Monday, October 2, 2023

Lowly to Glorious Body


Do you have a favorite Bible verse?  I have.  Currently, I turn often to Philippians 3:20-21 (NIV), which reads,

"but our citizenship is in heaven.  And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, v 21 who, by the power that enables Him to bring everything under His control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like His glorious body."

Heavenly citizenship has been bestowed upon all those who call Jesus, "Savior."  We can "eagerly await" going to be with Him.  Something needs to happen though before we get there.  Or maybe it's as we're on the way up.  I don't know, I'll leave that up to Jesus.  So what is it?  The curious can learn from verse 21.

Our bodies need to be transformed to be like Jesus' "glorious body."

A transformed body is what I look forward to in this day and age as the wear and tear of years is kicking in.  I've heard people say that the moment we are born we begin to decay.  Well, that seems to be speeding up lately but it's common knowledge our earthly bodies are only temporal.

It is good news to know we will have 'transformed' bodies and that they will be 'glorious'!  I'm not sure this means we will suddenly become super handsome or goregous, rather our bodies are going to have to last for all eternity to come.

So bodies that don't give out, get injured or maimed nor deformed or challenged in some way as we are on earth, is something to look forward to.  No wonder Paul wrote that we "eagerly await" this coming time.

Of course, Paul's main focus was to be able to see our Savior.  It is our Savior who has the power to transform us so our bodies are like His glorious body.

These are BIG things to look ahead to once we get to our Heavenly Home to be with Jesus.

Brothers and sisters-in-Christ, let's eagerly await this realization of our heavenly citizenship.  In unison, let's invite Him, 

"Come, Lord Jesus!"

Savior Jesus, we your people eagerly await being with you in Heaven.  We want to see You and enjoy being with You forever.  Thank You that our bodies will change and transform to be like Your glorious body so we can be with You for all eternity to come.

Thank You, Jesus.

                                         ~ERC  September 2023~

Based on Philippians 3:20-21 NIV.

Sing, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, along with Sovereign Grace Music.

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