Sunday, August 20, 2023

Lord's Day Devotion - Prayer - No More Condemnation


Father God, thank you that you no longer condemn those of us who have put our trust in Jesus.  Instead you say, "NOT GUILTY!" since you have made us righteous in your sight the moment we accepted your gift of salvation through Jesus Christ and His shed blood.  Now, no more condemnation hovers above our head.  The burden has been lifted at Calvary.  Blessed be Thou, Oh Father God.  Blessed be Your Son Jesus for His sacrifice.

All praise, glory and honor belong to You.  Such good news for all mankind.  Your love goes out, encompassing one and all.  We can never ever be separated now from your love.

No more shame, guilt or condemantion.  It is all covered by the blood of Jesus and Your righteousness, come to us through Him.  Savior we praise you.  Thank you for freedom we have in Christ through You who have loved us since before time immemorial.

God of ages past Your love is the same, constant as it was yesterday.  We have it today and know we will have it forever.  There will be no separation not even in ages to come.

Praise the Savior, all of you who know Him!  

So we  partake of the broken bread, and drink from the cup of wine, symbolizing your death and resurrection for us when Jesus conquered sin, death, Satan and hell, taking the punishment for our sins on the cross.  Suffering the sentence that should have been ours.  Your righteousness then became ours.  This Lord's Day we will rejoice that we no longer are condemned, but saved by grace to live for you.

We owe you so much, Father, as we go forth to live for you, serving you from our grateful hearts in obedience to Your Word, will and ways.  So help us God.

We ask and praise you in Jesus' most precious name, amen.

                                                    ~ERC  July 2023~

Based on Romans 8:1-3.

Sing, When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, along with Keith & Kristyin Getty and Burdens are Lifted at Calvary, along with the Gaithers and Ladye Love Smith.

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