Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Hidden Things Revealed (Hebrews 4)


Have you ever experienced coming home to find someone had broken into your house?  You see so many of your things strewn about cuz they had poked and dug around to find treasures.  What they didn't want, got thrown about in a disorderly mess.

It can be very disheartening and upsetting, even worse than what had actually been stolen.  You almost feel personally violated.  Things are no longer hidden - they have been uncovered and laid bare for everyone to see.

Our thoughts may well be that we are embarrassed because of those 'discoveries' and then turn to anger and you'd likely feel like shouting at those robbers and even punching them out if you got a chance.  After all, it is a shocking trauma to have had some stranger sifting around in our stuff.  How dare they!!  

This is rather like when God's "double-edged sword" gets to work on our "souls and spirits," "the thoughts and attitudes of [our] hearts" can become "uncovered and laid bare before His eyes" (Hebrews 4:12 & 13).

This is actually a good thing though:  convicting, embarrassing, making us uncomfortable and angry at first, but to have our merciful Father go to work on us is a kindness.

There are lots of hidden pains and hurts too that can be addressed besides our sins.

As we read God's Word - the sword - allow the Holy Spirit to help probe and poke around to find the lying and deceitfulness that may be present; the rebellious attitudes to be repented of; the sad thoughts and feelings from hurts and pains of abuse.

Invite the Holy Spirit to reveal these hidden things to us so we can repent and be healed.  We might as well confess it all to Him because He already knows what we are thinking and feeling (see 1 John 1:9).  When we do, our relationship and walk with the Lord will become stronger.  We will build greater trust in Him and be so thankful for it all.

Father God, there are often bad thoughts and attitudes in my heart.  I also have much pain from things that have happened to me in the past.  Please use Your double-edged sword to dig them up and even though it could be embarrassing, hurtful or make me angry, help me to heal of the pain and to repent of the wrongs.  Help me to go through all this as You walk beside me.  Knowing You love me, helps me.  I love you back.  In Jesus' name I give You my thanks.  Amen.

                                                  ~ERC  January 2024~

Based on Hebrews 4:12 & 13 and 1 John 1:9.

Sing, Christ Our Hope in Life and Death, along with Keith & Kristyn Getty and Matt Papa.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Lord's Day Devotion - Just a Touch


That poor woman had had an issue of blood, meaning she was 'subject to bleeding' for twelve years.  Any woman who has experienced her monthly flow, can well imagine in small part what a constant, non-stop flow of twelve years' worth that would be like.

This lady was desparate, sick, poor, likely depressed, feeling shame since such an ailment would have deemed her unclean and therefore, a social reject.  She'd have to stay away from people and they would avoid her at all costs.

How utterly in despair she must have been!  Yet, there was a faint glimmer of hope on her horizon.  Even the rumors and outright stories of Jesus miraculously healing people must have trickled down to her ears.  She'd have to see for herself, so she would.  Oh how she hoped to be healed!

She made her way through the packed crowds, reached out and - just a touch - yes, she thought, - just a touch - of the hem of His garment.  

Instant healing!

She knew it.  She could feel it and so she began to melt away into the throngs of humanity.

Her physical conditon had healed but was that all there was to it?

Jesus didn't let her disappear to only physical healing.  He called her back.  He was busy but He made time to go after the wounds and pain in her heart that needed healing.  All that shame and rejection had beaten and battered her heart, soul, spirit and mind for that dozen of years; He carried those sorrows too.

It was a social taboo for her to have squished herself through those crowds.  What's more to even touch someone - even the hem of a garment - was far worse.  Her uncleaness would 'infect' those with whom she came into contact.  Those people would not be very happy about it either.  Multiplying that to even purposely touching a man not one's husband, was equally anathema.  How could she have done this to Jesus!?

So she, 

"...came and fell at His feet, and trembling with fear, told Him the whole truth" (Mark 5:33) [emphasis mine].

All the pain and misery of the past twelve years poured out.  Her social isolation, the shame, the wounds of rejection, desparation, the loneliness, the illness itself, her destitution, the "whole truth".  Jesus took the time to stop and listen to it all.

Oh, the words of assurance Jesus then speaks to her, speaks volumes,

"Daughter, your faith has healed you.  Go in peace and be freed from your suffering" (Mark 5:34) [emphasis mine].

What impact Jesus' words must have had, like anointing oil that ran down over Aaron the high priest's head, even onto his collar and beard (see Psalm 133:2 & Exodus 33:22-29).  The oil of consecration, unity, and blessing; soothing and healing.  That precious soothing oil of joy.

