Sunday, October 15, 2023



We are often so tired and weary.  Physically, we just want to crash.  Sleep.  Rest.  Sometimes it's because our souls are all tuckered out.  When we are down, our Jesus can lift us up and refresh our souls.  His invitation is very inviting.  Do RSVP.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humle in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my buredn is light" (Matthew 11:28-30 NIV) [emphasis mine].

Those are Jesus' words.

This invitation appears to go beyond just being commiserated with; beyond just sympathizing with; there is empathy and relief.  And oh joy, rest.  That which weighs us down, all these burdens, our Jesus wants to take the load and walk with us - together - with Him.  There will be no disappointments because His promises are sure, and He says, "I will give you rest" and "You will find rest".    

Rest in His love.

These are highlights I see for today.  This rest is for all - there's no discrimination.  When the all are "weary and burdened" the "all" will find their soul's rest in Jesus.  How sweet that sounds!

Most wedding invitations have 'RSVP' written on them.  (This means, 'respondez s'il vous plait aka please respond; i.e. with ''Yes, I'm attending" or "No, sorry, I can't make it").

Similarly, with the offer of this rest invitation it needs our personal response.  Don't let yourself go down and down with life's burdens.  Let Jesus share them or rather, take them.  Give them all to Him and so find your rest.

The 'if' or onus is on the individual to accept or reject.  However, when we 'let go and let Jesus,' your soul will find rest.

Do RSVP today.

Jesus friend unfailing, Your offer of rest for my soul is so inviting.  I give You my weariness, my burdens (name them specifically), laying them at Your feet.  Thank You for sharing all this heavy load with me.  I rest in You and Your gentle, humble and easy ways.  I want to be yoked to You so I can learn from You.

Thank You for this rest for my soul.  In Your name Lord Jesus, I give my grateful thanks.

                                                    ~ERC  October 2023~

Based on Matthew 11:28-30 NIV.

Sing, Come Unto Jesus, along with Keith and Kristyn Getty.

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