Monday, April 1, 2024

Symbiotic Relationship (Hebrews)


Science folks have this term called, Symbiotic Relationship.  As far as my non-nerd self can understand, that is when two seemingly unrelated parts of nature help each other out and benefit each other by what they contribute to the unlikely relationship.   Actually there's a little bit more to it but this is the very simplified version; ha, ha, my disclaimer.

Anyway, for instance, mud whelks (do you know what they are?) ... they're a type of snail, coupled with mangrove trees.  The snails help the trees and the trees help the snails.

"How so?" you might ask.  Well, the snails eat plants and dead material that have fallen into the swampy mud around the trees.  The trees offer shelter and protection from rising water as the mud whelks slowly climb clear up the roots and limbs of the mangrove tree out of harm's way.

Voila!  A symbiotic relationship!

What do you think of that?

I find it very interesting and know of  one high school student who, along with a chosen few others, studied this symbiotic relationship to enter into a national science competition.  These participants had to go out into the hot tropical sun and sometimes rainy weather to muck about in the swamps watching snails move about.

Do you know how fast a snail moves?  Ha, ha, again.  Not very fast, right?  These teammates had to have a LOT of patience to record their data.  It took a LOT of time and also some faith that those mud whelks would move in the mud and trees.

Their patience was rewarded though and the snails conveniently did their thing while the team members did theirs.  They won the competition and hopefully learned some useful lessons therefrom.

This example can be loaned into the the spiritual realm, believe it or not.  There is warning not to be lazy but to have diligence to have faith and patience to do our work for Jesus in the House of God and to bring many sons and daughters into God's kingdom (They are the 'data', so to speak, to collect).  Our Heavenly Father won't forget your labor of love as you work for Him.  You are showing Him as you help His people and continue to help no matter how slow the process (see Hebrews 6:10).

This is like a symbiotic relationship between God and us.  God is so holy and divine whilst we human beings often fail and disappoint.  Nevertheless, many Christians have worked well with Him.  We can imitate their faith and patience and do our thing while God does His.  We sow and water while He brings the increase (see 1 Corinthians 3:6).

Let's all be diligent in keeping faith and having patience until we see the rewards of our efforts.  God delights to give.  May many treasures be stored up in heaven on His behalf (see Matthew 6:19-21).  Of course, we may not really see the fruit of our efforts on His behalf until we reach glory.  However, we can still press on for Him.

Almighty God, You give us protection and shelter as we work diligently for you.  Bring much increase as You help us maintain our symbiotic-like relationship with You and continue in faith and patience to work with and for You.  Without You we can do nothing so I really thank You for all You do for us.  You are ever faithful.    We give You our heartfelt thanks in Jesus' most precious name, Amen.

                                                        ~ERC  March 2024~

Based on Hebrews 6:10-12 NIV.

Sing, Together, along with Chris Tomlin.

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