Monday, October 30, 2023

True Wisdom and Intelligence

 There are times when we human beings think we are pretty wise and intelligent.  However, look what God says.

"For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it it the power of God" (1 Corinthians 1:18). 

 For it is written: 

"I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate" (v19).

From this verse we learn that some people, i.e. the 'foolish' who rely on their human intelligence, think they are wiser than God.  By comparison, God's wisdom and intelligence is far and above all human wisdom.  Wisdom stems from being saved and this message of the cross is the power of God.

Often with our human intelligence we think we are pretty wise.  We think we are good.  We can believe what we want and it is unfair to Jesus to make Him suffer for our own individual sins. Therefore, they feel this is not correct, it is preposterous.

People who believe this will do many good deeds, they will intensely govern and marshal their minds and thoughts to go along a 'right path'.  And these are good things, of course.  However, they believe that thinking like this and doing the good will get them to a good place or state.  Also, if they do wrong deeds then they and only they will be the ones to suffer and take the respective punishment for their misdemeanours.

There are others whose 'wisdom' tell them there is no God and therefore they do not need anyone to 'save' them and they can live any which way they wish.  And so on.  

Readers here will no doubt be able to think of other such scenarios of 'human intelligence' thinking their own, so-called, wisdom.  In any event, none of the above feel they need God and His wisdom and intelligence 'interfering' with their lives.  They know best for themselves.  These people are perishing.  They need to know all the human wisdom and intelligence will perish and vanish.  God will frustrate it all (see Isaiah 29:14).

It is good to humbly acknowledge God whose thoughts are not our (human beings') thoughts and His ways are higher than any of our ways (see Isaiah 55:8-9).  It is good to bow to Him and admit the need of Jesus and the message of the cross, which is salvation through Him.  This is the power of God, this is wisdom to those who bow the knee to the One who is omniscient.  This wisdom will keep the foolish from perishing, instead they will survive forever with abundant life in Christ.  This is divine wisdom.

I want to interject a closing verse that says it all...

"For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength" (1 Corinthians 1:28).

Omniscient Heavenly Father, God, Your wisdom and intelligence far exceed all our human capabilities.  We are often so foolish.  May those who are perishing acknowledge You and Your thoughts and ways as being the right thoughts and ways; the way to true wisdom.  

Help them to understand that they cannot have everlasting life, be rid of bad thoughts and deeds without Your intervention, without the message of the cross, without Jesus and His offer of salvation.  Help each one to bow their knees to Jesus and Your wisdom and intelligence and so realize Your ever-loving invitation to come to You their Creator, Sustainer and all-knowing God.  

May they look to You and Your Son Jesus.  May Your grace, mercy and intelligence and wisdom be what captivates them, making them wise unto salvation (see 2 Timothy 3:15-12) and find that Jesus is the Right Path, Right Way and Right Wisdom for salvation and everlasting life.  That there is a god and that God is You, Father.  That you do not see it as unfair to have Jesus take the punishment for their sins but because your ways are higher than theirs and they will see this and so come to Christ.

I ask in Jesus' name.


                                                ~ERC October 2023~

Based on 1 Corinthians 1:18-23 NIV.

Sing, Higher Than Your Thoughts, along with All For Him.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Book Review - The Letter Tree - By Rachel Fordham - Publication Date: 31 October 2023


This is a really enjoyable story.  There is a mixture of intrigue and mystery, enough to whet the interest of amateur detectives and of course, tender romance that obviously involves letters posted in an unusual letter box.  An added delight are the pops of humor.

I appreciated this good, clean work of historical fiction that is set in a 1924 timeframe with all the debut of women "coming out" from under Victorian restrictions and a reference or two to God, although I'm not exactly sure it could be considered a faith-based book.  It was a very satisfying read for me, which kept my attention well throughout the narrative.

A 4-Star rating from me.

                                                ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                                  July 2023

Disclaimer:   "I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Read review on Goodreads.

Lord's Day Devotion - His Great Love and Compassion


We hear of wars and rumors of wars, of refugees, woundings, death and racism, prejudices and it smites our hearts.  Added to these there is persecution for those who put their hope and trust in the Lord, who fear Him.  Again, it hits and hurts our hearts.

Then we read Lamentations 3:22-23,

"Because of the LORD's great love  we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."

If it were not for our LORD's great love and compassions we would be consumed with fear, dread, and terror.  But the LORD's mercies, are renewed daily and He is ever faithful.  In this is our hope and stay.

This Lord's Day while we remember our Savior Jesus in His death and resurrection, remember He too suffered severely at the hands of man.  He also suffered for our sins.  He was 'persecuted' for His righteousness, love, and never-failing compassion for us.  He was 'consumed,' so-to-speak, on our behalf.

