urge the authors.  Make your view be not the generally accepted worldview, but God's view of human beings being made in the image of God.  This equals VALUE.  Subsequently, your solutions to "what to do with" the unwed expectant mother, the parents of a baby born with some severe physical defect or the aged parent in an Alzheimer befuddlement, will stem from that. 

Shaeffer and Koop are very informative on these moral/ethical issues.  I highly recommend this book as an absolute must, for all followers of Jesus Christ.  The authors stress, this is NOT a Roman Catholic issue; it is an all-encompassing Christian issue, which gets no one off the hook.

Acknowledgements, notes, a bibliography of more of Schaeffer's books and a Scripture Index will be found at the end of the book.  There is mention of a film series on this topic as well (already on YouTube, by Schaeffer, Vision Video).

                                    ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                              August 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the Advanced Reader Copy given by the publisher.

Read review.