Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Peace of Heart & Mind


Last night I was talking with a friend about visiting people I did not know and how exhausting it can be.  A good part of that is because of anxiety build-up.  Number 1, I felt anxious because of fear of getting lost, not knowing the way to the visitee's house, despite Waze.  Number 2, meeting someone new and wondering what am I going to say, what is there to talk about besides small talk?  This may be a welcome 'challenge' to many, but it makes my heart and mind anxious, and therefore, very tired before even leaving home.

This is me reckoning without the following,

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God, and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:6-7 NIV).

My observation of these verses is the "anything" and "everything".  This is all encompassing.  We can have peace in both our hearts and minds when we give our loving, heavenly Father all our anxiety.  Then we can give thanks.

Uh-huh!  That's it in a theorizing nutshell but try putting it into practice!

I should have prayed and received the peace of God before I even made a move out my home door.  We are often silly Christians and don't take God at His Word.  Then we suffer for it instead of receiving peace from Him that will guard our hearts and minds in a way that transcends all comprehension.

This is what we miss out on.  It was what I missed out on.  Actually, the visit was very pleasant once I got there and I left very happy and smiling but still very tired.  Anxiety takes a lot out of a person.

No doubt there are people who have actual emotional difficulties and I do not berate or criticise them.  However, generally speaking, I do believe - obviously more often in theory than in practice - that if and when we put God's Word into practice, giving Him our anxiety in anything and everything, then we will be significantly less prone to living with constant anxiety.  Give it to the Lord and don't take it back.

Father God, You are a peace-of-mind giver but we so often give you only a piece of our anxious mind and then take it back again and so never live in the good of the peace You are so willing to give.  We confess this fault to you.  In time to come may each of Your children remember and instinctively give our 'anything' and 'everything' that disturbs our hearts and minds, to You.

It sounds so peaceful to be able to have Your peace that transcends all understanding, I almost can't believe it.  Nevertheless, You say it so I will believe it and be more conscious to take hold and so guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

Thank You so much for this gift You hold out to us.  It must have helped the Philippian believers so much as they lived through the imminent threats and dangers of persecution.  They had had "little strength" but they had "kept Your word" and did "not deny Your name" or the name of Jesus.

Thank You for their example especially considering their extreme circumstances.

I thank You in Jesus' name.  May Your peace infuse me and my fellow brothers and sisters-in-Christ as I and they, give You all our anxiety.


                                               ~ERC  October 2023~

Based on Philippians 4:6-7 NIV.

Sing, Peace, along with Bethel music.

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