Take of the bread and wine today thinking of all these and giving your sincere heart praise and thanksgiving.  His heart has been smitten for you.

Let us also take time out to remember those all around the world who are being persecuted for their faith in Jesus our Lord and Savior.  Pray they have courage to stand firm in their faith, that they know our Lord's compassion and mercy upon them and that they have the strength to speak for Him.  

If you can do something that will help them, there are various Christian organizations that bring aid to them.  For example, Barnabas Fund; Open Doors, Voice of the Martyrs and Release International, among others.  Go check them out and see what you would like to do.  Do it.

Keep in mind Galations 6:10,

"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."

Be as compassionate and faithful as Jesus, as much as possible.

God of compassion, our hearts are  heavy with hurt on behalf of Your children who are persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ Your Son.  How your heart must hurt right there along side ours.  Thank You for their faith, though, their courage and their love for Jesus.

Thank You for what Jesus did for all of us who are now Your children.  May they know, sense and be surrounded by Your love, compassion and realize its renewal every morning.  Be ever faithful to them.

May the rest of Your children bring relief in a variety of ways according to their ability.  May we be a blessing as we have opportunity to do such good especially to those who belong to Your family.

Thank You for Your great love and faithfulness. In Jesus' name we give You our thanks.

                                                 ~ERC  October 2023~

Based on Lamentations 3:22-23 NIV.

Sing, The Compassion Hymn, along with Keith & Kristyn Getty.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Mind and Thought

 Wherever we go, and whomever we may be with, there are certainly bound to be disagreements.  The apostle Paul knew this so well and he made an appeal to the Corinthians.  He wrote,

"I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought." (1 Corinthians 1:10).

Observe the 'all', the 'no divisions' and the words, 'perfectly united'.  In the verse are two prescriptions to take that will be the motivating force promoting the "perfect unity".  The first is the 'all'.  That is, "all agreeing with one another".  The second is to be "perfectly united in mind and thought".  Together, these will actively eliminate many of the quarrels that can so easily erupt among believers in a church.  

What is it that creates quarrels?

Often, it is over very petty issues that quarrels come.  A lot of it being because, as we read in Philippians, is that each is looking out for their own interests and not for Christ's.  Then people align themselves with the various leader of the various sides of the arguments (see Philippians 2:4-11).

 Instead, look at this remedy:   aligning our mind and thoughts to our Lord Jesus Christ's, and seeking to please Him, will appeal to our hearts and help us to agree with each other and align ourselves behind Him for achieving His purposes.

This may sound like uniformity rather than unity but I believe that when we align our mind and thoughts with Jesus Christ's we will be keeping the unity of the Spirit and not be promoting uniformity of appearance.

In other words, each believer can use their respective spiritual gift for the purpose of the cross of Christ and thus show the power of the cross in each working towards that single purpose.  In so doing there will be good fellowship among all the believers, lessening the potential divisions and foster being more perfectly united in mind and thought.  Let Paul's appeal be ours too.  Let us follow our Leader, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be one with Him.

Father in Heaven, we bow before you now.  You have made us one in Christ through Your Holy Spirit.  Yet, we often forget ourselves and begin taking sides of issues which are often petty.  However, I know we do need to stand up for and hold firmly to Your truth.

We also need to exhibit and exude Your grace.  Help us to maintain the unity of Your Spirit in the bond of peace.  Help our feeble humanness and remember we have the power of the cross flowing through our redeemed spiritual veins and thus able to discipline our minds and thoughts to be pro-actively aligned with yours so there be no quarrels, or divisions among us, rather that "perfect unity" you so delight in.

I ask in Jesus's name through whom Paul's appeal was made to the Corinthians.  May this be our appeal here and now, today, too.

                                                     ~ERC  October 2023~

Based on 1 Corinthians 1:10-13 NIV.

Sing, Make Us One/Erik Dewar.

FYI, Geranium flowers (as pictured above, symbolize: happiness, good health, and friendship).

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Book Review - Different - By David Gelernter - Publication Date: 18 July 2023


I'm a person who reads the Bible so all the Jewish aspects described in this book were fascinating to me.  The Jewish angle coupled with a person of color, certainly brought out the ugly racial prejudices and was a way to further this reader's knowledge of what others endure at the hands of evil intentioned people.  That being the case, I really admired Darius, the main character, who was an overcomer.  This book itself was different - in a good sort of way - I really enjoyed reading it and wondered what would happen next as I read along.  

There is a good mix of happily ever after and of not so happily so the author keeps you a bit off-balance and guessing, "What next?"  Besides the crime, I think the martial arts, which were a type I've never heard of before, and fighting scenes would likely appeal more to male readers.  There is multicultural interest for those who care, and  romance bits for ladies, so there is something for everyone.  The only caution I'd say, would be for those who don't like to read about intimate bedroom scenes.  Other than that I'd christen this a strong, fabulous story.  Therefore, I bestow a tempered 4 Star rating.

