Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Prayer - Keeping to the Truth


Father God
, I praise You for giving us Your Word through the prophets and kings of the Old Testament and of  Your disciples-cum-apostles of the New Testament.  We have Your word and Your Word is Truth.

You love the truth.  So do I.

Jesus is the Truth.

Thank you for Jesus.

Thank you for the salvation You provided for mankind.

Thank you for Your Word.

Thank you for your Holy Spirit,

who helps keep us from sinning when we listen to Your truth.

May we love Your truth and Word, value it so much that we, Your children, will contend and defend your truth at all times, especially when false teachers creep in distorting the truth (Jude 1:3-4).

Help us to keep them from creeping in, in the first place.  May we take delight in reading, meditating upon and being so familiar with Your Words of Truth, that we will be able, with Holy Spirit help to be good detectives, detecting the lies.

I ask in Jesus' name, amen.

                                              ~ERC  July 2023~

Based on Jude 1:3-4 and from prayer book 23/7/23.

Sing, Your Word is True, along with Nathan Taylor.

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