Friday, October 13, 2023

Rejoice Always and Again


How is it even possible?  Living in a crooked and depraved generation, how do you expect children of God to do this...

"Rejoice in the Lord always" (Philippians 4:4)?

And Paul doesn't say that once.  He said, 

"I will say it again:  Rejoice!" ( Philippians 4:4).

Paul seems to be saying here that the ability to rejoice comes from rejoicing in the Lord.

This reminds me of Peter who asked Jesus to let him walk to Him on the water.  Jesus granted that wish and Peter stepped out of that fishing boat with conficence and trust in Jesus.

But the 'crooked and depraved' waves and billows distracted him.  He took his eyes off Jesus and he began to sink.  He quickly and in desparation, cried out to Jesus to save him (see Matthew 14:22-33).  No doubt his heart rejoiced in a jiffy then in Jesus who reached out and immediately saved him and got them into the boat.

If you reread through the whole epistle to the Philippians you will rejoice to see Paul's directives to focus on Christ and his mission to preach the gospel and to sincere Christian living.  Always you see expressions such as "consider loss for Christ;" "comes through Jesus Christ," "until the day of Christ Jesus," "on behalf of Christ," "same attitude as Christ Jesus," "stand firm in the Lord" and so many more.

When we turn our eyes, hearts and minds away from the "crooked and depraved generation" (see Philippians 2:15) and look to Christ, instead, we will be able to "rejoice in the Lord" and do this "always," again and again.  Seems their generation was not much different than ours nowadays, so we've no excuse not to rejoice.

Like Peter, know to cry out to Jesus when you realize your focus gets misplaced.  Turn your eyes to Jesus and rejoice in Him despite all the waves and billows.

Lord Jesus Christ, thank You we can put our hope and confidence in you to ride above the storms of life; the persecution and humiliations foisted upon us as we travel through life.  Thank You  for being there for us, always.  Help us to turn our eyes upon You alone and to "rejoice in the Lord" despite the crookedness and depravity of our generation.  

In Your name Lord Jesus we give you praise.

                                                          ~ERC  October 2023~

Based on Philippians 4:4 NIV

Sing, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, along with Reawaken Hynmns.

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