                                            ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                            October 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Happy Fellowship


A church fellowship tea where each family brings a food 'offering' is the best.  Each has given something of themselves to share and so it feels happy and gives good appetites thereby producing happy chatter.  In other words, we all experience happy fellowship around the church tables.

This scenario puts me in mind of this verse from the apostle Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians. It reads,

"God, who has called you into fellowhsip with His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful" (1 Corinthians 1:9 NIV).

My attention is drawn to the "called you into fellowship" part.  Just like the fellowship tea, it can be happy, because of who called.  Who was it?  It was God who called. With whom is the fellowship?  God's Son Jesus Christ our Lord.  Which attribute of God is mentioned?  God's faithfulness.

From every tribe, tongue, people and nation, God calls us.  We are individuals but He calls us into fellowship, even multiculturally.  This fellowship we may think is with each other, but read the verse again.  With whom is the fellowship?  It is with God's son Jesus Christ and so God puts us into fellowship with Him and gives us a family and a community of believers of all ethnic backgrounds.

Picture the twelve disciples traipsing about wherever Jesus went during those three years of His ministry.  So much time spent with Him.  Yes, there were spats among them because they got their focus averted, but eventually they refocused.

The most endearing, most poignant time of fellowship with Jesus pre-cross was the last night, I think.  Peek into that Upper Room at their Passover Feast dinner.  "The Last Supper," we like to call it.

In Leonardo da Vinci's depiction of this 'Last Supper' we see the disciples and Jesus all lined up along the side of a long rectangular-shaped table.  In Jesus' day they acutally sat more in a 'U'-shape with the host at the 'bottom' of the 'U' and then the guests would fill in spots on either side of the host.  In my estimation, everyone could see everyone else better and they could have better fellowship that way.

A line of the Communion Hymn written by Stuart Townsend, sings, 

"Around the table of the King".

It is so sweet and happy to be in fellowship with King Jesus.  He brought us, His followers, together.  Together, not just for physical food but for spiritual and for service together, for Him.  Let's keep our focus on Jesus, and so have happy fellowhip.

God is faithful and will not let us down.  He called us into this fellowship and so we can know it will be sure and steadfast when we keep our focus on Jesus around whom we are gathered.

Abba Father, it is so wonderful to be in fellowship with Your Son Jesus.  You brought us into this relationship with Him and inot a family of Your children.  Thank You for being faithful to us no matter how much mess we may make of it.  Restore us again and again like you did for Peter of old, and even when James and John's mother wanted favored places for her sons around the Table of King Jesus, and created jealousies among the others, You restored the peace and harmony.  Help us too.  Thank You for the times we do have happy fellowship. 

We give You our thanks in Your Son Jesus' name, around whom we have happy fellowship. Amen.

                                                       ~ERC  October 2023~

Based on 1 Corinthians 1:9 NIV.

Sing, Communion Hymn, along with Stuart Townsend and Keith and Kristyn Getty.

Monday, October 23, 2023

The Gift of Grace


"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.  Amen." (Philippians 4:23 NIV).

Paul's 'signature' signoff closure to his epistles are similar.  He mentions the 'grace of our Lord Jesus Christ'.  We read the verse and/or recite it smoothly, rolling it off our tongues but what's the meaning?  I feel there is much more than meets the eye.

Then to have His grace "be with our spirit;" what's that?  Putting both parts of the verse together actually feels comforting to me, but again, what are we saying when we greet others with this 'grace'?

Much like God's love, there's no way to plumb the depths or measure the heights of God's grace.  Most of us know that God's grace is freely given, and involves God's love as Initiator and whether or not we "earned" His grace, He gives it anyway.  Actually, God's grace is something we could never earn.  Some call this "unmerited favor".  He gives because He can.  He gives because He wants to.  He gives because He loves us.

The Merriam - Webster online dictionary records synonyms of grace as: "charity", "clemency' and mercy".  Furthermore, it says, these words mean, 

"a disposition to show kindness and compassion"*1.

That's beautiful definition but no doubt not yet all encompassing as who can contain God and His grace?   I'd like to comment according to some of the overall vibes Paul touched on in his letter to the Philippians.  This will by no means be exhaustive.

In my mind I think of the grace and the attitude of humility to be just "like Jesus Christ's".  This is the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Secondly, stemming from this attitude comes being able to be more "like-minded" and keep unity of the Spirit with our fellow brothers and sisters-in-Christ.  Remember Paul's exhortation to Euodia and Syntyche to be "of the same mind" (see Philippians 4:21).

God's grace would also help these believers to "stand firm" in their faith and to withstand the tribulations they were undergoing.  They, we, and like Paul, were/will be able to do 

"all things through Jesus Christ who gave and still gives us strength." 

