Monday, October 30, 2023

True Wisdom and Intelligence

 There are times when we human beings think we are pretty wise and intelligent.  However, look what God says.

"For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it it the power of God" (1 Corinthians 1:18). 

 For it is written: 

"I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate" (v19).

From this verse we learn that some people, i.e. the 'foolish' who rely on their human intelligence, think they are wiser than God.  By comparison, God's wisdom and intelligence is far and above all human wisdom.  Wisdom stems from being saved and this message of the cross is the power of God.

Often with our human intelligence we think we are pretty wise.  We think we are good.  We can believe what we want and it is unfair to Jesus to make Him suffer for our own individual sins. Therefore, they feel this is not correct, it is preposterous.

People who believe this will do many good deeds, they will intensely govern and marshal their minds and thoughts to go along a 'right path'.  And these are good things, of course.  However, they believe that thinking like this and doing the good will get them to a good place or state.  Also, if they do wrong deeds then they and only they will be the ones to suffer and take the respective punishment for their misdemeanours.

There are others whose 'wisdom' tell them there is no God and therefore they do not need anyone to 'save' them and they can live any which way they wish.  And so on.  

Readers here will no doubt be able to think of other such scenarios of 'human intelligence' thinking their own, so-called, wisdom.  In any event, none of the above feel they need God and His wisdom and intelligence 'interfering' with their lives.  They know best for themselves.  These people are perishing.  They need to know all the human wisdom and intelligence will perish and vanish.  God will frustrate it all (see Isaiah 29:14).

It is good to humbly acknowledge God whose thoughts are not our (human beings') thoughts and His ways are higher than any of our ways (see Isaiah 55:8-9).  It is good to bow to Him and admit the need of Jesus and the message of the cross, which is salvation through Him.  This is the power of God, this is wisdom to those who bow the knee to the One who is omniscient.  This wisdom will keep the foolish from perishing, instead they will survive forever with abundant life in Christ.  This is divine wisdom.

I want to interject a closing verse that says it all...

"For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength" (1 Corinthians 1:28).

Omniscient Heavenly Father, God, Your wisdom and intelligence far exceed all our human capabilities.  We are often so foolish.  May those who are perishing acknowledge You and Your thoughts and ways as being the right thoughts and ways; the way to true wisdom.  

Help them to understand that they cannot have everlasting life, be rid of bad thoughts and deeds without Your intervention, without the message of the cross, without Jesus and His offer of salvation.  Help each one to bow their knees to Jesus and Your wisdom and intelligence and so realize Your ever-loving invitation to come to You their Creator, Sustainer and all-knowing God.  

May they look to You and Your Son Jesus.  May Your grace, mercy and intelligence and wisdom be what captivates them, making them wise unto salvation (see 2 Timothy 3:15-12) and find that Jesus is the Right Path, Right Way and Right Wisdom for salvation and everlasting life.  That there is a god and that God is You, Father.  That you do not see it as unfair to have Jesus take the punishment for their sins but because your ways are higher than theirs and they will see this and so come to Christ.

I ask in Jesus' name.


                                                ~ERC October 2023~

Based on 1 Corinthians 1:18-23 NIV.

Sing, Higher Than Your Thoughts, along with All For Him.

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