First, Jesus called her, "Daughter".  He healed her socially and culturally - He brought her back into family; He accepted her into relationship.

Faith was the next word mentioned - what a marvelous thing faith sparks off.  "It only takes a spark to get a fire going" states one line of a song.  Jesus rewarded her faith.  That glimmer of hope she'd had - that modicum the size of a mustard seed, enough despite the faintness, yet the persistance to follow through procured her healing.

She hadn't openly asked for healing because of shame and cultural inhabitions but faith nevertheless, fueled her action to reach out to Jesus for healing.  Jesus graciously tells her,

 "Go in peace, your suffering is over".

You and I can reach for just such a breakthrough to heal our hearts too.  Isaiah wanted us to know this about Jesus,

"Surely He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows ... by His wounds we are healed" (Isaiah 53:4 & 5).

Read those words again. 

 Besides our transgressions and iniquities, Jesus took up our infirmities.  Those infirmities that create so much sorrow in our lives, emotionally, mentally and even spiritually, - holistically healed.  Jesus doesn't leave us hanging.

He carried our sorrows.  Weep, dear reader, weep.  He weeps with us.  Pour out your whole story, truthfully to Him.  Does your story carry shame and stigma?  Tell Him.  Go ahead, pour it all out.  Weep.  Jesus weeps with us (see John 11:35).  He is truly touched with the feeling our our infirmities.  He sympathizes and empathizes with us (see Hebrews 4;15).

How do you think Jesus would respond to your whole truth?

Be healed.  Let your suffering be over.  Find rest, hope, peace, reassurance, and healed heart wounds.  Let your suffering be over.

Even if you only feel a minute glimmer of hope with that shard of faith, push yourself, symbolically, through the crowds for - just a touch - and tell Jesus your whole story.

Father God, thank You for loving me so much You sent Jesus to die, not just for my transgressions and iniquities but for my sorrows and heart wounds as well.  

Jesus, You carried my sorrows from my brokeness of sin and others' sins against me and even just because of The Fall.  You brought me healing and joy.  As I partake of the broken bread this Lord's Day morning and drink from the cup of wine with other such believers, I thank You for listening to my whole story and any other stories to come and the for the faith to believe in You and Your healing, even when it is only to reach out to You with - just a touch.

In Your name Lord Jesus, I give You my grateful praise.  Amen.

                                             ~ERC  January 2024~

Based on Mark 5:25-34.

Friday, January 26, 2024

The Empathizing Jesus (Hebrews 4)


When someone listens to us we feel they have empathized with our feelings, that they have shared in our feelings, understood and cared about us.  It really touches the inner sanctums of our souls.  It helps lighten our world of turmoil, chaos and pain.

They may even have shared some joyful times too like at a marriage or baptism.  When we were sad, they were sad along with us.  When we cried perhaps they too shed tears having asked themselves, "How would I feel in similar circumstances?"  When we were happy, they rejoiced with us.

Not all human beings are good at this though.  They may wish they were better empathizers but for some reason, they just couldn't even though they tried.  Let me introduce Jesus.  He is the perfect empathizer.  Although He is fully God, He is also fully humankind.  He knows, understands and feels what we feel.  He truly does and He truly cares!

We can confidently go to Him telling Him our whole sad, bad and glad stories.  He is the best friend we could ever have.  He listens.  He cares.  He understands.  He empathizes 100%.

So talk to Him.

Oh Jesus, Friend unfailing, how dear You are to me.  You care and You know all about our sorrows and joys.  Thank You for being ever ready to listen.  You are so good and kind.  It is enough to lighten my burden.  Thank You for Your constant empathy.  Amen.

                                                       ~ ERC  January 2024 ~

Based on Hebrews 4:14-16 and Romans 12:15.

Sing, Does Jesus Care, along with Gaither Music.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

He Gives Rest (Hebrews 4)


God has lots of antonyms.  He turned the curse into blessing.  He likes our obediences instead of our disobediences.  He doesn't want us to harden our hearts, rather to soften them to His care and direction.  There is unbelief versus belief in Jesus Christ, building trust in Him.

This blog entry will focus on God's rest, the antonym of which is unrest, which can translate further to chaos and disorder.  Jesus said,

"Come to me...I will give you rest..."

