Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Agree In the Lord

 It's so easy to have a 'tug-of-war' at church.  So many personalities and characters have been 'thrown together', these things are bound to happen. 

It's like what happened in Philippi.  Paul had to exhort the two sisters.

"I plead with Euodia and I plead with Syntyche to agree with each other in the Lord" (Philippians 4:2).

Spats with other brothers and sisters are unpleasant and can escalate out of all proportion.  I'm assuming that Euodia and Syntyche had once worked well together, helping Paul to build up this church at Philippi.  Paul gave the antidote to bring about reconciliation;  

"agree with each other in the Lord" [emphasis mine].

Struggles and strife will come so it is good to sit back and examine oneself, and ask, "Am I doing this out of my own interest or for the Lord's ?"  Am I "in the Lord" - doing and acting according to His will?"

There are many other questions to ask too, when it regards conflict.  The objective person will ask, "Where is it coming from?  Personality clashes?  Upbringing?"  And/Or a whole slew more possibilites according to one's situation?

But if we want to honor the Lord we will get on our knees and confess our own failures, pride, or whatever the issue is, and seek His help to forgive the other person with whom we have conflict, to get whatever is in our eye out first before attempting to go for your 'opponent's' eyes.

It won't be easy and it may take time to come round to be able to go that extra mile for the sake of Christ and harmony.  Then the Lord's work can move forward and the cause of the gospel can continue in good faith, bringing the Lord the glory and honor due to His name.

Father God, all glory and honor be unto Your name!  We do like to work for you together with others for the visions and missions You give us to do, for the cause of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Yet at times we confess, we allow our own interests to domineer and it causes disagreements and conflicts big and small.  It certainly does not honor You or Jesus' name.

Thank You for Your Holy Spirit who can convict us of our wrongs and compel us to repent and seek forgiveness and resolution of the issues more amicably.

May each brother and sister-in-Christ in whichever conflict they may find themself, learn to "agree with each other, in the Lord" and to have the "same mind" and attitude as Jesus Christ who humbled Himself and was able to accomplish the work set before Him from Your hand.  Let us be found in deep humility to accomplish what You have set forth for each one of us to do and so bring You the glory as we work for Your interests.

In Jesus name we ask.

                                                   ~ERC  September 2023~

Based on Philippians 4;2 NIV.

Sing, King of Humility, along with Justin Tweito.

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