Friday, October 20, 2023

God's Peace Holds Us

 After receiving peace of heart and mind because we have prayed and given our anxiety to God with thanksgiving, there is something further we can do to solidify that peace of God.  Paul wrote to the Philippians about it.  He told them,

"Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things" (Philippians 4:8-9 NIV).

We can think about a whole slew of issues and things but Paul's recommendations are so much more lofty.  Lofty but not impossible.  With our minds focused on these 'excellent or praiseworthy' virtues, look at the benefits we can receive.

"What ever you have learned or recieved or heard from me, or seen in me - put it into practice.  And the God of peace will be with you" (Philippians 4:9).

Direct your minds to the 'prize' - "the God of peace will be with You".  That is comforting.

Is your child going through surgery or chemo because of a brain tumor?  Is your husband cheating on you?  Have you failed a major exam?  Did a loved one die?  Are you afraid?  Has someone spread false accusations about you and ruined your reputation?

Direct your minds to the 'prize' - "the God of peace will be with You".  That is comforting.

Often, the stresses and distresses of life crowd our thinking.  We need to train our minds to think of what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable and excellent or praiseworthy.

When we feel our minds slipping into anxiety mode, back up again to verse 4 of this chapter 4 and reread through verse 9.  Look what we have in Christ.

Rejoice in the Lord, pray in every situation about anything and everything with thanksgiving and the peace of God will blanket you in so many ways and your anxious, aching hearts and minds will have comfort and peace in Christ Jesus .

Once we've given our overcome hearts and our all to our Heavenly Compassionate Father, we can further the impact of God's peace in our hearts and minds by thinking of all those good things of verse 8.  It will pass all your understanding.

This is wonderful progression for our state of mind.  Let's take God at His word and try it.

Heavenly Compassionate Father, You give and give and give.  What would we do without you?  Thank You for directing our hearts and minds to so many good virtues.  Who is the one who is all those things in perfection but Jesus.  As we meditiate on each virture or aspect You bring our minds and hearts peace.  Thank You that we can go about our day with Your peace, when we take hold thereof and Your peace then holds us.  In Jesus' name I give You thanks.

                                                    ~ERC  October 2023~

Based on Philippians 4:8-9 NIV.

Sing, Peace, along with Bethel Music and Peace, Wonderful Peace along with the Vagle Brothers.

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