This does not mean our chaotic situations will magically morph to nothing.  In the unrest, at home, in the trauma of losing your home and possessions to fire or flood; a nasty divorce; family members constantly arguing, shouting and yelling at each other; or even accidents that badly injure you or a family member, you can still have peace and rest in your heart and mid.

"Make every effort to enter God's rest."

There is some double meaning here.  As stated above, we can have the peace of mind despite our circumstances when we rest in Jesus the Prince of Peace.  Another rest is to come to Jesus making Him your Savior and Lord.  This is especially essential that you find this rest.

To make every effort to do so, throw away all excuses and reasons that stop you from coming to Jesus.  Say, "YES!" to Him.  This is the biggest rest you can have.  Believe in Him through faith.  When you do, you will begin an unshakeable walk with God.

You will be able to tell Him all about your losses and hurts.  Jesus will never go away from you.  He will never hurt you.  He will always LISTEN to what you have to say.

When we find rest in our souls because of our belief in Jesus, we can have peace and order in our softened hearts.  We will not perish but live with everlasting life.

We can rest in Jesus even when bad things are happening in our lives.  Enter God's rest through belief in Jesus and walk with Him.

Heavenly Father, thank You for sending us Jesus the Prince of Peace.  In Him we find rest.  May our faith and belief in Him bring us peace with You and find rest in our troubled lives.  May we continue to live in You.  Help us to walk with Jesus every day.  In Jesus' name we ask.  amen.

                                               ~ERC  January 2024~

Based on Hebrews 4:6, 11 and Matthew 1:28-30.

Sing, I Will Give You Rest, along with Reggie and Ladyelove.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Another Warning (Hebrews 3)

 If we tell untruths one too many times no one will believe us when we are actually telling the truth - like the boy who cried, "Wolf!"  People are right to not believe someone like this.

However, some people are just plain too stubborn to believe the truth.  Look at these verses,

"Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion...so we see they were unable to enter because of unbelief" (Hebrews 3:15 & 19).

People harden their hearts against truth to their own detriment.  This is considered disobedience and rebellion by God.  It is sad to see and there are consequences.  If you won't believe God and His word you will be unable to enter His rest.

Our actions have consequences:  if you do wrong you are likely to be punished and if you do right you may well be praised and possible given a reward.  Parents and children know these dynamics well.

Similarly with God's House, when a person refuses to believe Jesus is God and that we can have an unshakeable relationship with Jesus, and because He was fully human as well as fully God - the perfect One - that He could take the punishment for our sins, there are consequences.  To refuse to believe is called unbelief.  This is a big sin and those who do not believe will not be able to enter God's house that Jesus is in charge of.  You are also barred from heaven.  This would be a sad, terrible travesty.

Please do something about this warning.  

Listen to God's voice.  Soften your heart and believe the message of Jesus.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus and this warning against unbelief.  I do not want to suffer the consequences of a stubborn, rebellious and unbelieving heart.  Soften my heart, help me to believe the message of Jesus and to be obedient to Him and Your voice all the days of my life.  I ask in Jesus' name, amen.

                                                          ~ERC January 2024~

Based on Hebrews 3:15-16, 19.

Sing, Trust and Obey, along with the Vagle Brothers.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Lord's Day Devotion - Unshakeable Relationship (Hebrews 2)

 Jesus came to bring,

"many sons to glory..." (Hebrews 2:10),


"made them holy because they are of the same family" (Hebrews 2:11).

Jesus did this through His death and resurrection and the faith a believer has to accept this gift of salvation, creating an unshakeable relationship with Him.

Take a look at the word relationship.  This is being connected with two or more people.  It could be with a church group, your own family, or school or work mates.

Think of a family tree.  Sketch in your ancestors as far back as you know off hand:  parents, grand and great-grandparents, and so on.  Then your own siblings, their spouses and descendants.  Generally you draw lines from person to person before, after and between you.  These lines represent relationship.

Some relationships can be very conflicted and even such get passed on from generation to generation if we are not aware of it and do something to change the pattern.  For instance, a father and son may not thrive well together.  This will affect the relationship of the son with his son and so on.  If you look back, you may see that the father hadn't done well with his father.

In a more healthy relationship there will be trust, honesty, respect, communication, acts of kindness, grace, mercy, forgiveness and words like, "I love you" and "I'm sorry" and "I forgive you," among a great list of other good behaviors and words.

Among friends, this connection can be broken.  However, with family you are always the son or daughter of your parents even if they disown you, go away themselves or send you away.  It absolutely does not change the fact of the relationship connection.  You are still their child and they are still your parents - for better or for worse.