I happily chuckle a bit here cause God's grace will enable us to be content in "any and every situation" as well as gracing us with an attitude of gratitude.  Isn't that something!

What's more, is that God's grace is a gift bestowed upon us.  See Ephesians 2:8-9,

"For by grace you have been is a gift of God."  

This grace helps to transform into the same attitude of Jesus Christ.  We are no longer condemned.  We can persevere as did the Philippians.  So now we have this grace of God and its effects upon us, what do we do with this grace in other capacites?

Good question.  We can then give grace to others even if we may feel they don't deserve it.  God's grace works wonders.

Gracious Heavenly Father, thank You for giving and giving and giving to us of Your grace.  Thank You for bestowing Your grace upon us as a gift!  We could never earn grace for ourselves so thank You for having mercy upon us and giving Your gift of grace to us instead, because You can and because out of love for us You want to.

May we consciously allow Your grace to flood our hearts, souls, minds, and spirits so we can bestow Your gift of grace upon others as we interact with them.  May the mind of Jesus Christ be our mind.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

All in all, let's say,

"The grace of the Lord Jesus Chrsit be with your spirit".  

This sounds like a wonderful blessing with which to grace a fellow believer.

                                                    ~ERC  October 2023~

Based on Philippians 4:23 NIV.

Sing, Grace Greater Than Our Sin, along with Reawaken Hymns.


*1.   Merriam-Webster link.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

I Have Learned


Once upon a time I used to think the apostle Paul had been an arrogant chauvanistic man.  For example, just look at the phraseology of these couple of verses...

"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.  I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do everything through Him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:11-13 NIV).

There are so many 'I's'  in there, with 'I can do this' and that's' and at first glance the attitude seems boastful.  Yet, I see the phrase, "I have learned...".  When I took a minute to step back and ponder on Paul's life I recalled he went through an awful lot for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ and his special mission to tell the Gentiles about Him.

He had come from a well-to-do family it seems, yet he obviously, at times post-conversion, was rather destitute.  So the "I have learned..." had come at a cost.  He had learned the "secret of contentment" though no matter how tough it had been.

Most of us don't learn such things overnight.  Such "knowledge" often comes from repeated painful, humbling experiences.  Paul had had his share of those.  I now see his words as being spoken with humility.  After all, the second chapter of this letter to the Philippians talks about an attitude of humility that had characterized Jesus Christ.  He'd asked the Philippians to have this same attitude of mind (see Philippians 2:5-11).  

Paul's strength to go through the learning process had come from Jesus Himself.  Paul was passing on this secret of being content in any and every situation, to the the Philippians.

Most of us love to be in on a secret.  This is one all followers of Jesus Christ can be privy too.  Instead of grumbling the whole week through, we can humbly be content and give our Lord thanks and praise with an attitude of gratitude, no matter what.  Tall order, but let's learn this lesson so we too, can humbly echo Paul and say,

"I have learned..." 

and then go out to fulfil our respective God-given missions.

Lord Jesus, You are our perfect example of humility.  You learned to be content with Your earthly lot.  You came from the heights of Heaven's glory, down to Earth's sin and darkness.  You fulfilled Your mission despite all.  You have turned our darkness into light because You are Light.

In turn, I ask for that same attitude of humility and contentment with my lot in life here on earth.  I confess, I so often complain.  I repent, Lord Jesus.  Help me, give me Your strength to praise, to be grateful, to be content, no matter the situation.  Help me to grow in this grace.  Thank You for Holy Spirit's help.  

In Your name Jesus, thank You.

                                                  ~ ERC  October 2023 ~

Based on Philippians 4:11-13 NIV.

Sing, The Grumblers, along with Bob Givens/J Clef Chorale.

Lord's Day Devotion - Friend & Brother

Torah Proverbs 17:17

"At all times, love a friend, for he is born a brother for adversity."

NIV Proverbs 17:17

"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity."

Whether you are the 'friend' doing the loving of the 'friend' being love, this action is especially important during times of adversity.  Friends that don't run away at such times are true friends.  They are the friends of value.  They are like brothers who stand by.  It is good to be this sort of friend.

Yet in our humanness the bonds of friendship and brotherhood can get stretched to limits that have potential to break and sometimes do.  This is where we need another friend like this:

"...but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother" (Proverbs 18:24NIV).

This friend is Jesus.  Is He your friend?  He can be today.  Accept Him as Savior and Lord of your life.

To those of us who have already become a friend of Jesus, know that He is the type of friend who,

"...will never leave you nor forsake you..." (Deuteronomy 31:8).

That was God saying it to the Israelites.  Jesus tells the disciples the same thing,

"I am with you always, to the end of the age" (Matthew 28:20).

