Friday, October 13, 2023

Evident Gentleness

 Another of Paul's exhortations to the Philippians was,

"Let your gentleness be evident to all" (Philippians 4:5 NIV).

"Gentleness to all" may not be in our books of how to treat others.  The "all" could be a stickler because not "all" are to our liking.  Yet that is what Paul exhorted.

With chagrin, we have to take this exhortation to heart too, today.  I, for one, bristle when that "all" is repeated to me.  How do you feel about it?  Yet there it is for us all to contend with in our minds and hearts.

"Gentleness" may not flow from our natural character, however, thanks be to God, it is a characteristic of the fruit of the Holy Spirit within each one of us followers of Jesus Christ so we really have no excuse not to produce gentleness; thus the chagrin.

When I read the verse (Philippians 4:5) it straight away reminded me of,

"Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry" (James 1:19 NIV).

Emphasis on the last phrase, "slow to become angry".  When we take time out to listen, truly listen, to others speak, then perhaps we will become less prone to anger and exude greater gentleness in our words and actions.

Let's exhort ourselves and so make our gentleness evident as we reach out in love, kindness and sincerity to our "neighbor"... yes, all of them.

Father God, in You we put our hope, trust and confidence.  From You comes all good things.  You gave us Jesus and as followers of Him, we have Your Holy Spirit within.  Thank You for all these good and perfect gifts.

We, Your children, confess our many faults and wrongs to you.  Today we especially want to mention our slowness to listen, our quickness to anger and our behavior that is not gentle.  We are sorry Father for all these things.

In Your graciousness we know we have Your forgiveness yet, as Jesus once told one lady, "Go and sin no more" (see John 8:11), we must follow suit.  Thank You that Your Holy Spirit can convict us on these points.  May our hearts become tender and obedient to doing Your will so that the gentleness that pleases You and comes from Your Holy Spirit, will be evident to all in our day-to-day Christian living.

In all we do, we wish to honor You.  We praise, pray and petition in Jesus' most precious name.

                                                 ~ERC  October 2023~

Based on Philippians 4:5 NIV.

Sing, Let Your Gentleness, along with Memorize Scipture.

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