As noted, these relationships can be shaky and sadly you may not be able to trust each other or have all those other good relational actions.  All is not lost though.

A relationship with Jesus will hold strong, firm and unshakeable.  This is His offer and it never changes even if we drift away or are  not happy with Him.  He'll always be there for you.

There will always be truth because Jesus is Truth.  You can always trust Him because He never changes.  He loves you 100% - He proved it to you by dying on the cross to reconcile you back to God.  

Will you love Him back?  Will you build that relationship with Him?  Jesus is not ashamed to have you as His child and will never let you go once you belong to Him.

As followers of Jesus Christ who come before the Lord's Table on any given Lord's Day, let's remember what Jesus has done for us in bringing us into His Father's house, making us His forever sons and daughters in everlasting and loving relationship with Him.  Take the broken bread and drink of the cup of wine in remembrance of His act of loving-kindness to us.  It is comforting to know this relationship is unshakeable and that He will never leave us nor forsake us (see Hebrews 13:5).

Jesus, Friend Unfailing, I love you and I trust you because You first loved me.  Thank You for being my Savior and a friend I can trust.  I want to build an unshakeable relationship with You.  Help me.  I ask in Your name, Amen.

                                                     ~ERC  January 2024~

Based on Hebrews 2:9-13.

Sing, Jesus Friend Unfailing How Dear Thou Art to Me, along with St. Matthews Church.

Friday, January 19, 2024

He Provides

 Have you ever looked at what all God our Jehovah Jireh Provider provides?  Here's a short random list in no particular order that I've come across lately.  No doubt you could add more.

The Lord provides the strength and the way out. 

He provides His faithfulness.  He provides the reminding of how He has been faithful in the difficult past so we can go through the difficult present.  

He provides possibilites.

He provides His goodness.  

He provides His protection.

He provides His salvation.

He provides His authority.

He provides our freedom in Christ.

He provides answers to our prayers.

He provides shelter and a home in God's house He is in charge of.  

He provides love because God is love.

He provides family.

He provides company when I am lonely because His presence is always with me.  

He provides our individual unique paths in order for us to bring the message of Jesus to others.

He provides unshakeable hope.

He provides deep compassion for us to share out to others and to keep some for ourselves.

He provides spiritual children.

He provides an Everlasting Father.

He provides a Wonderful Counselor.

He provides the shaping of character even when, and especially when we must wait (usually unbearably long) for something to happen.  He provides the faith and patience to wait and continue in prayer without neglecting the present, faithfully continuing until the light is green.  

He provides good things for you.

He provides opportunities to learn patience.

He provides wise timing.

He provides freedom from fear.

He provides courage for tasks that could be daunting and/or dangerous (but legal).

He provides harvest to harvest.

He provides relief from pain of loss.

Maybe some day I will add more to this list.

I wonder what you have have come up with...

Let us be glad and rejoice in our God who gives perfect gifts.  Our heavenly Father's hospitality is the best.

                                                  ~ERC  January 2024~

Sing, Jehovah Jireh, along with Christian Worship.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Book Review - The Daughters of Mersey Square - By Pam Howes - Publication Date: 17 January 2023


Sins and secrets get found out and they certainly did in this story.  Some of the story is down-home, cozy family setting but overall not to my taste.  I do not care to read of so much lust and bedroom intimacies.  As far as the dynamics of actual writing goes, the author knows how to weave a story so that those reading with more liberal mindsets may like the narrative.

                                            ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                        December 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read reveiw on Goodreads.

Monday, January 15, 2024

Book Review - The Austrian Bride - By Helen Parusel - Publication Date: 15 January 2024

 This is the second Helen Parusel novel I've been privileged to read and review.  Once again the author does not disappoint.  There is plenty to raise the hairs on your arms, and many heart-gripping and stopping moments.  This historical novel is set, obviously in Austria, just pre- and during WWII under Hitler's Reich.  We often hear about what happened to the Jews in the concentration camps and so on.  This work takes a look at the citizens, what they endured and how some resisted.  I praise the author in how she wove all this together:  the kindnesses, the courage, but also the cruelty of mankind, which in my opinion gave the reader a 'feel' for those times.

In the novel we meet Ella, who attended the Bride School.  Had never heard of this angle before so it was of interest to me.  Then there was Max and what he turned out to be.  I found it all quite realistic.

The only caution I have about this book is the few bedroom scene intimacies described, which I would rather not have read.  Other than that, this has been a great read.

4 star rating from me.

