Sunday, October 1, 2023

Heavenly Citizenship

 There are many enemies of the cross of Christ.  I don't want to be one of them.  Sometimes the pleasures and gravity of earth hold my mind captive to earthly things making me a borderline enemy.  I want to remember then that...

"...our [my] citizenship is in heaven" (Philippians 3:20).

Citizenship is a blessed thing especially when one is living in ones own country of citizenship.  Otherwise, it is troublesome in a plethora of ways. So when one is away, one often is eager to go back to it so as not to encounter the nuances of bother and trouble of being a foreigner in a land not of ones' citizenship.  Does this make sense to you?  Don't worry you'll know if you ever begin to live in a country not your own.  I recommend it so you can get the 'feel'.  😉

As children of God, a brother or sister-in-Christ belongs to heaven.  But since we living fellowers of Jesus are still earthbound, we are encumbered with many earthly things for living here.  However, we do not need to be entangled in worldly pursuits that dull our eagerness to get to our true home in heaven.

Let our minds be held captive by our Savior from heaven, our Lord Jesus Christ, and live for Him.  Store up treasure in Heaven and 

"eagerly await" (Philippians 3:20) 

the call to go up to be with Him.

Savior, Jesus, I want to fix my eyes and mind on You and remember that my Home is with You in Heaven, that my citizenship is with You in Heaven.  I don't want to live as an enemy of yours.  Help me to build up treasure for You there and not be so encumbered with attaining earthly things.  Let me not be like Lot who coveted the grass on the other side of the fence, which he thought was greener (see Genesis 13:10).  Your pastures are so much more refreshing (see Psalm 23).  Until then, I look forward to being with You in Heaven in Your good timing.

                                                 ~ERC  September 2023~

Based on Philippians 3:18-20 NIV.

Sing, This World is Not My Home, along with Jim Reeves.

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