Sunday, October 8, 2023

Trees At the Beach


Trees at the beach have to be sturdy but they don't get that way overnight.  They 'learned' to withstand the blows and batters of storms buffeting in off the ocean or sea; onslaughts of rain, at times fierce and furious.  At other times the trees are lulled by gentle breezes without being tricked by another onrush and assault of weather.  Yes, they may have experienced a limb break and scars on their bark but the trees gained an understanding over time to stand tall and firm  through all offensives.

Similarly did the believers of Philippi who were experiencing persecution.  Look how Paul describes them,

" whom I love and long for, my joy and crown" (Philippians 4:1).

They had a great relationship and Paul was showing his care and love for them.  I think it must have endeared him to them even more and have been encouraging to them, especially judging by his next written words.

"...that is how you stand firm in the Lord, dear friends" (Philippians 4:1).

"That's how" refers back to chapter 3's words of "eagerly awaiting" their Savior and the fact that their "lowly bodies" would be "transformed to be like [Jesus'] glorious body".  When they kept these in mind, they'd be able to "stand firm".

When the storms of life come and we feel battered and beaten down we can place our faith in Jesus and God's Word.  He keeps His promises.  The Philippians looked ahead to being with their Savior - NOT as a death wish but as a reward or promise of heavenly life to come and being with Jesus; minus the trials and tribulations of life.  Living on earth is tough but we are citizens of Heaven and will one day be in our 'Promised Land!'.  

When life gets good, be cautious that it doesn't lull us into complacency and being gripped and compelled by earthly pursuits and pleasures.  Rather, let us 'stand firm' in the Lord putting our confidence in Him.  We are His precious jewels (see Malachi 3:16-17).  

Keeping this in mind, let us stand as tall and firm (in the Lord), as trees at the beach, through all their years of withstanding offensives of wild or whispers of weather.  Keep on, keeping on.

Lord, I praise You for all Your tender loving care throughout the years.  Years that were tougher than others, yet You've seen me through all those seasons.  May my heart and the hearts of my fellow believers in Christ, always be strong and true, steady and firm in You even as You hold us fast.

Thank You, Jesus.

                                                    ~ERC  September 2023~

Based on Philippians 4:4 NIV.

Sing, Through It All, along with Lyric Share.

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