                                         ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                     December 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Book Review - Mission Churchill - By Alex Abella - Publication Date: 15 January 2024


Although the author Alex Abella has many published books and acclaim therefrom under his belt, there was something about this book I just couldn't get very hooked into.  I did skim over some parts, I confess, but otherwise read to the end of the book.  Perhaps, it just was not my cup of tea.

Others may find the life of Winston Churchill being in the line of fire of an assassin's gun of interest.  I did learn a thing or two about him though as this is rather a plausable work of historical fiction, given the facts of such atttempts on this volatile man.  Thompson was a handy man to have around too.

On a more positive note, I did find the multicultural input somewhat absorbing, especially since I don't know much about Cuba's history.

Those who do not wish to read about bedroom intimacies should take caution.

                                             ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                            October 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy given by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Book Review - Trans-Mongolian Express - By David L. Robbins - Publication Date: 15 January 2024


Who would have thought a train ride could have so much drama!  Never a dull moment of intense happening.  Dr Lara, Anton, Timur, Bjorn, Gang and Bat, among other characters, board that Trans-Monogolian Express to their peril.

David L. Robbins crafts such a delicious spine-chilling, thrilling tale centered around the catalyst of Chernobyl reactors and therefore things nuclear.  Some of the technical-related jargon may cause some to become bogged down like it did for me.  I confess I skimmed over that but since the rest of the narrative spews, sparks and spawns mystery and secret puzzles to solve, it was easy enough to overlook and reconnect with the drama.  I suspect physicists and those in related to nuclear terminology will likely find extra interest in this thriller.

I loved Robbins' many bursts of unusual turnout of words.  For instance, instead of saying a character shook so-an-so's hand, the tweak was, "he took his hand for a shake," almost as if "he took his dog for a walk".   Of course, it's better seen in context.   I'd love to list more but I'll refrain.  Ha, ha, you'll just have to board that train for yourself.

The only reticence I have about this book is that some readers may not like to read about intimate bedroom scenes.

                                                 ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                             September 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Fix Your Thoughts (Hebrews 3)


We have so many things on our minds that it can be chaos up in our heads betimes and we can become anxious, overexcited, angry and so on.  This thinking is like talking to yourself and it can be a noisy cacophony.

Yet no one else can hear it.  All that's going on inside even if it looks like a calm exterior.  True, there could be happy thoughts circulating, or thinking of a challenge you are eager to encounter.  Nevertheless there are the sad, or angry thoughts, perhaps even of wanting to get revenge on someone and if you don't stop yourself there could be dire consequences.  On the other hand, when a person fixes on thinking 'kind', acts of kindness could result.  This is a good thing, of course.  

When our thoughts are fixed on something we will often take a follow-through action.  Then people will know what we had been thinking about.  James and John's mother had been thinking of getting her sons into a VIP position.  She asked Jesus to let them sit beside Him in the Kingdom of God.  The other 10 disciples reacted in jealousy (see Matthew 20:20-28).

Most mothers think great things for their children.  Nevertheless, they and everyone else have to be careful how they think as by default domino theory, the thinking put into action could cause trouble for others.

It's good to be thoughtful about our thoughts.  Asking yourself, "If I do this, what could potentially happen next?"  I don't play chess but I've seen enough of others playing Chinese Chess to know the players must consider well, not just the current move but the next and next and next and so on, moves.  I think you get the picture.  They must 'fix their thoughts' on the moves to make and when and how.

Taking all this into the spiritual arena, note that Hebrews 3:1 implores us to,

"fix your thoughts on Jesus."


To start off, He is our apostle and high priest.  He is faithful.  He is worthy of greater honor than Moses.  He is the builder of God's house.  In fact, Jesus is the Son over God's House.  Jesus is in charge.

When we fix our thoughts on all of the above and more about Jesus, we will have our minds full of Christ.  These are healthy thoughts for us to have both spiritually and physically, not to mention mentally.  He will help us sort out our whirling minds.

As we fix our thoughts more and more upon Jesus Christ, we will think of his greatness and goodness.  We will think of truth, purity, excellent and praiseworth things (see Philippians 4:8).

We will recall Jesus is Superior to all, that He is in charge of God's House (we can let go and let God), and then we can grow an unshakeable relationship with Him.  Our thoughts will make us take good, positive actions like Jesus would do.  Talk to yourself about Jesus - fix your thoughts on Him.