This is reiterated as a reminder in Hebrews 13:5,

"I will never leave you nor forsake you."

This has been made possible through the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ.  As believers in Jesus, we have received His Holy Spirit who indwells each one of us (see Romans 8:11-14).  He's not going away!

We can therefore develop ever closer bonds with Jesus Christ our friend who will never leave nor forsake.  Let us partake of the broken bread and drink of the cup of wine this Lord's Day, keeping this in mind.  Because of all the great things He has done for us and because He will never let us go we can therefore turn to Him in our times of adversity as well as at all other times.  Love this Friend because He first loved you (see 1 John 4:19).  Tell Him everything and anything at all times.

Abba Father, thank You for the Friend we have in Jesus.  He bore so much for us and now He says He will never leave nor forsake us.  He loves us at all times showing that He is not a fair-weather friend.  This is so comforting and endearing.  I'm so grateful.  Thank You again, and again in Jesus my Friend who's not going anywhere's name.  Amen.

                                                   ~ERC  October 2023~

Based on Proverbs 17:17 Torah & Niv.

Sing, Faithful Friend, along with Sunrise Worship.

Friday, October 20, 2023

God's Peace Holds Us

 After receiving peace of heart and mind because we have prayed and given our anxiety to God with thanksgiving, there is something further we can do to solidify that peace of God.  Paul wrote to the Philippians about it.  He told them,

"Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things" (Philippians 4:8-9 NIV).

We can think about a whole slew of issues and things but Paul's recommendations are so much more lofty.  Lofty but not impossible.  With our minds focused on these 'excellent or praiseworthy' virtues, look at the benefits we can receive.

"What ever you have learned or recieved or heard from me, or seen in me - put it into practice.  And the God of peace will be with you" (Philippians 4:9).

Direct your minds to the 'prize' - "the God of peace will be with You".  That is comforting.

Is your child going through surgery or chemo because of a brain tumor?  Is your husband cheating on you?  Have you failed a major exam?  Did a loved one die?  Are you afraid?  Has someone spread false accusations about you and ruined your reputation?

Direct your minds to the 'prize' - "the God of peace will be with You".  That is comforting.

Often, the stresses and distresses of life crowd our thinking.  We need to train our minds to think of what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable and excellent or praiseworthy.

When we feel our minds slipping into anxiety mode, back up again to verse 4 of this chapter 4 and reread through verse 9.  Look what we have in Christ.

Rejoice in the Lord, pray in every situation about anything and everything with thanksgiving and the peace of God will blanket you in so many ways and your anxious, aching hearts and minds will have comfort and peace in Christ Jesus .

Once we've given our overcome hearts and our all to our Heavenly Compassionate Father, we can further the impact of God's peace in our hearts and minds by thinking of all those good things of verse 8.  It will pass all your understanding.

This is wonderful progression for our state of mind.  Let's take God at His word and try it.

Heavenly Compassionate Father, You give and give and give.  What would we do without you?  Thank You for directing our hearts and minds to so many good virtues.  Who is the one who is all those things in perfection but Jesus.  As we meditiate on each virture or aspect You bring our minds and hearts peace.  Thank You that we can go about our day with Your peace, when we take hold thereof and Your peace then holds us.  In Jesus' name I give You thanks.

                                                    ~ERC  October 2023~

Based on Philippians 4:8-9 NIV.

Sing, Peace, along with Bethel Music and Peace, Wonderful Peace along with the Vagle Brothers.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Book Review - The American Wife's Secret - By Chrystyna Lucyk-Berger - Publication Date; 20 October 2023


I cannot say that this book is 'entertaining' because of the horrors of war extenuating from Hitler's mind and described within.   Instead, I'll call it 'fixating'.  Edgar, Kitty, the OSS and others attempt to thwart it at great peril to themselves.   The reading thereof will palpate the heart and probe ones' ethics, in my opinion.  This as it reveals the injustice and brutality on the one hand but thankfullly the kindness of those others willing to put their lives on the line to protect the helpless and foil and frustrate the enemy.

If a reader likes spy and undercover stories, and traitors and betrayers, this is definitely going to keep him or her riveted and turning the pages.  The content could be very disturbing for those faint of heart, I believe.  I'm thankful to realize that despite this being fiction there are still those who would put "love your neighbor" into such harrowing yet persevering action, for you see, some of this story has been based on true-to-life happenings.

In my opinion, the author deserves a 5-Star rating.

                                           ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Book Review - The Amish Matchmakers - By Beth Wiseman - Publication Date: 17 October 2023

 Lots of good humor and belly laughts await the reader.  I loved being able to laugh so often throughout the story!  When the 'Englisch' and Amish ways collide there will be delimmas to overcome.  Interesting to see the dynamics in this novel novel.  Although the narrative leaned towards the Amish and their ways, there was much emphasis placed on the romance from which many of the chuckles and chortles sprung.

