Sunday, August 6, 2023

Lord's Day Devotion - Light of Life


The Philistines had seized David in Gath (see Psalm 56).  That must have been terrorizing and even humiliating.  The warrior and escape artist David, got caught.  But David trusted in God despite what mortal man would do to him.  He even invited God to use His anger to bring down these enemies.

By stark contrast, when Jesus was seized by the Jewish religious leaders of His day, He opened not His mouth in His own defense (see Isaiah 53:7).  In fact, on the cross He asked His Father,

 "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34).

This is our God.  This is our Jesus, our Savior.  In love He came our souls to win.  We can be forever grateful and give Him thanks and praise.  Jesus trusted God His Father.  He was merciful to us and His Son completed the work set for Him to do on our behalf to win us salvation.

People may condemn us while Satan, God's enemy, joins in.  But God's Word says,

 "There is now no condematnion to those who are in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1-3).
Despite the agony and humiliation Jesus suffered on our behalf, God delivered Jesus and up from the grave He came, so that you and I, brothers and sister-in-Christ, 

"may walk before God in the light of life" (Psalm 56:13)

even as David did.  Let us trust the one who died for us bringing us salvation.

Think on it this Lord's Day as you pass the bread to one another, partaking of it.  Ponder some more as you pass the cup from one to another.  Drink of the wine with joy in remembrance of all our Savior Jesus has done for you.

Go forth rejoicing, trusting and walking in the "Light of Life" (Psalm 56:13).

                                                 ~ERC  August 2023~

Based on Psalm 56.

Sing, No Condemnation, along with Hosanna Music.

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