Father God, we sure do wish to fix our thoughts on Your Son Jesus.  He is the builder of everything good, especially of your house.  Thank You for putting Him in charge so we can rest our minds, thoughts and hearts in His tender loving care.  He is indeed worthy of our praise and thanksgiving.

As you know our "spirits are willing but our flesh is weak" (see Matthew 26:41), we beseech You to help us fix our thoughts upon Jesus so that our actions will be what makes Him happy and reflect Jesus Himself.  In Jesus' name we give You our thanks.  Amen.

                                                    ~ERC  December 2023~

Based on Hebrews 3:1-4; Matthew 20:20-28; Philippians 4:8.

Sing,  Let Us Fix Our Eyes Upon Jesus, along with Christian Music Ministries.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Book Review - Margot's Secret - Roberta Kagan - Publiation Date: 10 January 2024


Another heart-pounding, tragic saga - the third book in the Margot's Secret series.  It may well sweep you off your feet, so beware.  The ending of the book appears promise of yet another sequel.

The historical work of fiction is set during WWII depicting the ruthlessness and brutality of Hitler and his Nazi's.  In my opinion, this portrayal may be too realistic for some readers, but I feel it is good to know what people went through during that time.

One other caution is that some readers may not wish to read of intimate bedroom scenes.  Other than that, it was a very satisfactory read and I hold out for the hope of a fourth-in-the-series book, although I do not know if that is planned.

                                                 ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                             January 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary copy sent by Net Galley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Son Over God's House (Hebrews 3:1-6)

"But Christ is faithful as a son over God's house.  And we are His house if we hold on to our courage and the hope of which we boast" (Hebrews 3:6)

God has a house and has put His Son Jesus in charge of it.  Or, should I say, of us - those who have faith in Him and have become His followers.  We need to hold on to our courage and hope.  It's reassuring to know that Christ is faithful.

Christ being faithful is like an anchor for our souls upon which to hold fast.  This is why we can have hope in this house.  It is why we can also take courage along the days and years of our lives.  He will hold us unshakeably fast even through our turbulent times.

"We are His house" means each believer.  Another name for God's House is 'Kingdom of God'.  We enter this house by accepting Jesus who is the door of this house (see John 10:7).  Once we have entered we begin our relationship with Him; we are His children.

As a child of His, He is in charge of us.  We need to obey.  Reading God's Word will show us what and how to obey.  This is Him talking to us.  We can then talk to Him through prayer.  As we read, obey and pray we can grow, grow, grow in our faith, trust, courage and hope.

These all add up, strengthening our relationship with Him.  When each brother and sister-in-Christ does the same, we also strengthen our bonds with each other and the church.

This house is the family of God.  As His sons and daughters we are free to invite others 'home' - to come to Jesus.  Let us become faithful like Christ and let Him be in charge of our lives.

Faithful Lord Jesus, thank You for inviting me into Your home You are in charge of.  I want to trust and obey You and grow and strengthen my relationship withYou.  Help me to have the courage to invite others to come into Your house too.  

In Your name I ask.  


                                               ~ERC  December 2023~

Based on Hebrews 3:1-6, especially vs 6.

Sing, Come and Go With Me to My Father's House, along with Our Daily Bread for Kids.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Best Friend Relationship (Hebrews 2:9-13)

 Relationships can be tricky things.  Sometimes people do things even to best friends that rock and shake it.  It would be like a massive earthquake that shook so intensely that sometimes break  the friendship and it crumbles devastatingly into rubble.

This could happen among family members, church members, workmates, and so forth.  Yet, there is one relationship that no matter how great the magnitude of the shaking, will never sever the connection.

"God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering,"

and in this way,

"...bring many sons [& daughters] to glory" (Hebrews 2:10).

Our salvation through Jesus brings us into an unshakeable relationship with Him.   We are given everlasting life (see John 3:16).  This is totally unbreakable and unshakeable.

As in any relationship, to make it healthy and to maintain it, trust needs to be built.  As Jesus is the faithful One we can always trust Him even when our world shatters.

There needs to be honesty and respect.  Jesus is not a liar but are we?  One thing I really hate is when someone lies to me or deceives me or doesn't tell the full truth.  If we respect another we will have honesty and integrity in the relationship.

God already knows our thoughts so we might as well be open with Him and tell all.  This is part of communication as well.  A two-way street to complete the communication circuit.  I talk to Him and He speaks to me through His Word and with the help of the Holy Spirit's guidance and convictions.