I liked the caring ways of Elizabeth and Lizzie and enjoyed the 'secrets' that came out.  Anyone who loves to read about the Amish will no doubt find satisfaction in this read.  Watch out for the matchmakers though!

                                            ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                            July 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy I received from NetGalley and the publisher.  Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. 

Book Review - The Little Books of the Little Brontes - By Sara O'Leary - Publication Date: 17 October 2023


What a fabulous book!  I do believe that any young and budding Bronte fans are sure in for a treat with this reveal of the lives of  the Brontes during their younger years.  The illustrations are really amazing too with so much fine detail portraying the young Brontes, their lives in the great outdoors and how they had cultivated their writing, which eventually built up over the years, pouring into their adult offerings.  

 In my opinion, any young reader who gets their hands on a copy of this book is bound to be inspired to aspire to creating one of their own books.  To help them out, the author has included a step-by-step guide for doing just that, similarly as the Bronte siblings once had done.  So you see, there is extra potential enjoyment here.   I reckon this book is destined to being a keeper and therefore earns a 5-star recommendation from me.

                                            ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                            March 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Peace of Heart & Mind


Last night I was talking with a friend about visiting people I did not know and how exhausting it can be.  A good part of that is because of anxiety build-up.  Number 1, I felt anxious because of fear of getting lost, not knowing the way to the visitee's house, despite Waze.  Number 2, meeting someone new and wondering what am I going to say, what is there to talk about besides small talk?  This may be a welcome 'challenge' to many, but it makes my heart and mind anxious, and therefore, very tired before even leaving home.

This is me reckoning without the following,

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God, and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:6-7 NIV).

My observation of these verses is the "anything" and "everything".  This is all encompassing.  We can have peace in both our hearts and minds when we give our loving, heavenly Father all our anxiety.  Then we can give thanks.

Uh-huh!  That's it in a theorizing nutshell but try putting it into practice!

I should have prayed and received the peace of God before I even made a move out my home door.  We are often silly Christians and don't take God at His Word.  Then we suffer for it instead of receiving peace from Him that will guard our hearts and minds in a way that transcends all comprehension.

This is what we miss out on.  It was what I missed out on.  Actually, the visit was very pleasant once I got there and I left very happy and smiling but still very tired.  Anxiety takes a lot out of a person.

No doubt there are people who have actual emotional difficulties and I do not berate or criticise them.  However, generally speaking, I do believe - obviously more often in theory than in practice - that if and when we put God's Word into practice, giving Him our anxiety in anything and everything, then we will be significantly less prone to living with constant anxiety.  Give it to the Lord and don't take it back.

Father God, You are a peace-of-mind giver but we so often give you only a piece of our anxious mind and then take it back again and so never live in the good of the peace You are so willing to give.  We confess this fault to you.  In time to come may each of Your children remember and instinctively give our 'anything' and 'everything' that disturbs our hearts and minds, to You.

It sounds so peaceful to be able to have Your peace that transcends all understanding, I almost can't believe it.  Nevertheless, You say it so I will believe it and be more conscious to take hold and so guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

Thank You so much for this gift You hold out to us.  It must have helped the Philippian believers so much as they lived through the imminent threats and dangers of persecution.  They had had "little strength" but they had "kept Your word" and did "not deny Your name" or the name of Jesus.

Thank You for their example especially considering their extreme circumstances.

I thank You in Jesus' name.  May Your peace infuse me and my fellow brothers and sisters-in-Christ as I and they, give You all our anxiety.


                                               ~ERC  October 2023~

Based on Philippians 4:6-7 NIV.

Sing, Peace, along with Bethel music.

Sunday, October 15, 2023



We are often so tired and weary.  Physically, we just want to crash.  Sleep.  Rest.  Sometimes it's because our souls are all tuckered out.  When we are down, our Jesus can lift us up and refresh our souls.  His invitation is very inviting.  Do RSVP.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humle in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my buredn is light" (Matthew 11:28-30 NIV) [emphasis mine].

Those are Jesus' words.

This invitation appears to go beyond just being commiserated with; beyond just sympathizing with; there is empathy and relief.  And oh joy, rest.  That which weighs us down, all these burdens, our Jesus wants to take the load and walk with us - together - with Him.  There will be no disappointments because His promises are sure, and He says, "I will give you rest" and "You will find rest".    

Rest in His love.

These are highlights I see for today.  This rest is for all - there's no discrimination.  When the all are "weary and burdened" the "all" will find their soul's rest in Jesus.  How sweet that sounds!

Most wedding invitations have 'RSVP' written on them.  (This means, 'respondez s'il vous plait aka please respond; i.e. with ''Yes, I'm attending" or "No, sorry, I can't make it").

