Sunday, October 15, 2023

Lord's Day Devotion - Fragrant Offering, Acceptable Sacrifice


Many people make sacrifices of all kinds throughout their lifetime.  The Philippians, collectively as a church, made sacrifices too.  Paul told them that 'the aid' they sent was,

"...a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God" (Philippians 4:18).

The sacrifices the Philippians had made were "acceptable to God."  They had been aid, gifts for Paul when he had had a 'poor' time (see Philippians 4:11-13).

Paul must have been in considerable straights.  But he served the Lord faithfully and responsibly.  The Philippians had been recipients of his efforts.  They were not so well off themselves especially living through times of persecution.  Yet, their hearts were motivated to help Paul.  Paul thanks them, adding,

"And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:19).

These are not glibly stated.  God uses all sorts of ways to supply believers' needs.  He often moves His children to help His other children.  We just need to have open, willing ears and hearts.  These 'sacrifices' are "fragrant offerings and acceptable sacrifices" to God, and for those in need and for those who actively further God's Kingdom.

Jesus, God's own one and only Son is just such a sacrifice.  He's the perfect, willing sacrifice given for the sake of all those who believe in Him for their salvation.

God was pleased with Jesus' sacrifice.  Jesus coming to Earth in human form was the initial sacrifice.  Jesus being baptised to show mankind what is good and acceptable.  Having to be baptized connotes one must have done wrong, needed to repent and start on a new and better path.   This in and of itself, was a humbling act of sacrifice for Jesus.  He who is sinless and blameless, had to 'sacrifice' this reputation.  Stark, isn't it!

The Gospels recorded God's voice affirming Jesus, though.  God said,

"You are my Son, whom I love; with Him I am well-pleased" (Matthew 3:17; Mark 1:11).

In Old Testament Jewish worship, it is noted that the fragrance of the peoples' sacrifices were offerings and created "sweet-smelling fragrance" (see Exodus 30:34-38; 29:18; Leviticus 1:4, 13, 31).  Some term the burnt offerings and peace offerings of the Old Testament worship, "The Sweet-Savor Offerings".

Jesus' sacrifice was just such a "sweet-savor offering" to His Father.  He willingly went to the cross on our behalf according to His Father's will (see Hosea 14:5-6).  He came to

 "heal our waywardness.." 

and so there was 

"fragrance like a cedar," 

a pleasing aroma to God.

In the epistle to the Ephesians, Paul told them to "live a life of love" like Christ had.

"...Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God" (Ephesians 5:1-2).

God supplied our need - the need for a Savior with a "sweet-smelling savor".  Jesus was our perfect "fragrant offering and acceptable sacrifice".

"To God and Father be glory for ever and ever" (Philippians 4:20).

We can now live a life of similar sacrifice.  Let's let our aroma be pleasing to God.  Be reminded of what Christ has done for us in coming to Earth, living an obedient, willing life of sacrifice and then being our sacrificial Lamb of God, giving His life for ours.

Remember all of that this Lord's Day while partaking of the broken bread and drinking from the cup of wine - symbols of Jesus' sacrifice for us.

Give thanks and praise Him.

Lord Jesus, thank You for being our willing, obedient sacrifice.  Surely, you were the most fragrant of sweet-smelling offerings to God Your Father.  He was so satisfied and pleased by You.  It is sweet to me and to many of my brothers and sisters-in-Christ too.

Thank You for Your Holy Spirit who helps us to live similarly as did the Philippian believers.  The actions stemming from their faith in You was a "fragrant offering, acceptable sacrifice" to Paul but likely also to You.

You have done so much for us.  We thank You from the bottoms of our hearts.  We give You our praise.

                                              ~ ERC  October 2023 ~

Based on Philippians 4:14-20; especially vs 18-19.

Sing, It's Your Blood, along with Vineyard.

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