Acts of kindness and words like "I love You" and "I forgive you" spoken sincerely help keep a relationship sweet.  God already demonstrated how much He loves us by sending Jesus to redeem our souls.  We can love Him back because He first loved us (see 1 John 4:19).

No doubt you can add more to the  "keep the relationship sweet list".  The emphasis here is our relationship with Jesus.  Know that He holds us fast, strong, firm and unshakeable.  As Jesus is the Truth we can always trust Him.  He loves us 100%.  Will you love Him back and work at growing your relationship with Him?

Show your love and gratitude by trusting and obeying Him.  Jesus is not ashamed to have you as His child.  In fact, you are the apple of His eye (see Psalm 17:8) and Zechariah 2:8). Think on that.  He is the best friend to have.

Jesus, it is so nice to know you care about us and make us the apple of your eye.  You have given us an unshakeable relationship because you know our human failings, that we would break it if you had not made it immutable.  You are so kind and gracious and the best friend anyone could have.  Thank You.

                                                 ~ERC  December 2023~

Based on Hebrews 2:9-13.

Sing, My Best Friend is Jesus, along with the ClarkFamMusic.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Lord's Day Devotion - Fully Man (Hebrews 2:14-18)

"Since the children have flesh and blood, He too shared in their  humanity ... For this reason He had to be made like His brothers in every way ... yet was without sin" (Hebrews 2:14, 17 and 4:15).

Jesus became a human being just like us with one BIG difference - He was without sin.

To God be the glory that though Jesus is fully God, He is also fully man.  Praise the Lord!

A potential employee generally goes for an interview.  He wants to find out more about the job he may be doing and how much he'll be paid.  The potential employer wants to know if this is the best candidate for the job description.  The employer chooses the 'best one' for the job.

God sent Jesus to Earth because He was the 'best one' for a job.  The job was to be punished for the sins of humankind.  But Jesus had to come as a human being to accomplish this job.  God is a Spirit and invisible.  Jesus was fully human and visible.

How do we know He was fully man?  He got tired and slept in a boat; He got hungry when He fasted 40 days; He had a human mother.  He got tempted - yet without sin.  He got thirsty when on the cross.  He even felt pain and suffering.  Jesus felt all these things that showed He was fully human, except, I repeat, for the BIG difference - He never sinned.  This was because He was also fully God.

Only this perfect One could break the power of sin, death and Satan.  Praise Jesus who died for you.  Ponder on this, this Lord's Day ...

Jesus was fully human but never sinned so He could die for your and my sins.

Reach for the bread and wine of remembrance, partake and drink with gratitude and thanksgiving for all Jesus has done for you through His coming to Earth and His death and resurrection.  

Sing praise...

Father God, thank You for sending Jesus - the perfect One - as fully human, to die for my sins and the sins of the "whosoever will".  I thank You that Jesus has become my Savior and I'm able to build a relationship with Him that's unshakeable.  

In Jesus' name I give you my thanks and praise.


                                                     ~ERC January 2024~

Based on Hebrews 2:14-18; Hebrews 4:15; Matthew 1:25; 16:21.

Sing, Surely This Must Be the Son of God, along with First Baptist Moultrie.

Friday, January 5, 2024

Fully Human (Hebrews 2:14-18)


We've learned that Jesus is God, that He is superior to all, even to angels; that He is always the same and will be there for us for ever and ever.  Have you also heard that Jesus is fully human?

The Holy Bible tells us,

"Since the children have flesh and blood, He too shared in their humanity...For this reason He had to be made like His brothers in every way..." (Hebrews 2:14 & 17).

Jesus shared in our humanity and was made like us human beings in every way.  There was one big difference however,  He never, ever sinned.  He was,

"...tempted in every way, just as we are - yet was without sin." (Hebrews 4:15).

Therefore, we can state that Jesus is fully human.  He showed us His human side often.  He got tired and slept in a boat, rocked fearsomely, I might add, by a storm.  He got humgry after fasting 40 days in the wilderness.  He had a human mother.  He got tempted as the verse above tells us.  He got thirsty when on the cross and even felt pain and suffering.

Throughout all His life on Earth, Jesus never sinned.  He was perfect and the perfect one to die and take the punishment for our sins.  He was the perfect one 

"to break the power of death and Satan" (see Hebrews 2:14).  

He could do all this because besides being fully human, He was also fully God.

Let's praise Jesus together.  He is the one who died for you!

Father God, thank You so much for sending Jesus as fully human, but who never sinned, to die for my sins.  I praise You for this forever gift of Savior and salvation.  Help me to now grow my relationship with Him that is unshakeable.  