Similarly, with the offer of this rest invitation it needs our personal response.  Don't let yourself go down and down with life's burdens.  Let Jesus share them or rather, take them.  Give them all to Him and so find your rest.

The 'if' or onus is on the individual to accept or reject.  However, when we 'let go and let Jesus,' your soul will find rest.

Do RSVP today.

Jesus friend unfailing, Your offer of rest for my soul is so inviting.  I give You my weariness, my burdens (name them specifically), laying them at Your feet.  Thank You for sharing all this heavy load with me.  I rest in You and Your gentle, humble and easy ways.  I want to be yoked to You so I can learn from You.

Thank You for this rest for my soul.  In Your name Lord Jesus, I give my grateful thanks.

                                                    ~ERC  October 2023~

Based on Matthew 11:28-30 NIV.

Sing, Come Unto Jesus, along with Keith and Kristyn Getty.

Lord's Day Devotion - Fragrant Offering, Acceptable Sacrifice


Many people make sacrifices of all kinds throughout their lifetime.  The Philippians, collectively as a church, made sacrifices too.  Paul told them that 'the aid' they sent was,

"...a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God" (Philippians 4:18).

The sacrifices the Philippians had made were "acceptable to God."  They had been aid, gifts for Paul when he had had a 'poor' time (see Philippians 4:11-13).

Paul must have been in considerable straights.  But he served the Lord faithfully and responsibly.  The Philippians had been recipients of his efforts.  They were not so well off themselves especially living through times of persecution.  Yet, their hearts were motivated to help Paul.  Paul thanks them, adding,

"And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:19).

These are not glibly stated.  God uses all sorts of ways to supply believers' needs.  He often moves His children to help His other children.  We just need to have open, willing ears and hearts.  These 'sacrifices' are "fragrant offerings and acceptable sacrifices" to God, and for those in need and for those who actively further God's Kingdom.

Jesus, God's own one and only Son is just such a sacrifice.  He's the perfect, willing sacrifice given for the sake of all those who believe in Him for their salvation.

God was pleased with Jesus' sacrifice.  Jesus coming to Earth in human form was the initial sacrifice.  Jesus being baptised to show mankind what is good and acceptable.  Having to be baptized connotes one must have done wrong, needed to repent and start on a new and better path.   This in and of itself, was a humbling act of sacrifice for Jesus.  He who is sinless and blameless, had to 'sacrifice' this reputation.  Stark, isn't it!

The Gospels recorded God's voice affirming Jesus, though.  God said,

"You are my Son, whom I love; with Him I am well-pleased" (Matthew 3:17; Mark 1:11).

In Old Testament Jewish worship, it is noted that the fragrance of the peoples' sacrifices were offerings and created "sweet-smelling fragrance" (see Exodus 30:34-38; 29:18; Leviticus 1:4, 13, 31).  Some term the burnt offerings and peace offerings of the Old Testament worship, "The Sweet-Savor Offerings".

Jesus' sacrifice was just such a "sweet-savor offering" to His Father.  He willingly went to the cross on our behalf according to His Father's will (see Hosea 14:5-6).  He came to

 "heal our waywardness.." 

and so there was 

"fragrance like a cedar," 

a pleasing aroma to God.

In the epistle to the Ephesians, Paul told them to "live a life of love" like Christ had.

"...Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God" (Ephesians 5:1-2).

God supplied our need - the need for a Savior with a "sweet-smelling savor".  Jesus was our perfect "fragrant offering and acceptable sacrifice".

"To God and Father be glory for ever and ever" (Philippians 4:20).

We can now live a life of similar sacrifice.  Let's let our aroma be pleasing to God.  Be reminded of what Christ has done for us in coming to Earth, living an obedient, willing life of sacrifice and then being our sacrificial Lamb of God, giving His life for ours.

Remember all of that this Lord's Day while partaking of the broken bread and drinking from the cup of wine - symbols of Jesus' sacrifice for us.

Give thanks and praise Him.

Lord Jesus, thank You for being our willing, obedient sacrifice.  Surely, you were the most fragrant of sweet-smelling offerings to God Your Father.  He was so satisfied and pleased by You.  It is sweet to me and to many of my brothers and sisters-in-Christ too.

Thank You for Your Holy Spirit who helps us to live similarly as did the Philippian believers.  The actions stemming from their faith in You was a "fragrant offering, acceptable sacrifice" to Paul but likely also to You.

You have done so much for us.  We thank You from the bottoms of our hearts.  We give You our praise.

                                              ~ ERC  October 2023 ~

Based on Philippians 4:14-20; especially vs 18-19.

Sing, It's Your Blood, along with Vineyard.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Evident Gentleness

 Another of Paul's exhortations to the Philippians was,

"Let your gentleness be evident to all" (Philippians 4:5 NIV).