In Jesus' precious name I ask, Amen.

                                               ~ERC  December 2023~

Based on Hebrews 2:14-18; Matthew 1:25 &16:21; Hebrews 4:15.

Sing, Christ Our Hope in Life and Death, along with Keith & Kristyn Getty, Matt Papa.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Warning (Hebrews 2:1-4)

 Along with the promises of God about His unshakeable kingdom and message of salvation through Jesus, come warnings.  Here's one of them...

"We must pay the most careful attention ... so that we do not drift away" (Hebrews 2:1).

It is possible to drift away from the Lord and all we know about Him.  Therefore, we need to be on high alert, and pay attention so we do not put distance between Him and ourselves.

Drifting away implies a slow, almost imperceptible slide away from someone.  In this case, drifting away from our relationship with the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The how's and why's we drift away could be numerous.  There could be influence of the friends we keep; sports, disappointment with certain answers to our prayers or even because we feel God is not listening.  Or maybe there is some sin we are hanging on to but feel guilty about.  So we stop talking to Jesus who is Superior to one and all.  We stop reading God's word and going to church and other gatherings of believers.  Slowly, we drift away from Him.

Drifting away could be like getting into a row boat intending to paddle peacefully about for a while but because it is such a lovely warm day with a gentle breeze caressing your cheeks that you feel sleepy and lay back in the boat, and are rocked gently by the river's movement.  However, you fall asleep and drift farther and farther away downstream, but something suddenly jolts you awake to discover your predicamnet just as you are about to be released into the ocean.   You sit up and frantically try to row back upstream, all to no avail.  You panic and begin screaming for help.  Finally, someone in a motorboat discovers you and helps you get home.

"Paying the most careful attention" to not drifting away spiritually could entail making a commitment to not doing so in the first place, that no matter what, we would not let ourselves go.  We would commit to still reading, praying and going to services and Bible study and the like and to have fellowship with other brothers and sisters-in-Christ, regularly.  A commitment to seek the Lord and His kingdom first, would be of great help in keeping us alert to any potential slipping away that could occur.

It happens to the best of us so if we do drift away, know that all is not hopeless.  We can repent when we come to our senses like the prodigal son did (see Luke 15:11-32), about whatever caused us to drift in the first place.

We can shout out to the Lord, "Help!"  He hears our every cry, especially cries of repentance.  Get back to reading God's Word and obeying Him.  Talking to Him in prayer can help us get back into good and renewed relationship with Christ.  Go back to church.  Don't let years and years of indifference and drifting away happen.  Scream, "Help!" now.

Then when you feel peaceful calm and warmth in your soul, as if you are being hugged from the inside out, you are likely back from dirifting.  

However...pay the most careful attention to NOT drifting away.

You have been warned.

Father in Heaven, keep us cleaving to Your side through Jesus.  We do not want to drift away from You.  Help us to build relationship with You and be alert to anything or anyone that would mar it.  

We ask in Jesus' name, Amen.

                                                 ~ERC December 2023~

Based on Hebrews 2:1-4, especially vs 1.

Sing, O Lord, Close to Thee We Would Cleave, along with Metropolitan Tabernacle.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Book Review - Exploring AI - By Gaelen Hadlett - Publication Date: 1 January 2023

 If you like science, computers, robots, and educational things, this book is for you.  Explanations of how AI is used, some basic ways in who gathers the data, who programs it, and who uses the technology and for what purposes in aiding human beings are mapped out.  Great illustrations.  The "Use Your Brain" sections are brilliant and would definitely help a child have a hands-on experience of how AI works.  There is also a helpful glossary included.  In my opinion, this would be a great 'experience' for any scientifically-minded reader.

A 5-Star rating from me.

                                           ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                      September 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Book Review - Fragile Designs - By Colleen Coble - Publication Date: 2 January 2024

 This is not my first time reading a Colleen Coble novel, so was very happy to have another of her works to read and review.  I've enjoyed this story very much and believe others who like the Russian angle in a saga will too.  Then of great interest, the Faberge eggs; antiquities; twins; murder; family ties and dysfunction - you name it - will likely have them eagerly turning the pages as well.  Carly and her wee babe add tender moments along with Lucas giving extra spice.   All come together to provide some good, clean mystery and suspense and an enjoyably satisfying read. 

I'll give this novel a 5-Star rating.

                                               ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                                  July 2023

Disclaimer:    "I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Read review on Goodreads.