"Gentleness to all" may not be in our books of how to treat others.  The "all" could be a stickler because not "all" are to our liking.  Yet that is what Paul exhorted.

With chagrin, we have to take this exhortation to heart too, today.  I, for one, bristle when that "all" is repeated to me.  How do you feel about it?  Yet there it is for us all to contend with in our minds and hearts.

"Gentleness" may not flow from our natural character, however, thanks be to God, it is a characteristic of the fruit of the Holy Spirit within each one of us followers of Jesus Christ so we really have no excuse not to produce gentleness; thus the chagrin.

When I read the verse (Philippians 4:5) it straight away reminded me of,

"Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry" (James 1:19 NIV).

Emphasis on the last phrase, "slow to become angry".  When we take time out to listen, truly listen, to others speak, then perhaps we will become less prone to anger and exude greater gentleness in our words and actions.

Let's exhort ourselves and so make our gentleness evident as we reach out in love, kindness and sincerity to our "neighbor"... yes, all of them.

Father God, in You we put our hope, trust and confidence.  From You comes all good things.  You gave us Jesus and as followers of Him, we have Your Holy Spirit within.  Thank You for all these good and perfect gifts.

We, Your children, confess our many faults and wrongs to you.  Today we especially want to mention our slowness to listen, our quickness to anger and our behavior that is not gentle.  We are sorry Father for all these things.

In Your graciousness we know we have Your forgiveness yet, as Jesus once told one lady, "Go and sin no more" (see John 8:11), we must follow suit.  Thank You that Your Holy Spirit can convict us on these points.  May our hearts become tender and obedient to doing Your will so that the gentleness that pleases You and comes from Your Holy Spirit, will be evident to all in our day-to-day Christian living.

In all we do, we wish to honor You.  We praise, pray and petition in Jesus' most precious name.

                                                 ~ERC  October 2023~

Based on Philippians 4:5 NIV.

Sing, Let Your Gentleness, along with Memorize Scipture.

Rejoice Always and Again


How is it even possible?  Living in a crooked and depraved generation, how do you expect children of God to do this...

"Rejoice in the Lord always" (Philippians 4:4)?

And Paul doesn't say that once.  He said, 

"I will say it again:  Rejoice!" ( Philippians 4:4).

Paul seems to be saying here that the ability to rejoice comes from rejoicing in the Lord.

This reminds me of Peter who asked Jesus to let him walk to Him on the water.  Jesus granted that wish and Peter stepped out of that fishing boat with conficence and trust in Jesus.

But the 'crooked and depraved' waves and billows distracted him.  He took his eyes off Jesus and he began to sink.  He quickly and in desparation, cried out to Jesus to save him (see Matthew 14:22-33).  No doubt his heart rejoiced in a jiffy then in Jesus who reached out and immediately saved him and got them into the boat.

If you reread through the whole epistle to the Philippians you will rejoice to see Paul's directives to focus on Christ and his mission to preach the gospel and to sincere Christian living.  Always you see expressions such as "consider loss for Christ;" "comes through Jesus Christ," "until the day of Christ Jesus," "on behalf of Christ," "same attitude as Christ Jesus," "stand firm in the Lord" and so many more.

When we turn our eyes, hearts and minds away from the "crooked and depraved generation" (see Philippians 2:15) and look to Christ, instead, we will be able to "rejoice in the Lord" and do this "always," again and again.  Seems their generation was not much different than ours nowadays, so we've no excuse not to rejoice.

Like Peter, know to cry out to Jesus when you realize your focus gets misplaced.  Turn your eyes to Jesus and rejoice in Him despite all the waves and billows.

Lord Jesus Christ, thank You we can put our hope and confidence in you to ride above the storms of life; the persecution and humiliations foisted upon us as we travel through life.  Thank You  for being there for us, always.  Help us to turn our eyes upon You alone and to "rejoice in the Lord" despite the crookedness and depravity of our generation.  

In Your name Lord Jesus we give you praise.

                                                          ~ERC  October 2023~

Based on Philippians 4:4 NIV

Sing, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, along with Reawaken Hynmns.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Book Review - Blackshirt Conspiracy - By Jason Monaghn - Publication Date: 10 October 2023


Tense mood throughout, never knowing whom to trust or whom not to.  The reader really better watch their back right along with Commander Clifton and his Room Z cohorts.  Although this is historical fiction it seems some 'writer's license has liberated some of it but not to worry, it is interesting and even amusing in parts despite the ominous atmosphere.  

I did find some parts a bit draggy but British folks may well understand the story more fully, I think, as the time frame and setting is the King Edward VIII era with his would-be frowned upon marriage and subsequent abdication, coupled with the 'bogeymen' of facists, communists Russians, and Jews.

                                             ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                         September 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.